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Professional learning services built for impact on all learners

Corwin provides sustained, job-embedded professional learning that supports educators to strengthen the knowledge, skills, dispositions, and practices that have the greatest influence on student growth and achievement. 


Empower Teacher Teams to Build Collective Agency and Remove ​Learning Barriers    

Looking to elevate your Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)? Empowering your PLCs is a step toward developing better equipped educators with greater credibility to foster successful learners.  Based on the evidence-based framework created in the PLC+ books by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, John Almarode, Karen Flories, and Dave Nagel, the PLC+ workshop series focus on enabling your teacher teams and boosting collective agency.

PLC+ is more than just collaboration; it's a reinvention of the Professional Learning Community model that is equity-focused, rooted in evidence-based instruction, and promotes teacher agency. Emphasizing the importance of collective efficacy, expectations, equity, and activation, PLC+ ensures your teacher teams make effective decisions and remove learning barriers.  PLC+ offers a platform for teacher teams to explore common barriers to student learning, challenges facing PLCs, and design impactful PLC structures that elevate both student and teacher learning.

PLC+ supports: 

  • Planning and implementation of teaching strategies that support student learning
  • Cycles of assessment, reflection, and decisions that lead to greater impact
  • Monitoring collaborative impact on teacher and student learning
  • Amplifying teacher collaboration and improving leadership skills

Teachers and leaders alike will connect and learn from each other in a meaningful and impactful way, while building agency through a collective process and creating robust learning structures for student success.

Listen in to the webinar, PLC+ Pathways to Success, by Nancy Frey and Aida Allen-Rotell, who'll explore how all of the pieces of the PLC+ fit together. 

Available Services 

  • Keynotes 

  • Workshops 

  • Implementation support  

  • Coaching support 



Designed for: school leaders, instructional coaches, and teachers

Grade levels: K-12

Solution for: building teacher agency, PLC implementation, strategic planning, continuous improvement

Delivery options: In-person and virtual professional learning

Thought leaders: Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, Dominque Smith, Dave Nagel, and Karen Flories

Delivered by: Corwin accredited consultants

Related Professional Learning: Teacher Clarity, Visible Learning+, How Leadership Works, How Learning Works 


Teachers will:  

  • Build agency over their own learning through a collective process with colleagues and facilitate learning structures that develop student success   
  • Explore key strategies that will help develop assessment-capable visible learners and create effective assessments for teaching and learning
  • Understand the PLC+ Framework Essential Questions and cross-cutting values 

Leaders will:  

  • Get a customizable and cost-effective framework for PLC work  
  • Understand the steps required to implement the PLC+ framework 
  • Design PLC+ structures that positively impact student and teacher learning
  • Identify facilitation strategies to support a high functioning PLC+ structure 


Evidence of Impact

The Power of the PLC+ Playbook 

High School Instructional coach Sarah Brown, from Owensboro High School in Kentucky, speaks to the power of the PLC+ Playbook as a guide for supporting PLC teams as they harness effective collaboration! Listen to her story. 

Doug Fisher on What Makes PLC+ Professional Learning Different 

Is your PLC focused on evidence-based instruction with an emphasis on equity and activation? And most importantly, are your PLCs functioning effectively? PLC+ thought leader, Doug Fisher, explains how PLCs can remove barriers to learning and improve the impact of teaching in this short 60-second video. Watch the video.  - opens in a new tab



What You'll Learn

PLC+ professional learning workshops are designed to refresh current collaborative structures and support decision making in the context of collective efficacy, expectations, equity, and the activation of your own learning. PLC+ professional learning workshops, led by certified consultants, help teacher teams gather data and answer questions such as: 

  • What are the common barriers to your students' learning and what removal techniques can you implement to ensure students' learning is accelerated?  

  • What common challenges are your PLCs facing? 

  • How can you design PLC structures that positively impact student and teacher learning


Available Services

The Corwin Professional Learning Services team provides customized professional learning plans based on the needs and goals of your school or district. As part of our commitment to client support, our professional learning advisors and accredited consultants can provide a confidential needs assessment and make recommendations for workshop sequence, implementation support, and coaching.

Implementation Support and Coaching Services 

To move from ideas to implementation, teachers and leaders require just-in-time support. Corwin accredited consultants offer a range of implementation support and coaching options that have been successful in helping schools and systems evaluate their impact and focus on the practices that accelerate student learning and achievement.  

Virtual Professional Learning Options 

PLCs are not defined by where or how they meet; rather, it is the use of time that determines whether the interaction is one of a professional learning community. 

The PLC+ suite of virtual workshops provides educators an opportunity to collaborate in an online classroom where they can meaningfully connect and learn from one another. You’ll get support to help identify and nurture effective and impactful practices while also considering new ideas and approaches.  


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