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How to Build Your Antiracist Classroom

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781529791488
  • Published By: Sage UK
  • Year: 2023
  • Page Count: 264
  • Publication date: July 20, 2023
Price: $33.00
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Taking on the pervasive issue of racism within education Badu offers a practical, no-nonsense guide on building an antiracist classroom. This book takes the reader on a journey from examining their own bias and racial literacy, to developing a diverse curriculum and improving the culture, to effecting wider changes across the school. Whether as an ally or recipient of bias in our society; this book will offer educators a guide to all the things we can do in the classroom to effect profound social change. If you seek to disrupt the cycles of systemic inequality that have existed in society and education for decades, this is the book for you.

Orlene Badu is a Leadership & Education Consultant.


Orlene Badu photo

Orlene Badu

Orlene Badu has extensive senior leadership experience and was the head teacher at a diverse primary school in Hackney for seven years. She also completed a secondment as Head of Primary at an all through pupil referral unit. Roles that she was devoted to. She now works on a number of projects across London and the UK including as System Leader for the Young Black Men Project in Hackney, another role she is committed to.

She delivers training across both London and nationally and supports and challenges schools to improve the lived experiences and academic outcomes of Young Black Men and children who are thought to be disadvantaged (by the system), champions reduction in exclusions of young black Caribbean and dual heritage White and Black Caribbean men; as well as being a School Improvement Partner in a number of boroughs. She also continues to be a school governor currently at an inner- city London Secondary Community School.

She curated the Hackney diverse curriculum resources, adaptable, six weekly units of work that were developed by highly skilled teachers in Hackney for teachers and have been shared with schools locally, nationally and internationally. You can sign up for these resources here.

Table of Contents


Unconscious Bias

My Racial Literacy Is My Responsibility

The Importance Of Building Relationships As A Behaviour Management System

Building The Right Culture In Your Classroom

Developing a Diverse Curriculum

Culturally Relevant Assessment

Creating A Thriving Mindset- For Every Pupil

Parents As Partners

How Do We Affect Wider Change Across Our School?

My Anti-Racist Classroom- Brick By Brick

Price: $33.00
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.