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Place-Based Science Teaching and Learning

40 Activities for K-8 Classrooms
Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781412975254
  • Published By: Sage Publications Inc
  • Year: 2011
  • Page Count: 248
  • Publication date: May 05, 2011
Price: $116.00
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Forty classroom-ready science teaching and learning activities for elementary and middle school teachers

Grounded in theory and best-practices research, this practical text provides elementary and middle school teachers with 40 place-based activities that will help them to make science learning relevant to their students. This text provides teachers with both a rationale and a set of strategies and activities for teaching science in a local context to help students engage with science learning and come to understand the importance of science in their everyday lives.

Key features

Key Features:

  • Provides the basic science background needed to maximize the activities and support both teachers and students in expanding their science content knowledge
  • Cultural and social connections highlight the relationship between science and society and contextualizes the place-based science activities
  • Thinking like a scientist pedagogical feature highlights key inquiry processes that are fundamental to practicing science
  • Grade level modifications provide examples of suggestions for how teachers can modify the activities to make them more appropriate for lower elementary, upper elementary and middle grades students
  • Interdisciplinary connections guide teachers on how to use these standards-based activities to connect science learning to the other content areas in the curriculum


Eugene F. Provenzo, Jr. photo

Eugene F. Provenzo, Jr.

Gene Provenzo is one of the nation’s leading scholars in the foundations of education. He holds the rank of full professor at the University of Miami. He has won numerous awards throughout his career in both teaching and research and sits on many editorial boards. He has authored over ten books and has contributed chapters to many more. He has authored scores of articles in a wide range of areas in education. His recent projects include Teaching, Learning, and Schooling (Allyn & Bacon, 2002), a critically-oriented introduction to the foundations of education textbook, and the forthcoming Readings in Educational Thought (SAGE, 2005).

Table of Contents


Introduction to Place-Based Science Teaching and Learning

Part I: Activities to Promote Place-Based Science Teaching in the Classroom

Part II: Activities to Promote Place-Based Science Teaching in the School Building

Part III: Activities to Promote Place-Based Science Teaching on the School Grounds

Part IV: Activities to Promote Place-Based Science Teaching in the Neighborhood

Part V: Activities to Promote Place-Based Science Teaching the Broader Community


Appendix: Resources for Place-Based Science Teaching and Learning


Other Titles in: Science | Learning Styles

Price: $116.00
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.

Related Resources

  • Access to companion resources is available with the purchase of this book.