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Updated Edition of Bestseller

Passing the Principal as Instructional Leader TExES Exam

Keys to Certification and School Leadership
Third Edition
By: Elaine L. Wilmore

Foreword by Jeanne M. Gerlach

Newly updated, the best-selling preparation book includes in-depth analysis of the new domains, competencies, and philosophy, plus real-life stories and applications, test-taking strategies, and time-management tips.

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781544342153
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2019
  • Page Count: 192
  • Publication date: January 29, 2019
Price: $47.95
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.



The premier guide to acing the exam—completely revised!

When the toughest test in Texas gets updated, it’s a big deal. Luckily, this best-selling preparation guide—the secret weapon Texas educators use to take their careers to the next level—has been updated right along with it. Now in its third edition, it’s the resource you need to be at your best for the test.

In her trademark friendly style, Elaine Wilmore gives you the information you need and helps you make the transition from thinking like a teacher to reflecting, reacting, and responding like a learner-centered principal. As you explore each element of the exam’s new structure—eleven competencies within six domains—you’ll also find:

  • An overview of the updated TExES philosophy
  • In-depth analysis of the new domains and competencies
  • Real-life stories and applications to ground each concept in reality
  • Test-taking strategies, online and offline, to suit any style
  • Tips for time management and stress relief before, during, and after the exam

You already know you’re principal material—you just need to prove it to Texas. With this hand-on preparation guide, you’ll be ready to ace the exam, get certified, and change the world—one school at a time.

Key features

This book is a perennial best seller since it offers easy to follow guidance and practice for anyone who has to take the TExES Principal's examination in order to be certified.

1. Will reflect changes in the Texas Licensing Exam that goes into effect in 2019 with a K-12 focus
2. Will add discussion of online strategies for taking the test to follow reality of today's environment
3. Much more attention will be placed on "decision sets" with questions regarding the state Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS).
4. Will include many additional test taking strategies developed by the author


Elaine L. Wilmore photo

Elaine L. Wilmore

Learn more about Elaine Wilmore's PD offerings

Dr. Elaine Wilmore was a public school teacher, counselor, elementary, and middle school principal before she moved to higher education. She has extensive background in everything from Early Childhood Education to creating and leading doctoral programs. She currently serves as a Doctoral Dissertation Adviser for Nova Southeastern University. She also founded and is President of Elaine L. Wilmore Leadership Initiatives, which focuses on improving campus and district leadership to increase student performance. Elaine formerly served as a Professor, the Chair of Educational Leadership, Counseling, and Foundations and as the founding Doctoral Director at the University of Texas of the Permian Basin. She also served at Dallas Baptist University as Assistant Vice President for Educational Networking and Program Director for the M.Ed. and, again, the implementing director of the Doctor of Education degree in Educational Leadership.

Prior to her position at Dallas Baptist University, Dr. Wilmore served as Special Assistant to the Dean for NCATE Accreditation, Chair and Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA), and was the founder of all initial Educational Leadership graduate programs at UTA including the innovative field-based and grant funded Educational Leadership UTA, which received national acclaim, and the Scholars of Practice program. While at UTA she also served as Director of University Program Development where she developed and was the original Chair of the Faculty Governance Committee for the College of Education. Dr. Wilmore’s respect amongst those in higher education has led her to serve as a tenure reviewer in four states and a manuscript and proposal reviewer for many conferences and professional journals.

"I attended your workshop at College Station this past summer. I am happy to announce that I passed my certification exam the first time around! I am so excited and look forward to the future and what doors may open. Thank you for your strategies and your book!" - Elodia Witterstaetter, TX

Table of Contents

Table of Contents




About the Author


1. Welcome!

Basic Concepts

Leadership: A Skill or an Art?

Getting Started

2. Updates to Test Structure: 068 to 268

3. Principal Assessment of School Leadership (PASL)

What’s It All About, Alphie?


4. Standing on the Promises

Global Overview of TExES Domains

Key Concepts

Priority Descriptors

The Ideal Principal


The Six Domains

5. Learner-Centered Leadership and Campus Culture

The Principal Knows How To . . .

Prioritized Statements for 001

Important Points to Remember

6. Learner-Centered Leadership With Stakeholders

The Principal Knows How To . . .

Prioritized Statements

Important Points to Remember

7. Learner-Centered Leadership in High-Quality Instruction

The Principal Knows How To . . .

Prioritized Statements

Important Points to Remember

8. Learner-Centered Leadership in Promoting Teacher Effectiveness and Student Achievement

The Principal Knows How To . . .

Prioritized Statements

Important Points to Remember

9. Learner-Centered Leadership Through Professional Development

The Principal Knows How To . . .

Prioritized Statements

Important Points to Remember

10. Learner-Centered Leadership Promoting Teacher Excellence and Growth

The Principal Knows How To . . .

Prioritized Statements

Important Points to Remember

11. Learner-Centered Leadership Through Communication Skills

The Principal Knows How To . . .

Prioritized Statements

Important Points to Remember

12. Learner-Centered Leadership in Improving Student Outcomes

The Principal Knows How To . . .

Prioritized Statements

Important Points to Remember

13. Learner-Centered Leadership in Goal Setting

The Principal Knows How To . . .

Prioritized Statements

Important Points to Remember

14. Learner-Centered Administrative Leadership

The Principal Knows How To . . .

Prioritized Statements

Important Points to Remember

15. Learner-Centered Ethical and Equitable Leadership

The Principal Knows How To . . .

Prioritized Statements

Important Points to Remember


16. No Data Left Behind: How Do I Read All Those Reports?

Data Analysis Simplified

How to Read and Interpret Standardized Test Scores

How to Read and Interpret a “Texas Academic Performance Report” (TAPR)


17. Test-Taking Strategies: Now Listen to Me Here . . .

The Testing Session: General Overview

The Dot Game: A Psychological and Time

The Dog and Star Game: A Decision-Making Strategy

Key Words and Themes: “Sherrys” Revisited

The Ideal Principal


18. Creating a Personal Success Plan: Where There Is a Will, There Is a Way

Tips for Those Who Have Not Been Successful on the Exam . . . Yet

The “Elaine Wilmore 5-C Plan”

Tips for Out-of-State Future Texas Principals

Everyone—Texans and Non-Texans Alike

From Now Till the Week You Test

The Week You Test

What to Do, and Not Do, the Night Before the Test

What to Do, and Not Do, the Morning or Afternoon of the Test

Living Your Life After the Test


19. That’s What It’s All About: Actually Becoming Certified

Knock the Top Out of It!

Addendum A: Commissioner’s Rules Concerning Educator Standards Subchapter BB. Administrator Standards

Addendum B: Sample TARP Report

Addendum C: Texas Administrative Code, Code of Ethics


Suggested Additional Reading


Price: $47.95
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.