Service Learning in Grades K-8
Foreword by Shelley Billig
The author examines the beneficial effects of service learning, explores different types of service learning projects, and explains how to start a successful program. Rather than prescribe one way to implement this approach, Thomsen offers a comprehensive research base, practical and logistical information, and descriptions of varied programs in order to help educators adapt this strategy to their own students' needs. This informative and inspirational text includes:
- The basics for getting started
- Examples of curriculum-based and community-based programs
- Key features of quality projects
- Examples of teambuilding and reflection activities
- Research documenting the benefits of service learning
- Grade Level: K-8
- ISBN: 9781412913430
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2005
- Page Count: 168
- Publication date: April 02, 2014
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Other Titles in: Administration & Leadership | Differentiation & Multiple Intelligences | Learning Styles