Teaching Constructivist Science, K-8

Nurturing Natural Investigators in the Standards-Based Classroom

Invite young minds to engage in meaningful, standards-based science!

This reader-friendly book provides the perfect method for teaching science in ways that make sense to students. The authors show teachers how to use science content standards, practical applications, and teaching strategies and activities to help students construct their knowledge by combining prior understandings and new learning experiences. Special features include:

  • Classic and new ideas for student activities 
  • A resource list for building a science-friendly environment 
  • Learning experiences aligned to national science standards 
  • Discussion questions for teacher study groups

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-8
  • ISBN: 9781412925754
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2007
  • Page Count: 248
  • Publication date: February 22, 2007
Price: $94.95
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Invite young minds to engage in meaningful, standards-based science!

Good teachers know that science is more than just a collection of facts in a textbook and that teaching science goes beyond the mere transmission of information. Actively engaging students in the learning process is critical to building their knowledge base, assessing progress, and meeting science standards. Teaching Constructivist Science, K–8 shows teachers how to transform students' natural curiosity into dynamic learning opportunities. By helping students construct new knowledge using the understandings they bring to the classroom, teachers can make the most of instruction and new learning experiences. With practical applications, teaching strategies, activities, and assessment tools, this reader-friendly book demonstrates how to teach student-ready, standards-based science.

Teachers will be able to use:

  • Classic and new activities to teach big ideas with basic materials
  • An interview approach for uncovering student misunderstandings that block new learning
  • A rich resource list for finding materials and organizations
  • Guidelines for building a science-friendly environment
  • Sample lessons and learning experiences aligned to national science standards
  • Discussion questions for teacher study groups in each chapter

For both experienced and novice teachers, this accessible resource provides the perfect method to teach science in sound ways that make sense to students.

Key features

  • Original activities enrich teaching and learning
  • Constructivist theory connects to practical lesson planning and teaching
  • Learning experiences align to national science standards
  • Resource list provides guide for building science friendly environment
  • Special strategies support special education students and ELLs


Michael L. Bentley

Michael Bentley is an Associate Professor of Science Education at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, where he teaches courses in environmental education and methods of teaching K-8 science. He has written science books for young readers as well as curriculum materials and numerous professional articles and chapters in books. He has also been involved with the creation of several innovative schools and has been an officer on two school boards. Bentley’s interests include teacher education, the public understanding of science, curriculum studies and international education, and the history, philosophy, and sociology of science as applied to science education.
Edward S. Ebert II photo

Edward S. Ebert II

Edward S. Ebert, II is Professor Emeritus of Education at Coker College in Hartsville, South Carolina and an award winning educator. With a degree in Psychological Foundations of Education, he has taught courses in educational psychology, elementary science methods, child development, classroom management, assessment, and creative problem solving. He as written a dozen books, including elementary science methods (Teaching Constructivist Science, K-8/Corwin Press), creative thinking and science teaching, introduction to education, classroom pragmatics: management and assessment (The Educator's Field Guide/Corwin Press), and an examination of public education in the American culture. Ebert has given numerous presentations nationally and internationally, and has taught science education and educational psychology for a semester at Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, P.R. China. He now resides in Wellfleet, MA, where he continues to publish educational materials and serves on a regional school board.
Christine Ebert photo

Christine Ebert

Christine Ebert is Associate Provost, Dean of the Graduate School, and Professor of Science Education at the University of South Carolina. Her work in science education focuses on conceptual change and development in students' understanding of science principles. In addition she has taught courses in thinking and reasoning, and is extensively involved with collaboration between elementary schools and the university. Ebert serves regularly as a program evaluator for national federally funded science initiatives. She has co-authored three other books related to science education and conceptual development. Ebert has presented her work on science education and creative thinking at conferences across the country and around the world.

Table of Contents

List of Figures

List of Tables

List of Activities

About the Authors



Part I. Foundations for Teaching Science

1. The World of the Scientist and the Nature of Science

2. The Content of K-8 Science

3. Characteristics of the Science Learner: Development in Childhood and Adolescence

Part II. Teaching Children Science: Approaches and Strategies

4. Developing the Classroom Curriculum

5. Engaging Students in Inquiry: Skills and Investigative Techniques

6. Designing Science Lessons for All: Differentiating Instruction

7. Making Real-World Connections

Part III. Planning, Management, Assessment, and Resources

8. Nuts and Bolts: Organizing and Managing the Classroom for Inquiry

9. Assessment and Evaluation

10. A Compendium of Resources

A Professional Development Bibliography




Other Titles in: Science | Learning Styles

Price: $94.95
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