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Race Resilience

Achieving Equity Through Self and Systems Transformation
By: Victoria E. Romero, Amber N. Warner, Justin Hendrickson

Foreword by Nancy Boyd-Franklin

Race Resilience offers guidance to educators who are ready to rethink, review, and redesign their support systems and foster the building blocks of resiliency for staff.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781071833063
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2021
  • Page Count: 224
  • Publication date: September 29, 2021

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Review, rethink, and redesign racial support systems NOW

As schools engage in courageous conversations about how racialization and racial positioning influences thinking, behaviors, and expectations, many educators still lack the resources to start this challenging and personally transformative work. Race Resilience offers guidance to educators who are ready to rethink, review, and redesign their support systems and foster the building blocks of resiliency for staff.

Readers will learn how to:

  • Model ethical, professional, and social-emotional sensitivity
  • Develop, advocate, and enact on a collective culture
  • Maintain a continuously evaluative process for self and school wellness
  • Engage meaningfully with students and their families
  • Improve academic and behavioral outcomes

Race resilient educators work continuously to grow their awareness of how their racial identity impacts their practice. When educators feel they are cared for, have trusting relationships, and are autonomous, they are in a better position to teach and model resilience to their students.


Victoria E. Romero photo

Victoria E. Romero

Victoria Romero is an educator with over 42 years of experience working as a classroom teacher, principal, and leadership coach. She continues to coach administrators, directors, principals, vice principals, and school leadership teams for equity and sustainable school improvement in three school districts in Washington. Victoria is a certified consultant and lead author of two Corwin Press books, "Building Resilience in Students Impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences: A Whole Staff Approach" (2018) and "Race Resilience: Achieving Equity Through Self and Systems Transformation" (2021). Both books focus on the impact of traumatization as it relates to social-emotional needs of students as well as how to create school cultures that foster resilience. In her more recent work, Victoria provides guidance to school staff in engaging in authentic dialogue about how racialization and racial positioning influences perceptions, behaviors, expectations, and decisions. Her guiding framework emphasizes that systems will change when the people working in them change.
Amber N. Warner photo

Amber N. Warner

Amber N. Warner is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, with over 20 years of experience. She has had the privilege of serving as a community outreach case manager (4 years), school social worker (8 years), medical social worker (5 years) , and behavioral health therapist (3 years). As a School Social Worker, in addition to her work with children and their families, she was part of the school wide Modern Red School House Leadership Team and the Positive Behavior Interventions and Systems Team. She facilitated K-6 monthly classroom discussions utilizing Second Step and Character Counts curriculums. Amber is also a co-author of Building Resilience in Students Impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences: A Whole Staff Approach.

In 2011 Amber worked in healthcare and part of the organization’s leadership team, she was introduced to the work of Dr. Bryan Sexton on healthcare providers’ staggering burnout rates and the healing proponents of Positive Psychology. A new passion and interest developed for her. She became a Certified Duke Patient Safety Officer in 2013 at Duke University’s Patient Safety Center.
Amber has also studied under the direction of Dr. David Burns, leading Psychiatrist, and adjunct professor at Stanford University and the developer of TEAM a new form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the treatment of depression and anxiety. She has achieved Level 2 TEAM certification from the Feeling Good Institute.
She has a certification from the National Clearinghouse on Families and Youth in Trauma-Informed Care.

Most of all, Amber has a passion for people, their wellness, and quality of life. She currently resides in California. She enjoys spending time with family and friends, hiking, Inferno Pilates, learning new things, traveling, community service, attending church, and an occasional new pair of shoes.

Justin Hendrickson photo

Justin Hendrickson

Justin Hendrickson is a longtime Seattle resident who is currently serving as a PreK-8th grade public school principal. The zip code where his school is located is described as the city’s most ethnically diverse. Ninety percent are students of color. Sixty-five percent participate in the free or reduced lunch program and 21% are English Language Learners. Eight percent of the students are homeless. Justin brings almost 20 years of experience in urban education as a teacher and instructional coach. As a leader in a community-based school, he is focused on implementing a trauma informed school environment where staff practice culturally responsive pedagogy and use strategies that foster resiliency.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Nancy Boyd-Franklin, PhD



About the Authors

Chapter 1. The Implementation Process: Steps to Becoming a Race Resilient School

Year 1: Planning to Become a Race Resilient School

No Need to Reinvent the Wheel

Years 2–4 and Continuous Improvement

Chapter 2. The NEED: Societal Changes Change Schools

Changes in the Workplace

Household, Community, and Environment: The Three Realms of Adverse Childhood Experiences

Chapter 3. Creating the Culture for Developing a Race Resilient Climate

School-to-Prison Pipeline

Blind Spots Impact Other Groups of Students

Measuring Up: Culture and Climate Are Not Synonymous

Locus of Control

Chapter 4. Educators’ Emotions Matter: Building Up Stamina for Developing a Race Resilient Climate

So How Do Educators Feel?

Our Daily Goal: Minimizing Distress and Maximizing Eustress

Our Hormonal Brain Under Distress and Eustress

Chapter 5. Racialization Can Be Blinding

Racial Positioning

United We Stand, Divided We Crawl

The “R” Word

2020 and America’s Racial Awakening

Through the Eyes of a Child: Racialization and Historical Trauma

Historical and Generational Trauma

Genes Load the Gun, Environment Pulls the Trigger

E Pluribus Hurt, E Pluribus Healing

This Is Us

Chapter 6. Race Has Mattered in the School House

The Effects of Racialization: White Identity Dispositions, Internalized Racism, and Stereotype Threat

White Identity Dispositions

Internalized Racism and Stereotype Threat

Chapter 7. Mindful of Race

Mindfulness in Teaching and Learning

The Weight Room Versus the Wait Room

Positive Psychology’s Five Building Blocks of Life

Chapter 8. Educator Resilience, Educator Race Resilience, and Mindfulness for Racial Equity

Transforming a District

Transforming a School

In the Space Between Is Mindfulness

Introduction to Space Between


Appendix A. Processing for Racial Awareness and Creating a Race Resilient Action Plan

Appendix B. Race Resilient School Checklist

Glossary of Terms




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