Secondary Teacher Induction Kit (2006/2007)

Product Details
  • Grade Level: 6-12
  • ISBN: 9781412950497
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2006
  • Page Count: 0
  • Publication date: September 01, 2006
Price: $136.95
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Updated for 2006/2007!

This collection of key books will help you deal effectively with the challenges of teaching high school students.

The Secondary Teacher Induction Kit contains 5 must-have resources filled with strategies and guidelines for successful instruction:

Raising Reading Achievement in Middle and High Schools
Five Simple-to-Follow Strategies

Second Edition
This second edition enhances the "five big ideas" for raising reading achievement with seven cognitive strategies and more than twenty "teaching for learning" tips for daily instruction.
Raising Reading Achievement in Middle and High Schools, Second Edition

Common-Sense Classroom Management for Middle and High School Teachers
Covering more than 65 best practices for managing the typical school day, the authors use a straightforward format that features five steps or fewer for each strategy.
Common-Sense Classroom Management for Middle and High School Teachers

Differentiating the High School Classroom
Solution Strategies for 18 Common Obstacles

This guide illustrates solutions in action with examples, scenarios, and practice assignments to help teachers differentiate content, process, assignments, and assessments in high school classrooms.
Differentiating the High School Classroom

Engaging 'Tweens and Teens
A Brain-Compatible Approach to Reaching Middle and High School Students

You will gain a solid understanding of the basic neurobiology behind adolescent behaviors and also invigorate your teaching practices using music, movement, and brain-based activities.
Engaging 'Tweens and Teens

Secrets for Secondary School Teachers
How to Succeed in Your First Year
Second Edition
Packed with practical strategies, tips, and techniques from experienced teachers to simplify and organize your workload, reduce stress, and build success during your first teaching year.
Secrets for Secondary School Teachers, Second Edition

Save over $31 off the individually priced books. Get all 5 books for $124.95!

The books are presented as a boxed kit. Free U.S. Shipping when you order online!


Elaine K. McEwan-Adkins photo

Elaine K. McEwan-Adkins

Elaine K. McEwan is an educational consultant with The McEwan-Adkins Group, offering professional development for educators to assist them in meeting the challenges of literacy learning in Grades Pre K-6. A former teacher, librarian, principal, and assistant superintendent for instruction in several suburban Chicago school districts, Elaine is the award-winning and best-selling author of more than three dozen books for educators. Her Corwin Press titles include Raising Reading Achievement in Middle and High Schools: Five Simple-to-Follow Strategies for Principals, Second Edition (2006), Seven Strategies of Highly Effective Readers: Using Cognitive Research to Boost K-8 Achievement (2004), Ten Traits of Highly Effective Principals: From Good to Great Performance (2003), Making Sense of Research: What’s Good, What’s Not, and How to Tell the Difference (2003), Seven Steps to Effective Instructional Leadership, Second Edition (2003), Teach Them ALL to Read: Catching the Kids Who Fall through the Cracks (2002), and Ten Traits of Highly Effective Teachers: How to Hire, Mentor, and Coach Successful Teachers (2001).

McEwan was honored by the Illinois Principals Association as an outstanding instructional leader, by the Illinois State Board of Education with an Award of Excellence in the Those Who Excel Program, and by the National Association of Elementary School Principals as the National Distinguished Principal from Illinois for 1991. She received her undergraduate degree in education from Wheaton College and advanced degrees in library science (MA) and educational administration (EdD) from Northern Illinois University.
Jill A. Lindberg photo

Jill A. Lindberg

Jill A. Lindbergretired from Milwaukee Public Schools in June 2003 and is currently a supervising teacher for the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Her teaching experience includes six years as a mentor teacher, assisting both general and special educationteachers in Milwaukee Public Schools.She has taught students with specific learning disabilities, students with emotional/behavior disabilities,and students with hearing impairment. She has coauthored five books in the Common-Sense Classroom Management serieswith educators from the Milwaukee area. She has a degree in exceptional education from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Kathie F. Nunley photo

Kathie F. Nunley

Kathie F. Nunley delights teachers from around the world with her practical solutions to the challenges of today’s diverse classrooms. With more than 15 years of high school classroom teaching experience in both urban and suburban schools, she is the developer of the Layered Curriculum method of instruction. Nunley is a noted speaker at state, national, and international conferences and has authored several books and articles on brain biology and teaching in the mixed-ability classroom.
Raleigh T. Philp photo

Raleigh T. Philp

Raleigh Philp has taught at every level of public and private school from grade school through graduate school. Currently, he is a consultant for the California State Department of Education’s health related programs, and an adjunct professor at Pepperdine University, teaching science and health methods courses in the graduate school of education.

Over the last decade, Raleigh has devoted his academic efforts to studying the literature on brain research. He is primarily interested in the application of neuroscience to learning. He is committed to helping educators better understand adolescent brain development so they may focus their instruction to reach students with varied learning methods. Raleigh has presented brain-compatible learning workshops and been a keynote speaker at universities, county offices of education, and school districts throughout California, Maryland, Nevada, New Mexico Idaho, Washington, and Wyoming. He is a past recipient of the California Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching, as well as a Fulbright grant.
Ellen Kottler photo

Ellen Kottler

Ellen Kottler, Ed.S., has been a teacher for over 30 years in public and private schools, alternative schools, adult education programs, and universities. She has worked in inner-city schools as well as in suburban and rural set­tings. She was a curriculum specialist in charge of secondary social studies and law-related education for one of the country’s largest school districts. Ellen is the author or coauthor of several books for educators, including Secrets for Secondary School Teachers: How to Succeed in Your First Year, On Being a Teacher, Secrets for Beginning Elementary School Teachers, Counseling Skills for Teachers, English Language Learners in Your Classroom: Strategies That Work, Secrets to Success for Science Teachers, and Students Who Drive You Crazy: Succeeding with Resistant, Unmotivated, and Otherwise Difficult Young People.

She teaches secondary education and supervises intern teachers at California State University, Fullerton.

Price: $136.95
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