Teachers DO Make a Difference

The Teacher’s Guide to Connecting With Students
By: Judith A. Deiro

Foreword by Bonnie Benard

Teachers make a difference not only in what their students learn about content, but in what they learn about life!

Closing the achievement gap and creating high-performing schools depends not on what we teach but how we teach. The most effective way teachers can help students overcome negative influences in their environment is by developing close and caring connections with them. Deiro gives teachers strategies, guidelines, and real-life examples of how to build close and trusting teacher-student relationships. This important new resource covers key topics including:

  • Setting high expectations for students
  • Conveying confidence in student capabilities
  • Creating classroom rituals and traditions
  • Networking with family and community
  • Communicating appropriate caring and respect in the classroom

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781412906548
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2004
  • Page Count: 152
  • Publication date: December 22, 2014
Price: $32.95
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Teachers make a difference not only in what their students learn about content, but in what they learn about life!

Closing the achievement gap and creating high-performing schools depends not on what we teach but how we teach. The most powerful and effective way teachers can help students overcome negative influences in their environment as well as succeed in becoming their best selves is by developing close and caring connections with them.

Developing quality relationships with students is key to their healthy development. Teachers DO Make a Difference gives teachers strategies, guidelines, and real-life examples of how to build and enrich close and trusting teacher-student relationships. This important new resource covers key topics including:

  • Setting high expectations for students
  • Conveying confidence in student capabilities
  • Creating classroom rituals and traditions
  • Networking with family and community
  • Developing strong interpersonal skills
  • Identifying relational resources
  • Communicating appropriate caring and respect in the classroom

Healthy connections with teachers are associated with a decrease in behavioral problems and an increase in social and academic skills. The relationships we develop with our students are at the heart of how we make a difference.

Key features

  • Blends teaching skills with classroom management, student motivation, psychology, emotional intelligence, and school / community relationships
  • Theory-into-practice approach includes practical strategies, questionnaires and self-assessments, checklists, figures, reproducibles, and an extensive bibliography
  • Each chapter begins with a real teacher voice and teacher voices recur throughout the text
  • Designed for staff development workshops


Judith A. Deiro photo

Judith A. Deiro

Judy Deiro, Ph.D., has been a full-time faculty member at Western Washington University since Fall, 1997. In her 40+year career, she has worked as a teacher, counselor, and education consultant. Some positions she has occupied include vocational rehabilitation counselor, state women’s prison counselor, chemical dependency counselor, and full-time postsecondary teacher and counselor. As a consultant, she has given numerous presentations nationwide and internationally on healthy teaching and parenting strategies for the prevention of high-risk behaviors. Judy’s passion is for facilitating healthy understanding and collaboration between human services and education in order to promote student success.

Judy is a recipient of the Washington State Chemical Dependency Educator of the Year’s Award, the Washington State Exemplary Women in Community College’s Award, and the Whatcom Community College Full-Time Faculty Excellence Award. She also has been awarded Who’s Who in America by the Marquis Board of Publications.

Table of Contents



About the Author

1. Our Changing Roles as Teachers

Changing Student Needs and the Teacher's Role

Having Healthy Connections With Young People Is Key to Their Healthy Development

Meeting Our Students' Needs: The Caring Teacher

Central Concerns for Caring Teachers

2. Making Healthy Connections With Students

What We Do To Make a Difference

How I Did the Study

Meet the Teachers

Different Ways We Can Make Healthy Connections With Students

Creating One-to-One Time with Students

Using Appropriate Self-Disclosure

Having High Expectations of Students While Conveying a Belief in Their Capabilities

Networking with Family and Friends

Building a Sense of Community Among Students

Providing Rituals and Traditions

Summary of the Ways To Create Healthy Connections with Students

3. Communicating to Our Students That We Care

Treating Students with Dignity and Respect

The Ways We Show Respect to Students

How Students Respond to Respectful Treatment

Summary of How We Communicate Caring

4. What It Takes to Revitalize Ourselves

How We Can Revitalize Ourselves

Feeling Competent Generates Emotional Rewards

Beliefs About the Role of Teacher and Teaching

Personal Qualities That Enhance Connecting With Students

Common Interpersonal Skills and Relational Resources that Enhance Connecting with Students

Support of Family, Friends, and Professionals

Summary of What It Takes to Revitalize Ourselves

5. Yeah, I Hear You, But...

The Good News

Responses to Concerns

Concluding Thoughts





Price: $32.95
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