Succeeding With Struggling Students

A Planning Resource for Raising Achievement
By: Marti Richardson

Foreword by Max Thompson

The ideal framework to ensure successful achievement for underachieving students!

Marti Richardson offers an innovative, classroom-tested program with planning tools to customize it for any school or district's data-based needs. This practical resource presents a summer reading lab for teachers who work with underachievers, combining immediate classroom practice with research-based interventions to benefit struggling students. With an easy-to-understand framework, the program is adaptable for reading as well as other content area instruction and provides:

  • Essential questions and templates for administrators
  • Scaffolding for a successful school or district blueprint
  • Tools and strategies for planning and implementation
  • Links for professional development

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-12
  • ISBN: 9781412944632
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2006
  • Page Count: 248
  • Publication date: October 19, 2006
Price: $42.95
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"A superb resource, Succeeding With Struggling Students brings innovative ideas and a sense of urgency. Richardson shows what is possible when educators fully commit to high levels of learning for all students and take bold, innovative actions to make success a reality."
—Dennis Sparks, Executive Director, National Staff Development Council

The ideal framework to promote successful achievement for underachieving students!

Schools today are working harder than ever to help ensure that all children can learn and achieve high standards. Marti Richardson, a recognized leader in professional and curriculum development, delivers an innovative, classroom-tested program with planning tools to customize it for any school or district's data-based needs.

Designed around a "Learn-It-Teach-It" cycle, the program combines research-based interventions and immediate classroom practice for teachers. Strategies for "preview" instead of "review" instruction move struggling students beyond cycles of repetition, and scaffold learning to help them learn alongside their peers. With an easy-to-understand framework, the program's flexibility makes it adaptable not only for reading but also for other content area instruction. This highly motivational guide provides:

  • Essential questions and templates for administrators
  • Scaffolding for a successful school or district blueprint
  • Tools and strategies for planning and implementation
  • Research-based interventions
  • Links for professional development

With a unique approach that can be adopted or adapted, Succeeding With Struggling Students helps underachievers hold on to the previous school year's learning as well as gain ground to put them ahead and prepare them for new learning. This book gives educators the tools needed to implement the process from print to plan!

Key features

  • Grounded in research
  • Describes in detail a successful program model
  • Unique approach can be adapted or adopted
  • Provides tools for planning and implementation
  • Essential questions and templates scaffold construction of a unique school or district blueprint
  • Rubric for assessing results provides data
  • Links professional development and student interventions

    Table of Contents



    The Genesis of the Book

    A Fresh Approach to Thinking


    A Sequential Model for Program Planning: Organization and Content


    About the Author

    1. Laying the Foundation: Indentifying Needs

    Meet William

    The Achievement Gap

    William's District

    Addressing the Problem

    Making It "Live" for You: A Planning Template

    2. Planning How We Got There

    Paving the Way: Preparing to Develop the Model

    Developing the Model

    Making It "Live" for You: A Planning Template

    3. Selecting Educators: The Quest for Excellence

    A Results-Based Selection Process

    A Student-Focused Outcome

    Articulating the Selection Process: Why It Is Important

    What Teachers Should Know and Be Able to Do

    Assessment Tools to Ensure Quality in the Selection Process

    Making It "Live" for You: A Planning Template

    4. Developing a Purpose-Driven Curriculum

    Acquiring Knowledge

    Planning the Curriculum

    Organizing and Categorizing the Questions

    Developing a "Question Wheel"

    Characteristics of a Preview Curriculum

    Planning Elements

    Making It "Live" for You: A Planning Template

    5. Value-Added Instruction

    Instructional Effectiveness

    Making Critical Decisions

    Analyzing the Critical Decisions

    The Acquisition Lesson

    Making It "Live" for You: A Planning Template

    6. Professional Development for Student Learning

    Finding the Key to Success

    Setting the Standard for Professional Learning in the Program

    Student Success and the Standards

    The PLP and the Professional Growth Design

    The Role of the Administrator and Coach

    Lab-Based Staff Development

    Staff Development Agendas


    Evaluating Professional Development

    Expected Outcomes for Staff Development

    Making It "Live" for You: A Planning Template

    7. Assessing for Effectiveness: Evaluating Quality

    Establishing the Evaluation Framework

    Evaluating the Journey

    Amplifying Formative Assessment Tools

    Assessing as Staff Development

    Appraising, Judging, and Measuring Value

    Evaluation Design

    Summative Evaluation

    Evaluation Results

    Expanding the Concept

    Making It "Live" for You: A Planning Template

    8. Summary: Exceeding Expectations

    William Today

    Moving Forward: Glacing Back

    Our Challenge

    Making It "Live" for You: A Planning Template

    Appendix A: Evaluation Results

    Appendix B: Expanding the Concept

    Appendix C: Glossary





    Price: $42.95
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