Keys to the Elementary Classroom
By: Carrol Moran, Judy Stobbe, Wendy Baron, Janette Miller, Ellen Moir
Start the school year in a powerful way with this edition’s new activities, tips for the classroom environment, and revised instructional materials in English and Spanish.
- Grade Level: PreK-4
- ISBN: 9781412963695
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2008
- Page Count: 224
- Publication date: September 19, 2013
Review Copies
"New teachers will love this step-by-step approach to setting up and managing a classroom while nurturing a community of eager and cooperative learners. The authors also provide a plethora of practical classroom activities for both new and seasoned teachers."
—Catherine Hernandez, Second-Grade Teacher
Detroit Public Schools, MI
"Proficient teachers are key to the future of education. This book is a great resource to help new teachers make their first year a successful one!"
—Janet Crews, Instructional Coach
Clayton School District, MO
Best practices to help you start the school year in a powerful way!
For elementary teachers entering the classroom for the first time, this updated edition of the bestseller Keys to the Classroom provides practical guidelines to help you build a foundation for a successful first year.
Written by a team of experts, this invaluable resource offers new teachers a daily structure and clear classroom procedures and activities to help establish a positive classroom climate and eliminate most behavior problems. This practical, easy-to-use guidebook includes lesson plans, tips for organizing the first day, and reproducible student worksheets in English and Spanish. The new edition features:
- An added chapter on planning and creating the classroom environment
- Voices of novice and experienced teachers
- New assessments for students' learning styles and preferences
- Revised instructional materials for English as a second language
With strategies that can be adapted across grade levels, ways to develop relationships with students' families, and resources for professional development, Keys to the Elementary Classroom, Third Edition, will help you get a positive start to the school year and a rewarding career.
Key features
This resource includes:
- Lesson plans
- Classroom management strategies
- Student assessments
- Activities and songs in English and Spanish
- Sample parent letters in English and Spanish

Carrol Moran

Judy Stobbe

Wendy Baron

Janette Miller

Ellen Moir
Table of Contents
Preface to the Third Edition
About the Authors
Phases of Teaching: The Ups and Downs of a First-Year Teacher
1. A Guide to Planning and Creating the Environment
Annual Planning
Midrange Planning: Getting to Know Your Students and Community
Daily and Weekly Planning
Room Arrangement
Environment Checklist
Preparation Prior to the First Day
2. Assessments
Assessment Overview
Assessment Forms
3. Routines and Procedures
Cardinal Rules of Classroom Management
Freeze and Listen
Procedures for Lessons, Groups, and Rotations
Strategies Regarding Behavior
Daily Ongoing Activities
4. The First Two Weeks of School...A Detailed Account
Overview of the First Two Weeks of School for Kindergarten and First Grade
First Two Weeks of School—Kindergarten
First Two Weeks of School—First Grade
First Two Weeks of School—Second and Third Grades
First Two Weeks of School—Fourth to Sixth Grades
5. Activities for the First Month
Community Builder Activities
Language Arts Activities
Math Activities
Other Activities
6. Fingerplays and Songs for Oral Language in English and Spanish
Attention-Getting Fingerplays
Inclusion Songs
Songs That Are Adaptable to Thematic Units
7. Home and School Communication
First Day of Kindergarten / Primer Día del Kinder
Donation Requests / Donaciones, Por Favor
Daily Snack Program / Programa Diario Del Bocadillo
Classroom Volunteer Request / Voluntarios, Por Favor
Homework Schedule / Horario de la Tarea
The Writing Process / El Proceso De la Escritura
Resource A: Bibliography for Teachers
Resource B: Read-Alouds, K-6, in English and Spanish
"New teachers will love this step-by-step approach to setting up and managing a classroom while nurturing a community of eager and cooperative learners. The authors also provide a plethora of practical classroom activities for both new and seasoned teachers."Catherine Hernandez, Second-Grade Teacher
Detroit Public Schools, MI
"Proficient teachers are key to the future of education. This book is a great resource to help new teachers make their first year a successful one!"Janet Crews, Instructional Coach
Clayton School District, MO
"A great book to keep on your desk throughout the year."Maureen Maloney, Second-Grade Teacher
Lusher Charter School, New Orleans, LA
“This book is loaded with ideas and strategies, as well as suggestions for implementing these ideas!”Melanie Mares, Academic Coach
Lowndes Middle School, Valdosta, GA
Other Titles in: Classroom Management & Student Behavior | Teacher Induction | Teaching Methods & Learning Styles