About the Authors
Chapter 1. School and Community
A. What are some ways that schools can provide a welcoming environment for all students, families, and the local community?
B. How might initial assessment and reception services be offered to newcomer students and their families?
C. What are some ways to facilitate integration of students and families into school and the larger community?
D. What have we learned so far about supporting English Learners attending school from a distance?
Chapter 2. Classroom
A. What components of meaningful instruction are needed to support English Learners in every classroom?
B. What are some ways to expand students’ connections to new learning in an additional language?
C. What are some ways to embrace languages that we do not speak in the classroom?
D. How might we show that it is important for students to continue to develop the home language?
Chapter 3. Families
A. What are some ways to support families who are adjusting to life in a new country?
B. What are some ways to collaborate with parents?
C. What are some ways to partner with parents to support both the home language and English language development?
D. What are some ways to communicate with parents when we do not speak their languages?
Chapter 4. Students
A. What are some ways to ensure that English Learners maintain high levels of engagement in language learning?
B. What are some ways to support English Learners with exceptional needs?
C. What additional considerations are needed to help newcomers with a range of circumstances thrive and be successful?
D. What are some ways to support students with limited or interrupted formal schooling?
E. What are some ways to support newcomers who may be experiencing trauma?
Author Index
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