Kids Come in All Languages

Visible Learning for Multilingual Learners
By: Oscar Corrigan, Nancy Frey, Douglas Fisher, John Hattie

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It’s time to upend practices that have kept multilingual students from shining. Discover the five-C instructional framework to get all students on grade level.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781544341484
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Series: Corwin Literacy
  • Year: 2023
  • Page Count: 128
  • Publication date: April 24, 2023
Price: $40.95
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Everything you need to create a high-trust, high-achieving learning environment for multilingual students

We have never known more than we do now about teaching multilingual students — nevertheless, we teeter on the edge of retreating to old-think practices. The next generation depends upon our getting this right, and this spare, salient guide helps ensure we do.

Kids Come in All Languages provides teachers and leaders with all they need to design high-quality curriculum to support multilingual learners. With this book, learn to:

  • Create a low-anxiety, high-expectation classroom climate that gives multilingual students access to engaging grade-level content
  • Plan clear, cohesive lessons and tasks that motivate students to produce language, use critical thinking skills, and access complex texts
  • Offer ample time for student-led talk that ramps up knowledge and amps up a sense of belonging
  • Use heterogeneous, flexible grouping so children acquiring English don’t stall out in fixed-mindset, below-grade level groups
  • And much more

Teachers act like tributaries, helping learners access a wider stream of knowledge, and catch the swift current of wanting to learn. It’s time to envision this expansiveness for multilingual students. It’s time to design learning experiences with optimism for their futures.


Oscar Corrigan photo

Oscar Corrigan

Oscar Corrigan is currently an administrator and director of English Language Learner program at Health Sciences High and Middle College (HSHMC) in San Diego, California. He has experience teaching middle school social studies, high school history, supervising teacher candidates, and implementing restorative practices. He earned his master's degree in Educational Leadership from San Diego State University and is a Leading Edge Certified teacher in online and blended learning. With his classroom experience, and as a doctoral candidate at SDSU, Oscar strives to implement instructional practices that best promote an equitable learning environment for students from diverse backgrounds.

Nancy Frey photo

Nancy Frey

Nancy Frey is a Professor in Educational Leadership at San Diego State and a teacher leader at Health Sciences High and Middle College. She is a credentialed special educator, reading specialist, and administrator in California. She is a member of the International Literacy Association’s Literacy Research Panel. Her published titles include The Illustrated Guide to Visible Learning, Welcome to Teaching Multilingual Learners, Teaching Foundational Skills to Adolescent Readers, and RIGOR Unveiled: A Video-Enhanced Flipbook to Promote Teacher Expertise in Relationship Building, Instruction, Goals, Organization, and Relevance.

Douglas Fisher photo

Douglas Fisher

Douglas Fisher is professor and chair of educational leadership at San Diego State University and a teacher leader at Health Sciences High and Middle College. Previously, Doug was an early intervention teacher and elementary school educator. He is a credentialed English teacher and administrator in California. In 2022, he was inducted into the Reading Hall of Fame by the Literacy Research Association. He has published numerous articles on reading and literacy, differentiated instruction, and curriculum design, as well as books such as The Teacher Clarity Playbook 2/e, Your Introduction to PLC+, The Illustrated Guide to Teacher Credibility, The Teaching Reading Playbook, and Welcome to Teaching!.

John Hattie photo

John Hattie

John Hattie, PhD, is an award-winning education researcher and best-selling author with nearly thirty years of experience examining what works best in student learning and achievement. His research, better known as Visible Learning, is a culmination of nearly thirty years synthesizing more than 2,100 meta-analyses comprising more than one hundred thousand studies involving over 300 million students around the world. He has presented and keynoted in over three hundred international conferences and has received numerous recognitions for his contributions to education. His notable publications include Visible Learning, Visible Learning for Teachers, Visible Learning and the Science of How We Learn; Visible Learning for Mathematics, Grades K-12; and 10 Mindframes for Visible Learning.


Price: $40.95
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