Succeeding With Struggling Students
A Planning Resource for Raising Achievement
Foreword by Max Thompson
The ideal framework to ensure successful achievement for underachieving students!
Marti Richardson offers an innovative, classroom-tested program with planning tools to customize it for any school or district's data-based needs. This practical resource presents a summer reading lab for teachers who work with underachievers, combining immediate classroom practice with research-based interventions to benefit struggling students. With an easy-to-understand framework, the program is adaptable for reading as well as other content area instruction and provides:
- Essential questions and templates for administrators
- Scaffolding for a successful school or district blueprint
- Tools and strategies for planning and implementation
- Links for professional development
Product Details
- Grade Level: K-12
- ISBN: 9781412944632
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2006
- Page Count: 248
- Publication date: October 19, 2006
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