Meaningful Small Groups in Math, Grades K-5

Meeting All Learners’ Needs in Any Setting
By: Kimberly Rimbey

Target the Math…Support the Students…Provide Access for All

Written for teachers, interventionists and instructional coaches, this book provides much-needed guidance on how to meet the diverse needs of students using small-group math instruction.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-5
  • ISBN: 9781071854662
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Series: Corwin Mathematics Series
  • Year: 2022
  • Page Count: 280
  • Publication date: September 16, 2022
Price: $39.95
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Target the Math…Support the Students…Provide Access for All

The need for focused small group math instruction has never been greater. Today’s education landscape continues to be fraught with learning divides, and unlike its reading counterpart, small group instruction in elementary classrooms has often been reduced to learning centers and rotation stations, without enough emphasis on differentiated, small-group, teacher facilitated learning. We need expanded ways of differentiating so we may fully support students who have remarkably varying levels of understanding and vastly different needs.

Meaningful Small Groups in Math, Grades K-5 offers practical guidance on how to meet the diverse needs of today’s students. Written for K-5 classroom teachers, math interventionists, and instructional coaches, this user-friendly, accessible book provides guidance on the necessary components of small group instruction in math, trajectories for small-group instruction on specific concepts, and practical steps for getting started. Readers will find

  • Checklists and templates for implementing small group instruction, with sample lessons in the major content domains
  • Emphasis on flexible groups that take into account students’ strengths and increase their math identity and self-efficacy
  • Intervention and extension ideas for differentiating learning
  • An appendix of tips for coaches and leaders to scale Math Small Groups across a school or organization.

To meet the needs of today’s students, a more focused, targeted, and equitable approach is needed. Meaningful Small Groups in Math is here to answer the call.


Kimberly Rimbey photo

Kimberly Rimbey

Kimberly Rimbey is an author, inventor, entrepreneur, speaker, consultant, coach, mentor, advocate, and, proudest of all, a teacher through and through. Kim currently serves as the Chief Learning Officer and CEO at KP® Mathematics and an Official Building Thinking Classrooms Consultant alongside Peter Liljedahl. A life-long teacher and learner, her heart’s work centers on equipping teachers and helping them fall in love with teaching and learning over and over again.

Always a teacher at heart, Kim has held several leadership positions, including Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Chief Learning Officer, and Mathematica Program Area Coordinator. That said, everything Kim has done in her career is based on what she learned during her 18 years as a mathematics coach and classroom teacher.

Kim is National Board Certified in Early Adolescent Mathematics, and she is a recipient of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics Teaching. Kim is the co-inventor of KP® Ten-Frame Tiles and has authored and co-authored several publications, including the Mastering Math Manipulatives and Meaningful Small Groups in Math for Corwin, Math Power: Simple Solutions for Mastering Math for the Rodel Foundation of Arizona, and, most recently, The Amazing Ten Frame series for KP Mathematics.

Kim earned her BA in Elementary Education and Mathematics from Grand Canyon University, her M.Ed. degrees in Early Childhood Education and Educational Leadership from Arizona State University and Northern Arizona University, and her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from Arizona State University. Kim lives in Phoenix, Arizona, where she continues to inspire teachers and their leaders.

Table of Contents


Part A: Getting Started with Math Small Groups

Introduction- to use this section

Chapter 1: Making the Case for Math Small Groups

Chapter 2: Setting Up Math Small Groups

Chapter 3: Targeting the Math, Supporting the Students, Providing Access for All

Chapter 4: Planning for Math Small-Group Instruction

FAQs & Notes

Part B: Targeting the Math: Planning Small Group Instruction

Introduction - to use this section

Chapter 5: Counting & Cardinality

Chapter 6: Early Number Sense

Chapter 7: Base-Ten Place Value

Chapter 8: Base-Ten Addition & Subtraction

Chapter 9: Base-Ten Multiplication & Division

Chapter 10: Understanding Fractions

Chapter 11: Fraction Operation

Chapter 12: Fraction and Decimal Connections

FAQs & Notes

Part C: Resources & Reflection

Introduction - How to use this section

Chapter 13: Tools and Tips for Planning and Teaching

Chapter 14: Tips For Coaches and Leaders

FAQs & Notes


Price: $39.95
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.

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