
Practical School Security

Basic Guidelines for Safe and Secure Schools

Provides practical, cost-effective steps for improving access control, increasing physical school security, and detecting advance warnings of trouble.

Trump provides a well-thought-out, thorough guide to creating and implementing a workable safety and security plan for your school. The author covers all aspects of making (and keeping) a school safe and secure including internal school security, physical security, and the use of drug-sniffing dogs and metal detectors. Here is practical, realistic advice you can use to make your school safer now.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9780803963542
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 1997
  • Page Count: 120
  • Publication date: November 26, 1997
Price: $24.95
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"Covers every possible security issue. A practical, 'nuts-and bolts' approach with concrete ideas that are usable in all schools."
Larry Leapley, Principal
Trenton High School, Trenton, Michigan

"Practical, cost-effective security strategies. A great reference book!"
Chief John R. Fechko
Seven Hills Police Department, Ohio

If not — and even if you think it is — this book will help you

Recognize real threats to your school
Get past any political obstacles to securing your school
Conduct a security assessment and implement needed security procedures
Decide which security strategies work best for your school

Trump provides a well-thought-out, thorough guide to creating and implementing a workable safety and security plan for your school. The author covers all aspects of making (and keeping) a school safe and secure including internal school security, physical security, and the use of drug-sniffing dogs and metal detectors. He gives you practical, realistic advice you can use to make your school safer now.

You'll find ideas for working with community leaders, police, parents, businesses, and political officials to improve school and community safety and security.

Read and use this guide to keep your students and your staff safe.


Kenneth S. Trump

Kenneth S. Trump, M.P.A., is the President of National School Safety and Security Services, a Cleveland-based national firm specializing in school security and emergency preparedness training and consulting. He has over 25 years experience in the school safety profession and, has advised school and public safety officials from all 50 states and internationally.

Ken served as a school safety officer, investigator, and youth gang unit supervisor for the Cleveland City Schools' safety division. He also served as a suburban Cleveland school security director and assistant gang task force director on a federal-funded anti-gang initiative.

Table of Contents



Threats to Safe and Secure Schools

The `Politricks' of School Security

Safely Managing the Problem


The Security Assessment Process

Security Assessment Components

Popular Security Strategies and Issues

Working Collaboratively with Students, Parents, Police, Community and Media


Price: $24.95
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This book is not available as a review copy.