Our Problem, Our Path: Additional Resources

Listen to, watch, and read conversations with Dr. Ali Michael and Dr. Eleonora Bartoli as they explore topics from Our Problem, Our Path on outlets across the United States. 


How to Talk About Racial Inequality, Combat Racism & Become Anti-Racist Delgado Podcast

How to Talk About Racial Inequality, Combat Racism & Become Anti-Racist - opens in a new tab
Delgado Podcast

Dr. Eleonora Bartoli and Dr. Ali Michael chat with Mike Delgado about Our Problem, Our Path. 

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photo of Mindy Todd

Collective Anti-racism

Dr. Ali Michael and Dr. Eleonora Bartoli talk with Mindy Todd of The Point on WCAI on what it means to be anti-racist in our thoughts and our actions and how to engage with others about racism. 

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Black entrepreneur experience podcast with Dr. Frances Richards

Collective Antiracism For White People
Black Entrepreneur Experience Podcast

Dr. Eleonora Bartoli and Dr. Ali Michael discuss with Dr. Frances Richards about how White people can hear feedback. 

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Dr. Eleonora Bartoli and Dr. Ali Michael join The Chat

Ali Michael and Eleonora Bartoli, collective antiracism
The Chat

Dr. Eleonora Bartoli and Dr. Ali Michael join The Chat to talk about having conversations about race, the phrase "I don't see color," and training for courage. 

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The John Fugelsang Podcast

The Predictable GOP Response to Trump's FBI Search Warrant 
(features interview with Eleonora Bartoli and Ali Michael)
The John Fugelsang Podcast

John Fugelsang interviews Dr. Ali Michael and Dr. Eleonora Bartoli. 

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The Prolific Creator podcast with Ryan J. Pelton

Eleonora Bartoli and Ali Michael on Writing on Social Hot Button Issues
The Prolific Creator

In this conversation, Ryan Pelton, Dr. Ali Michael, and Dr. Eleonora Bartoli discuss why talking about race and getting uncomfortable is the only way for change, how telling difficult stories is the path for empathy, why White people need to talk about racial inequality, the challenges of co-writing a book, and much more.

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we need to talk about whiteness podcast with Dr. Ali Michael and Dr. Eleonora Bartoli

We Need To Talk About Whiteness - with Ali Michael and Eleonora Bartoli
We Need To Talk About Whiteness Podcast

Myriam Francois talks with Dr. Ali Michael and Dr. Eleonora Bartoli about the pitfalls of White people leading antiracism initiatives, the psychology of racism and the challenges to change.

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In the News

David, Meaghan, and Chuck Talk About Racism and How to Be Anti-Racist
KGNC News Now/The Eagle 

The hosts of KGNC news talk with Dr. Ali Michael and Dr. Eleonora Bartoli about Our Problem, Our Path, what being anti-racist means and looks like, and why their book can help readers be more actively anti-racist. 

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Mat-Su Valley - Big Cabbage Radio - AK

Author Interview: Our Problem, Our Path 
Radio Free Palmer

Dr. Ali Michael and Dr. Eleonora Bartoli discuss their new book, Our Problem, Our path: Collective Antiracism for White People.

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LIMElight with Jessie, Featuring Dr. Ali Michael and Dr. Eleonora Bartoli.

Helping White People Have Conversations About Racism wsg. Ali Michael and Eleanora Bartoli
LIMElight with Jessie

Jessie Wiegand chats with Dr. Ali Michael and Dr. Eleonora Bartoli.

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In the News

Q&A with Ali Michael and Eleonora Bartoli
Book Q&As with Deborah Kalb

Deborah Kalb discusses Our Problem, Our Path with Dr. Ali Michael and Dr. Eleonora Bartoli in this writer Q & A blog post. 

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Dr. Ali Michael, Dr. Eleonora Bartoli, and the Our Problem, Our Path book cover

Collective Antiracism: Doing the Inter & Outer Work, Together
Spirit in Action

Dr. Ali Michael and Dr. Eleonora Bartoli join the Spirit in Action podcast to discuss Our Problem, Our Path. 

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In the News

Interview with Dr. Ali Michael and Dr. Eleonora Bartoli
The Weekend with Ed Kalegi

Ed Kalegi talks with Dr. Ali Michael and Dr. Eleonora Bartoli about training for courage, being "colorblind," and creating a healthy multiracial society. 

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teaching while white

Essential Reading for Inclusive Schools: A Round Up of New Antiracist Books for Educators
Teaching While White

The Teaching While White staff includes Our Problem, Our Path in a roudup of new antiracist books that stand out for their connection to the work White educators are doing to build antiracist schools and classrooms—as part of the larger push to build a truly just and equitable society.

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Health Power Podcast with Lisa Davis

Racism is a Public Health Crisis - Antiracism with W. Kamau Bell, Ali Michael, & Eleonora Bartolli
Health Power Podcast

Lisa Davis is first joined by W. Kamau Bell about his latest book, Do the Work!: An Antiracist Activity Book. Then, Lisa is joined by Dr. Ali Michael and Dr. Eleonora Bartolli, the authors of Our Problem, Our Path: Collective Antiracism for White People.

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In the News

Episode #1492: Our Problem
The Kathryn Zox Show: Your Social Worked with a Microphone

Award-winning author Dr. Ali Michael and clinical psychologist Dr. Eleonora Bartoli invite White people to join them on an antiracist journey to learn to talk about race with one another in ways that lead to real change. They share the important realities vs. the myths of racism as well as the action needed to be taken so that we can do our part in dismantling racism.

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Dr. Ali Michael and Dr. Eleonora Bartoli

Social Impact Authors: How & Why Ali Michael and Eleonora Bartoli, Are Helping To Change Our World
Yitzi Weiner for Authority Magazine

Yitzi Weiner interviews Dr. Ali Michael and Dr. Eleonora Bartoli as part of the "authors who are making an important social impact" print interview series. Topics covered include books that inspired the authors as children, mistakes, the social impact goal of the book, the most interest story of the book, and more. 

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Ali Michael photo

Ali Michael

As the Director of the Race Institute for K-12 Educators, Ali Michael, Ph. D. works with schools and organizations across the country to help make research on race, Whiteness, and education more accessible and relevant to educators. Ali is the author of Raising Race Questions: Whiteness, Inquiry and Education, winner of the 2017 Society of Professors of Education Outstanding Book Award. As a member of a multiracial editorial team, she has co-edited The Guide for. Full bio
Eleonora Bartoli photo

Eleonora Bartoli

Eleonora Bartoli, Ph. D. , is a consultant and licensed psychologist, specializing in trauma, resilience-building, and multicultural/social justice counseling. She earned her Ph. D. in Psychology: Human Development/Mental Health Research from the University of Chicago in 2001. After receiving her clinical license in 2005, she opened a small independent practice, which she has held since. After 15 years in academia (12 of those years as the director of a Masters in counseling program), she became. Full bio