Making Governance Work

TQE for School Boards
This volume provides school governors with helpful perspectives drawn from research as well as practical experience. It also offers specific suggestions on how to ensure that schools are operating as effectively as possible, helping you to develop the appropriate roles and responsibilities that will nurture quality and excellence in school organizations.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9780803961449
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Series: Total Quality Education for the World
  • Year: 1994
  • Page Count: 144
  • Publication date: April 14, 1994
Price: $28.95
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This volume provides school governors with helpful perspectives drawn from research as well as practical experience. It also offers specific suggestions on how to ensure that schools are operating as effectively as possible, helping governors to develop the appropriate roles and responsibilities that will nurture quality and excellence in school organizations.


William K. Poston, Jr. photo

William K. Poston, Jr.

Learn more about William Poston's PD offerings

William K. Poston Jr. is an Emeritus Professor of educational leadership and policy studies at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa, where he served for 17 years. A former math and physics teacher, he accumulated 25 years of experience in educational administration including 15 years as a superintendent in Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona, and in Billings, Montana. His experience includes serving as executive director of the Iowa School Business Management Academy—the licensure program for school business managers in Iowa—for 15 years. He is the originator of curriculum-driven budgeting, and he has led over 75 curriculum audits. Poston has written 13 books and over 40 journal articles and continues to provide extensive service to schools in the areas of evaluation, curriculum management auditing, performance-based budgeting, and organizational quality improvement.

Table of Contents


Board Governance and Change

Applying TQM Principles to Board Leadership

Using Policy to Implement Board Vision

Designing Policy for Quality Improvement

Choosing a Quality Future

Achieving Quality Leadership and Teamwork

Board Oversight Responsibilities

Implementing TQE

The Board's Challenge

Planning and Troubleshooting Guide

Price: $28.95
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