Improving Reading, Writing, and Content Learning for Students in Grades 4-12

Put a strong literacy system in place to improve student achievement!

This excellent resource provides a realistic and systematic process that educators can immediately implement for improving reading and writing while enhancing content knowledge and skills. Based on proven evidence from multiple schools, and aligned with the National Reading Panel Report, it focuses on:

  • Creating a classroom community that is academically and psychologically safe for learning
  • Responding to non-negotiable expectations of daily practice
  • Building vocabulary, reading comprehension, and higher-order and critical thinking skills
  • Developing fluency in reading
  • Engaging families and the community

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: 4-12
  • ISBN: 9781412942270
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2006
  • Page Count: 128
  • Publication date: September 21, 2006
Price: $30.95
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"Fills a niche for content teachers who teach reading strategies, particularly in light of the standards movement."
—Christene Alfonsi, Teacher, Fairfield High School, OH

"From a fairly concise book, teachers get an important overview about a 'system' approach to literacy. All teachers get specific tools and strategies and some very useful information that could change their paradigm along the way."
—Allyson Burnett, Instructional Interventionist, Alief Hastings High School, Houston, TX

Put a strong literacy system in place to improve student achievement!

In contrast to the primary grades when children are learning to read, students in grades 4 through 12 are expected to learn content as they read, yet they may still struggle with reading basics. Improving Reading, Writing, and Content Learning for Students in Grades 4-12 provides a realistic and systematic process for improving reading and writing while enhancing content knowledge and skills.

Based on proven evidence in multiple schools over a 10-year period, this excellent new resource presents specific strategies and successful examples that educators can immediately implement to improve day-to-day classroom success, while also boosting the success rate on standardized assessments. Aligned with the National Reading Panel Report, this book helps teachers focus on:

  • Creating a classroom community that is academically and psychologically safe for learning
  • Responding to non-negotiable expectations of daily practice
  • Building vocabulary, reading comprehension, and higher-order and critical thinking skills
  • Developing fluency in reading
  • Engaging families and the community

Teachers can create the best environment and instructional experience for all students to maximize literacy learning and standards-based achievement. This outstanding book will be a source of reflection for continuous improvement!

Key features

  • Resources for pre- and in-service teachers in Grades 4-12, literacy coaches, staff developers, and administrators
  • Each chapter contains "Mental Models", real-life vignettes of applications at work in the classroom
  • Immediately usable tips throughout each chapter
  • Graphic organizers, tools, and extra resources
  • Provides guidance on parental and community engagement in literacy learning


Rosemarye T. Taylor photo

Rosemarye T. Taylor

Rosemarye (Rose) Taylor has a rich background that includes middle and high teaching, school administration, and district administration. She was a reading, language arts, and Spanish teacher, and counselor, followed by service as a middle and high school administrator, and district level administrator in Georgia and Florida, USA. In private sector management she was Director of Professional Development for Scholastic, Inc., New York. Currently, she is Associate Professor of Educational Leadership at the University of Central Florida in Orlando.

As Associate Professor of Educational Leadership at the University of Central Florida, her specialty is systematic leadership to improve student achievement Pk-20, which as lead to her interest and research in the professional practice doctorate. She has conducted research on leadership and change, particularly as it relates to accountability. Presentations on this topic have been given at University Council of Educational Administration, American Association of Educational Research, American Association of School Administrators, International Reading Association, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, National Association of Secondary School Principals, and National Middle School Association conferences. Her articles have been published in Kappan, Educational Leadership, Middle School Journal, Schools in the Middle, American Secondary Education, AASA Professor, The National Staff Development Journal, Principal Leadership, The School Administrator, Educational Research Service Spectrum, and International Journal of Education Management. Six books including Leading Learning: Improve Student Achievement Today! (2010), Improving Readers, Writers, and Content Learning for Students in Grades 4-12 (2007), Leadership Handbook for Literacy Coaching (2006),The K-12 Literacy Leadership Fieldbook (2005), Literacy Leadership for Grades 5-12, (2003), and Leading With Character to Improve Student Achievement (2003), reflect the commitment to all students learning more through leadership that creates ethical, fail-safe systems. She serves as consultant on literacy, learning communities, curriculum system development, and leadership to schools, districts and professional organizations.

Table of Contents

List of Figures



About the Authors

1. The Fail-Safe Classroom: Improving Reading, Writing, and Content Learning


Academically and Psychologically Safe to Learn

Nonnegotiable Expectations of Daily Practice

Nonnegotiable Expectations of Daily Practice and Writing

Practical Tips for Creating Fail-Safe Classrooms for Literacy and Content


2. Reading Components for Grades 4--12

Phonemic Awareness


Relationship of Nonnegotiables and Reading Components

Relevant and Respectful Literacy for Below-Grade-Level Readers

Reading Intervention and Phonemic Awareness

Technology Solutions


Practical Tips for Phonics and Phonemic Awareness Support

3. Owning Vocabulary

Vocabulary Solvers

Vocabulary in Context

Word Questioning Target Word: Nylons

Textbook Vocabulary Lists

Word Walls

Personal Dictionary, Thesaurus, or Journal

Vocabulary Workbooks

Spelling and Writing

Practical Tips for Developing Student-Owned Vocabulary

4. Developing Fluency in Reading All Texts

What Is Fluency and Why Is It So Important?

Developing Fluency in Reading Intervention

Developing Fluency in Reading Content Texts

Accountable Independent Reading

Practical Tips for Developing Fluency

5. Owning Comprehension Strategies

Key Comprehension Strategies


Teaching Strategies With Scaffolding

To What Extent Should Strategies Be Incorporated?


Graphic Organizers

Practical Tips for Owning Comprehension Strategies

6. Comprehending With Higher Levels of Thinking

Higher Levels of Thinking

Questioning Strategies

More Questioning Techniques

Higher Thinking With Graphic Organizers

Align Instructional Resources

Practical Tips for Higher-Level Thinking

7. Engaging Parents and Community in Literacy Learning

Engaging Parents

Educating Parents in Literacy Learning

Engaging the Community


Service Learning

Reflection on Improving Reading, Writing, and Content Learning

Practical Tips for Engaging Parents and Community in Literacy Learning

Resource A: Teacher Reflection Guide

Resource B: Accountable Independent Reading Log

Resource C: Book Talk Checklist




Price: $30.95
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