Leading the Strategically Focused School

Success and Sustainability
Second Edition
By: Brent Davies

Strategic leadership is a critical component in the effective development of schools. This book focuses on building strategic capability within the school in order to ensure long-term success and sustainability. Drawing upon Brent Davies's extensive experience in presenting nationally and internationally to school leaders, this book distils the collective wisdom from educationalists across the globe. Updated with new international examples and references and a significant new chapter on developing strategic talent in schools, the book has been described as a 'must read' for existing and aspiring school leaders.


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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781849208093
  • Published By: Sage UK
  • Year: 2011
  • Page Count: 192
  • Publication date: August 14, 2012
Price: $68.00
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.


Praise for the first edition:

"With an ever widening circle of followers among school principals and headteachers, [Davies] has an enviable capacity to write engagingly and is one of those all-too-rare educational writers whose theory springs from the close and discerning observation of practice. For me as reviewer there's cause to think more critically about measures of schools success. You can't ask for much more from a book that it contributes and extends your own thinking. It will have a similar effect on all those who read it."

Sir Tim Brighouse, Educational Consultant and & Visiting Professor, Institute of Education, London, UK

"Brent Davies tackles the much misunderstood and abused concept of strategy and gets great results. Linking strategy with sustainability, Leading the Strategically Focused School is full of wonderful conceptual tools, and practical case vignettes. This book is both conceptual and practical, and takes all the excuses off the table. An inspiration and invitation to take action for the good of all."

Michael Fullan, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto

Strategic leadership is a critical component in the effective development of schools. This book focuses on building strategic capability within the school in order to ensure long-term success and sustainability. Drawing upon Brent Davies's extensive experience in presenting nationally and internationally to school leaders, this book distils the collective wisdom from educationalists across the globe.

Updated with new international examples and references and a significant new chapter on developing strategic talent in schools, the book has been described as a 'must read' for existing and aspiring school leaders.

The book focuses on:

  • Establishing processes for building whole school involvement
  • Strategic approaches to build capacity in your school
  • Building and sustaining strategic leadership throughout the school
  • Developing strategic talent in schools
  • Characteristics of strategically focused schools

This book is an indispensable read for school leaders who want to focus on bringing sustainable improvement to their school.


Brent Davies photo

Brent Davies

Dr Brent Davies is Professor of International Leadership Development at the University of Hull . He is also a Professorial Fellow at the University of Melbourne, Visiting Professor at the Institute of Education (University of London), Special Professor at the University of Nottingham and a Faculty Member of the Centre on Educational Governance at the University of Southern California. He is an Associate Director of the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust.

Brent spent the first ten years of his career working as a teacher in South London. He then moved into higher education and now works exclusively on leadership and management development programmes for senior and middle managers in schools. He was Director of the International MBA in School Leadership at Leeds Metropolitan University. He then took up a post at the University of Lincolnshire and Humberside to establish the first Chair in Educational Leadership and create the International Educational Leadership Centre in Lincoln. He moved to the University of Hull in 2000 to establish the International Leadership Centre. In 2004 he transferred within the University to become a research professor in leadership development at the Hull University Business School.

Table of Contents


What Is Meant by Leading for Sustainable Strategic Success?

Start with Values and Beliefs

Strategic Processes: Overview

Strategic Processes: Conceptualizing

Strategic Processes: Engaging the People

Strategic Processes: Articulating

Strategic Approaches

Strategic Leadership

Developing Strategic Leadership

Deploying and Implementing Strategy

A Strategically Focused School


Price: $68.00
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.