Service Learning in Grades K-8

Experiential Learning That Builds Character and Motivation
By: Kate Thomsen

Foreword by Shelley Billig

The author examines the beneficial effects of service learning, explores different types of service learning projects, and explains how to start a successful program. Rather than prescribe one way to implement this approach, Thomsen offers a comprehensive research base, practical and logistical information, and descriptions of varied programs in order to help educators adapt this strategy to their own students' needs. This informative and inspirational text includes:

  • The basics for getting started
  • Examples of curriculum-based and community-based programs
  • Key features of quality projects
  • Examples of teambuilding and reflection activities
  • Research documenting the benefits of service learning

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-8
  • ISBN: 9781412913430
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2005
  • Page Count: 168
  • Publication date: April 02, 2014
Price: $39.95
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"Teachers and site administrators will find their "how" and "why" questions answered in this inspirational and motivational book."
-Neal A. Glasgow, Educator/Author

"Thomsen's explanations and examples of service learning show us that students can engage in higher and more complex thinking skills while they serve others, address learning standards, meet the expectations of the curriculum and-oh, by the way-find out that school can be fun!"
-Dr. Richard Castallo, Chair
Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies
California State University Northridge

"Service Learningin Grades K-8 is a compelling work which addresses a universal need often overlooked in school curricula-the need to practice compassion and generosity. Kate Thomsen provides educators with a practical handbook for teaching wisdom and empathy along with math, language arts, social studies, and science."
-Lauri Pepe Bousquet, MS, CAS, Professor of Education
LeMoyne College, Syracuse

Improve academic, social, and citizenship skills in all students!

Designed to inform and inspire, Service Learning in Grades K-8: Experiential Learning That Builds Character and Motivation, examines the beneficial effects of service learning, explores different types of service learning projects, and explains how to start a successful program. Author Kate Thomsen offers a comprehensive research base, practical and logistical information, and descriptions of varied programs in order to help teachers adapt this strategy to their own students' needs and interests.

Thomsen's practical text includes:

  • The basics for getting started
  • Examples of both curriculum-based and community-based programs
  • Key features of quality projects
  • Specific examples of teambuilding and reflection activities
  • Research documenting the benefits of service learning

Service learning is a powerful educational tool for all students because it directly connects course content to relevant community issues, links to academic standards, engages multiple learning styles, and develops social-emotional attributes.


Kate Thomsen photo

Kate Thomsen

Kate Thomsen is the Supervisor of Special Programs for Onondaga-Cortland-Madison Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES), Syracuse, New York. She is also an Adjunct Instructor at Syracuse Univer­sity’s Graduate School of Education and Counseling. As part of her responsibilities, she supervises the programs of 40 coun­ selors in a school-based drug and alcohol abuse prevention program. She frequently offers workshops on resiliency and related topics. Kate is cofounder and cochair of a local coali­tion, Prevention Partners for Youth Development, which works to integrate youth development principles, especially resiliency and asset development, into all youth services in Onondaga County. A secondary English teacher with a master’s degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from Syracuse University and a CAS in Educational Administration from State University of New York at Oswego, she has spent her career working in both school and community agency settings. She draws on this experience to offer many ideas and examples for building resiliency in youth.

Table of Contents



About the Author

1. The Power of Service Learning

2. Research Into Practice

3. Turning Service Into Service Learning

4. Laying the Groundwork for Service Learning

5. Teambuilding and Reflection

6. Service-Learning Projects That Put Learning First

7. Service-Learning Projects That Put Service First

8. Sustaining Service Learning Efforts

9. Service Learning: What, So What, and Now What?

Appendix: Online Resources




Price: $39.95
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