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Strategies for Teaching Whole Number Computation
Using Error Analysis for Intervention and Assessment
A proven approach to mathematics teaching that adds up to student success!
This comprehensive resource helps elementary teachers uncover the misconceptions behind students' errors and help students understand and correct their own mistakes. The text's interventions for each error pattern promote teaching for conceptual understanding and are supported by documented academic research. Included are units for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, each containing:
- A diagnostic test in a multiple-choice format
- An item analysis table that correlates incorrect test responses with student error patterns
- A detailed section of supporting intervention activities to address specific types of errors
- Practice exercises for students
- Open-ended reflection questions for teachers
Product Details
- Grade Level: 2-5
- ISBN: 9781412981064
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2010
- Page Count: 224
- Publication date: April 10, 2014
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