Redefining Smart
This book details a groundbreaking new approach to content delivery and instruction, geared towards maximizing student inquiry, discovery, deep thought, exploration, and creativity.
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9781483358963
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2015
- Page Count: 176
- Publication date: June 17, 2015
Review Copies
Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact
Equip Your Students To Create Their Own Intellectual Destiny!
The best educators are the ones who empower students to ask intelligent questions and persistently seek the answers, stepping in only when necessary.
Fostering rigorous, inquiry-based learning requires consistent systems backed by research and data. And these are precisely what you’ll find in this book, which details:
- A groundbreaking new approach to content delivery and instruction, geared towards maximizing student discovery, deep thought, exploration, and creativity
- Why educators must let go of student IQ as a concept that influences teaching methods in any way
- How to create a protocol-driven environment that fosters deep sharing and reflection
With this book, you can give your students the two greatest gifts possible: Intellectual confidence and a growth mindset.
"An urgent call for redefining educational outcomes and a compelling argument for personalization of education. Markham convincingly explains why education is much more than developing cognitive skills and proposes practical ways to cultivate what matters."
Yong Zhao, Director,
Institute of Global and Online Education, University of Oregon
"This book will resonate with teachers. Joyful learning that engages both heart and brain is not in opposition to today’s rigorous standards. As Markham explains, students will not be prepared to tackle the challenges ahead unless they learn to think, collaborate, communicate, and feel. This book outlines practical steps to create the culture of inquiry that all children deserve."
Suzie Boss
Author of Bringing Innovation to School and Edutopia blogger
Key features
- Guides educators in engaging in inwardly reflective personal growth in order to develop an agile, communicative, collaborative, and creative self as a means to work with and influence others
- A Moving Forward section at the end of each chapter offering educators concrete steps they can take to rethink intelligence, instruction, and their role as educators.
- Reflection Questions for each chapter to encourage educators to stop and think and actively reflect on their current patterns of thinking
- An Afterword offering suggestions and resources for how to become agents of change

Thom Markham
Thom Markham is a psychologist, author, speaker, educator, thought leader, and internationally recognized consultant to schools and districts focused on project based inquiry, 21st century skills, school redesign, and student empowerment. As founder and CEO of PBL Global, he has worked with over 250 schools and districts, and conducted workshops for nearly 6000 teachers across five continents, providing proven methods and resources for designing high quality, challenging, and authentic projects. His previous books include several best-selling books on project based learning, including the Project Based Learning Design and Coaching Guide: Expert tools for innovation and inquiry for K-12 educators, as well as numerous articles on school transformation. He can be contacted through his website,
Table of Contents
Preface: Be the Change You Want to See: Or, Why This Book Is Different
I. Making Children Smarter
1. Be Future-Ready: Entering a Relationship-Driven World
2. Let Go of IQ: Why Beliefs Limit Intelligence
3. Follow the Child: The "It" Factor
4. Reconnect Heart and Brain: Why Love Matters
II. Aligning School and Smart
5. Leverage the Power of Care: From Teacher to Mentor
6. Rethink Rigor: Preparing for Deeper Learning
7. Be a Co-Learner: Coaching Intelligent Behaviors
8. Put Thinking First: Teacher as Designer
9. Follow the Gamers: The Creative Mindset
10. Tap the Future of Smart: Making Collaboration the Norm
Afterword: Become an Agent of Change: Twelve East Ways to Contribute to the Conversation
"Every idea in this book is critical for educators: from the idea of a classroom functioning as an ecosystem, to addressing creativity, to encouraging and learning from failure, to the ideas of collaboration."Melissa Weatherwax, Elementary Teacher
Poestenkill Elementary School, Poestenkill, NY
"An urgent call for redefining educational outcomes and a compelling argument for personalization of education. Markham convincingly explains why education is much more than developing cognitive skills and proposes practical ways to cultivate what matters for life."
Yong Zhao, Ph.D, Presidential Chair, Director"An urgent call for redefining educational outcomes and a compelling argument for personalization of education. Markham convincingly explains why education is much more than developing cognitive skills and proposes practical ways to cultivate what matters for life."
Institute of Global and Online Education University of Oregon
"'Choose courage, over fear'” With these words Thom Markham begins his book, Redefining Smart. He offers a research based educational vision for changing our definition for student success in the 21st Century. The book goes further to offer practical advice, tools, and reflective questions to assist teachers in choosing to have courage to change their practice and student's lives."
Bob Lenz, Executive Director, CEO and founder, Envision Schools"'Choose courage, over fear'” With these words Thom Markham begins his book, Redefining Smart. He offers a research based educational vision for changing our definition for student success in the 21st Century. The book goes further to offer practical advice, tools, and reflective questions to assist teachers in choosing to have courage to change their practice and student's lives."
Buck Institute for Education
"For over twenty years it’s been known that intelligence is far more than one’s IQ, and that a powerful relationship exists between the heart and brain that affects one’s ability to self-regulate and navigate the complexities of life. By integrating the new science of heart intelligence into the conversation about deeper learning, inquiry, and 21st century skills, Thom Markham not only redefines intelligence, he shows that positive emotions hold the key to sustained optimal performance, sharper cognitive functioning, and the kind of heartfelt collaboration and mentoring that inspires young people to become resilient, capable, and open-minded adults. This book points the way to the future of education."
Rollin McCraty, Director of Research"For over twenty years it’s been known that intelligence is far more than one’s IQ, and that a powerful relationship exists between the heart and brain that affects one’s ability to self-regulate and navigate the complexities of life. By integrating the new science of heart intelligence into the conversation about deeper learning, inquiry, and 21st century skills, Thom Markham not only redefines intelligence, he shows that positive emotions hold the key to sustained optimal performance, sharper cognitive functioning, and the kind of heartfelt collaboration and mentoring that inspires young people to become resilient, capable, and open-minded adults. This book points the way to the future of education."
Institute of HeartMath
"In Redefining Smart, Thom Markham makes an urgent call for school change that will resonate with anyone who entered the teaching profession because they care about children. Joyful learning that engages both heart and brain is not a squishy, feel-good idea. Nor is it in opposition to today’s rigorous standards. Indeed, as Markham explains in detail, today’s students will not be prepared to tackle the challenges ahead unless we help them learn to think, collaborate, communicate, and feel. Speaking directly--and respectfully--to teachers, he outlines practical steps to create the culture of inquiry that all children deserve."
Suzie Boss, Author of Bringing Innovation to School and Edutopia blogger"In Redefining Smart, Thom Markham makes an urgent call for school change that will resonate with anyone who entered the teaching profession because they care about children. Joyful learning that engages both heart and brain is not a squishy, feel-good idea. Nor is it in opposition to today’s rigorous standards. Indeed, as Markham explains in detail, today’s students will not be prepared to tackle the challenges ahead unless we help them learn to think, collaborate, communicate, and feel. Speaking directly--and respectfully--to teachers, he outlines practical steps to create the culture of inquiry that all children deserve."
"Dr. Markham offers up smart research and fresh thinking about our most powerful and human way of teaching; inquiry. Written as short, accessible chapters with reflection questions to guide the experience, the overall effect of this multi-course experience is, not surprisingly, a wide smile and full heart. One of the most accessible, thoroughly-researched and empowering books on the transformative power of inquiry-based teaching that I’ve ever read."
Kimberly L. Mitchell, Founder & CEO"Dr. Markham offers up smart research and fresh thinking about our most powerful and human way of teaching; inquiry. Written as short, accessible chapters with reflection questions to guide the experience, the overall effect of this multi-course experience is, not surprisingly, a wide smile and full heart. One of the most accessible, thoroughly-researched and empowering books on the transformative power of inquiry-based teaching that I’ve ever read."
Inquiry Partners
"It only took until 2015, but we finally have the book that provides the quintessential guide to 21st century learning. Redefining Smart offers a simple, yet complex, road map to transform our students’ educational experiences. While you read, throw out everything you think you know about determining students’ abilities, focus on authentic learning over time and visualize your schools and what they could (and should) be. The book is a call for change in our instructional practices, but clearly defines the Why? behind making these essential changes and the impact they will have on students. I cannot wait to put it in the hands of all my instructional leaders! Markham nailed it!!"
Rob Thornell, Assistant Superintendent"It only took until 2015, but we finally have the book that provides the quintessential guide to 21st century learning. Redefining Smart offers a simple, yet complex, road map to transform our students’ educational experiences. While you read, throw out everything you think you know about determining students’ abilities, focus on authentic learning over time and visualize your schools and what they could (and should) be. The book is a call for change in our instructional practices, but clearly defines the Why? behind making these essential changes and the impact they will have on students. I cannot wait to put it in the hands of all my instructional leaders! Markham nailed it!!"
Northwest ISD
"My work with Thom Markham began in 2005 as we embarked on a process of revision how learning looks at Olds High School. Teaching today requires personalization; connecting the heart and mind for both educators and learners, the fostering of personal rigor in project based learning environment, and the ability to work in a team rather than a group. Thom has achieved in his book the same outcomes he achieves when working in schools face to face. That special ability to connect someone to the sacred responsibility we have as educators in exposing our students to the skills they need. Markham has truly put his heart into the words of this book."
Tom Christenson, Principal"My work with Thom Markham began in 2005 as we embarked on a process of revision how learning looks at Olds High School. Teaching today requires personalization; connecting the heart and mind for both educators and learners, the fostering of personal rigor in project based learning environment, and the ability to work in a team rather than a group. Thom has achieved in his book the same outcomes he achieves when working in schools face to face. That special ability to connect someone to the sacred responsibility we have as educators in exposing our students to the skills they need. Markham has truly put his heart into the words of this book."
Olds High School
"In a world that is struggling to figure out what 21st century teaching really means, Markham provides a clear path for moving forward. Redefining Smart reaches beyond a compartmentalized view of lesson design and curriculum by creating an exciting imperative for a new rigor. Markham sets a vision for classrooms that build relationships, embrace emotions, develop academic mastery, and ensure that students graduate with the ability to communicate and collaborate. I can't wait to share Redefining Smart with our K-12 faculty."
Tim Fish, Associate Headmaster"In a world that is struggling to figure out what 21st century teaching really means, Markham provides a clear path for moving forward. Redefining Smart reaches beyond a compartmentalized view of lesson design and curriculum by creating an exciting imperative for a new rigor. Markham sets a vision for classrooms that build relationships, embrace emotions, develop academic mastery, and ensure that students graduate with the ability to communicate and collaborate. I can't wait to share Redefining Smart with our K-12 faculty."
McDonough School
"Redefining Smart emphasizes the importance of unlocking a passion for learning within our students and guiding them to exercise their curiosity about the world inside of the classroom. Thom Markham provides resources, examples, and guided reflection questions to spark rich discussions about what it means to teach in the 21st century."
Julie Helber, Principal"Redefining Smart emphasizes the importance of unlocking a passion for learning within our students and guiding them to exercise their curiosity about the world inside of the classroom. Thom Markham provides resources, examples, and guided reflection questions to spark rich discussions about what it means to teach in the 21st century."
Saline High School
"This is a ground-breaking book, and should be required for new and practicing teachers. Redefining Smart effectively introduces educators to the world of self-directed learning through the lens of how we ourselves must change as educators. The author has captured the essence of contemporary neuroscience, pedagogy, and cultural shifts and woven them into a cohesive and compelling image of who each of us could become if we redefine ‘smart.’"
Carol Spencer, Director of Curriculum"This is a ground-breaking book, and should be required for new and practicing teachers. Redefining Smart effectively introduces educators to the world of self-directed learning through the lens of how we ourselves must change as educators. The author has captured the essence of contemporary neuroscience, pedagogy, and cultural shifts and woven them into a cohesive and compelling image of who each of us could become if we redefine ‘smart.’"
Addison Northwest Supervisory Union
"Thom Markham passionately engages all students in a positive manner using individualized Inquiry-Based Learning techniques. He includes rigor and relevance as well as extensive research."
Susan L. Harmon, Science and FACS Teacher"Thom Markham passionately engages all students in a positive manner using individualized Inquiry-Based Learning techniques. He includes rigor and relevance as well as extensive research."
Neodesha Junior/Senior High School
"Every idea in this book is critical for educators: from the idea of a classroom functioning as an ecosystem, to addressing creativity, to encouraging and learning from failure, to the ideas of collaboration."
Melissa Weatherwax, Elementary Teacher"Every idea in this book is critical for educators: from the idea of a classroom functioning as an ecosystem, to addressing creativity, to encouraging and learning from failure, to the ideas of collaboration."
Poestenkill Elementary School
"In Redefining Smart, Thom Markham reflects on the latest research in psychology, medicine, sociology, physics, social media, and business to articulate a clear vision for K-12 education. He synthesizes what we have learned in the past fifty years about human growth, productivity, and creativity to challenge educators at every level to break the mold of an outdated industrial paradigm and systematically rebuild the learning model for today’s and tomorrow’s students and world citizens. On every page he offers convincing evidence, cogent arguments, and actionable next steps for educators, parents, and community leaders who hear his clarion call for system-wide reinvention. This book should be read, discussed, argued about, and referenced by everyone who cares about our children enjoying full citizenship in an increasingly interconnected and dynamic global community. Put it on your short list of must reads."Frank Livoy, Associate Director
Delaware Center for Teacher Education
Review Copies
Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact