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Updated Edition of Bestseller

Raising Reading Achievement in Middle and High Schools

Five Simple-to-Follow Strategies
Second Edition
By: Elaine K. McEwan-Adkins

Strengthen student literacy achievement in middle and high schools!

This revised second edition enhances "five big ideas" for raising reading achievement with seven cognitive strategies and more than twenty research-based "teaching for learning" tips for daily instruction. This indispensable guide demonstrates how to maximize these five teacher-friendly strategies:

  • Focus on changing what you can change
  • Teach the students who can't read how to read
  • Teach every student how to read to learn
  • Motivate all students to read more, to read increasingly more challenging books, and to be accountable for what they read
  • Create a reading culture in your school

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781412924351
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2006
  • Page Count: 224
  • Publication date: December 05, 2006

Price: $39.95

Price: $39.95
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For Instructors

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Strengthen student literacy achievement in middle and high schools!

In response to the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), raising literacy levels in secondary schools has taken on a new urgency. Recognized literacy author, Elaine K. McEwan, focuses her revised second edition on enhancing the "five big ideas" for raising reading achievement with seven cognitive strategies of highly effective readers and more than twenty research-based "teaching for learning" tips to infuse into daily content instruction.

Featuring reflection and discussion questions for reinforcement, this indispensable guide demonstrates how to improve students' literacy with these five teacher-friendly strategies:

  • Focus on changing what you can change
  • Teach the students who can't read how to read
  • Teach every student how to read to learn
  • Motivate all students to read more, to read increasingly more challenging books, and to be accountable for what they read
  • Create a reading culture in your school

With new programs designed for adolescent learners, this update provides suggestions and developmental tools to effectively strengthen reading curriculum and instruction. Reading specialists, special education teachers, literacy coaches, intervention specialists, and central office administrators can also use this essential tool for evaluating middle and high school reading programs and formulating school and district improvement goals.



Elaine K. McEwan-Adkins photo

Elaine K. McEwan-Adkins

Elaine K. McEwan is an educational consultant with The McEwan-Adkins Group, offering professional development for educators to assist them in meeting the challenges of literacy learning in Grades Pre K-6. A former teacher, librarian, principal, and assistant superintendent for instruction in several suburban Chicago school districts, Elaine is the award-winning and best-selling author of more than three dozen books for educators. Her Corwin Press titles include Raising Reading Achievement in Middle and High Schools: Five Simple-to-Follow Strategies for Principals, Second Edition (2006), Seven Strategies of Highly Effective Readers: Using Cognitive Research to Boost K-8 Achievement (2004), Ten Traits of Highly Effective Principals: From Good to Great Performance (2003), Making Sense of Research: What’s Good, What’s Not, and How to Tell the Difference (2003), Seven Steps to Effective Instructional Leadership, Second Edition (2003), Teach Them ALL to Read: Catching the Kids Who Fall through the Cracks (2002), and Ten Traits of Highly Effective Teachers: How to Hire, Mentor, and Coach Successful Teachers (2001).

McEwan was honored by the Illinois Principals Association as an outstanding instructional leader, by the Illinois State Board of Education with an Award of Excellence in the Those Who Excel Program, and by the National Association of Elementary School Principals as the National Distinguished Principal from Illinois for 1991. She received her undergraduate degree in education from Wheaton College and advanced degrees in library science (MA) and educational administration (EdD) from Northern Illinois University.
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

List of Teaching for Learning Tips


A Change in Focus

The Goals of This Book

Who This Book Is For

What This Book Is Not

Overview of the Contents

A New Feature

The Challenge


About the Author

1. Reading Achievement: Where Do We Stand?

Raising Achievement Expectations

The State of Reading Achievement in the Nation

The Response of Educators

The State of Reading Achievement in the States

Roadblocks to Raising Achievement in Middle and High Schools

The Responsibility of School Leaders

Reflection and Discussion Questions

2. Focus on Changing What You Can Change

Change the Educational Paradigm

Change How Goals Are Set

Change How Teachers Teach

Change the Curriculum and How It Is Chosen

Change the Alignment of the Curriculum

Change the Amount of Time Allocated to Reading Instruction

Change Where Strategic Reading Instruction Is Provided

Change How Learning Is Assessed

Change Expectations for Students

Change How Professional Development Is Provided

Reflection and Discussion Questions

3. Teach the Students Who Can’t Read How to Read

How Children Learn to Read: A Short Lesson

Failing to Learn

Programs to Remediate Struggling Secondary Students

Find the Students in Special Education Who Can’t Read and Teach Them to Read

Reflection and Discussion Questions

4. Teach Every Student How to Read to Learn

Reading to Learn and Cognitive Strategies

The Strategic Teacher

How to Teach Cognitive Strategies

Reading to Learn and Vocabulary Development

Reading to Learn and Knowledge Acquisition

How We Can Engage More Students in Reading to Learn

Cognitive Strategy Instruction at Alief Hastings High School

Reflection and Discussion Questions

5. Motivate Every Student to Read in the Zone

The Value of Reading a Lot

Reading in the Zone

The Importance of Reading Challenging Fiction and Nonfiction

The Importance of Accountability

Motivating Students to Read a Lot

Engaging Students in Reading

Skills to Read With Confidence and Success

Reflection and Discussion Questions

6. Create a Reading Culture in Your School

Pay Attention to the Basic Beliefs and Core Values of Stakeholders

Determine What Needs to Be Changed

Identify the Roadblocks to Change

Hire a Strong (Assertive) Instructional Leader

Hold Everyone Accountable

Make a Plan

Don’t Forget the Parents and Kids

Assess for Learning

Press Academically and Be Instructionally Tenacious

Getting the Job Done at Griffin Middle School

Reflection and Discussion Questions

Resource A. Assessment Tools

Resource A.1: Prereading Assessment Form

Resource A.2: Prereading Assessment Key

Resource A.3: Postreading Assessment Form

Resource A.4: Postreading Assessment Key

Resource B. Programs for Learning to Read in Secondary School

Benchmark Program

Corrective Reading

Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)


Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes

Reading Is FAME

Reasoning and Writing

REWARDS (Reading Excellence: Word Attack and Rate Development Strategies)

The Spalding Method

Spelling Through Morphographs

Resource C. Creating a Strong Reading Culture: A Process Exercise



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Price: $39.95
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For Instructors

This book is not available as a review copy.