Homework Done Right

Powerful Learning in Real-Life Situations

This step-by-step guide shows teachers how homework assignments can connect with the curriculum and with students’ lives, including strategies and sample assignments for all grade levels.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-12
  • ISBN: 9781412976534
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2010
  • Page Count: 216
  • Publication date: April 30, 2010
Price: $42.95
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"Homework Done Right takes a fresh look at how to create homework assignments that students will be motivated to complete, not based on the grade alone, but on the real-life applications of the assignments. I have already begun tweaking existing assignments to make them more intellectually rewarding for my students!"
—Jessica Purcell, Science Teacher
South Fargo High School, Fargo, ND

"This book shows readers exactly why meaningful homework is best for students and provides teachers with answers to those perennial student questions: 'Why do we need to know that?' and 'When am I ever going to use this?'"
—Tim Tharrington, Sixth-Grade English teacher
Wakefield Middle School, Raleigh, NC

Turn homework into a meaningful learning experience that excites students!

Homework Done Right shows teachers how homework assignments can connect with the curriculum and with students' lives. Educators will learn how to design and implement active, creative assignments that promote 21st-century skills such as inquiry, problem solving, and critical thinking. Moving beyond the current "homework debate," this resource provides:

  • Effective homework strategies and sample assignments for all K–12 levels and numerous subject areas
  • Richly detailed vignettes describing how real teachers have changed their homework practices—including do's and don'ts
  • Insights on how to use homework to promote parent involvement
  • Guidance on helping students develop leadership and collaboration skills through activities such as questioning, evidence gathering, and interviewing
  • Classroom-ready tools, including homework planning forms and other reproducibles

When homework assignments are challenging and relevant, students have a new opportunity to engage with learning and to succeed academically!


Janet Alleman photo

Janet Alleman

Janet Alleman is a Professor in the Department of Teacher Education at Michigan State University. She is author and coauthor of a range of publications including Children’s Thinking about Cultural Universals and a three-volume series entitled Social Studies Excursions, K–3. In addition to serving on a host of committees at the state and national levels, she has been a classroom and television teacher, actively working in school settings, and has taught at over a dozen international sites.
Jere Brophy photo

Jere Brophy

Jere Brophy was a University Distinguished Professor of Teacher Education and Educational Psychology at Michigan State University. A clinical and developmental psychologist by training, he conducted research on teachers’ achievement expectations and related self-fulfilling prophecy effects, teachers’ attitudes toward individual students and the dynamics of teacher-student relationships, students’ personal characteristics and their effects on teachers, relationships between classroom processes and student achievement, teachers’ strategies for managing classrooms and coping with problem students, and teachers’ strategies for motivating students to learn. Most recently, he focused on curricular content and instructional method issues involved in teaching social studies for understanding, appreciation, and life application.

Barbara Knighton photo

Barbara Knighton

Barbara Knighton is an elementary school teacher with over 20 years of experience in the classroom, including 16 years concentrating on the early grades. She currently teaches fourth grade in the Waverly Community Schools in Lansing, Michigan. Barbara has coauthored or contributed to several books on education, including two with an in-depth look at teaching in the primary classroom.
Rob Ley photo

Rob Ley

Rob Ley has taught third and fourth grade in both urban and suburban districts. He received his BA and MA from Michigan State University and is currently teaching in the Haslett Public Schools in Haslett, Michigan. He has presented research at state and national conferences related to making curriculum more meaningful for students by integrating community resources. He also directs an enrichment cluster learning context that focuses on creating a time and place for real-world, student-driven learning. Outside the classroom, he leads hiking and cycling adventures in various locations throughout the world.

Ben Botwinski photo

Ben Botwinski

Benjamin Botwinski is currently enrolled as a full-time graduate student at the College of Education, Michigan State University, where he is studying educational policy and administration. Prior to becoming a full-time student, Botwinski served as a high school social studies teacher in west Michigan. He currently lives in East Lansing, Michigan, with his wife and two children.
Sarah Middlestead photo

Sarah Middlestead

Sarah C. Middlestead is a middle school teacher with seven years of experience in the mathematics classroom. She obtained both her undergraduate and graduate degrees at Michigan State University and spent the first seven years of her teaching career at at a middle school in mid-Michigan. Sarah is passionate about teaching mathematics in an innovative and creative way, guiding students in exploring how mathematics is used in the world in which they live. She is currently enjoying time at home with her two young children while tutoring and writing.

Table of Contents

List of Tables and Figures



About the Authors

1. Introduction: What Is so Important About Homework?

Part I. Realize the Purpose

2. What Is the Rationale for Homework?

3. What Do the Experts Say about Homework?

4. How Does Changing Homework Impact Your Practice?

Part II. Assemble the Plan

5. How Can You Design Meaningful Homework?

6. How Can You Put Meaningful Homework into Action?

Part III. Examine the Possibilities

7. How Can Meaningful Homework Look in the Early Elementary Grades?

8. How Can Meaningful Homework Look in the Upper Elementary Grades?

9. How Can Meaningful Homework Look in Middle School?

10. How Can Meaningful Homework Look in High School?

11. Still Not Convinced?

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D

Appendix E

A Guide to Your Professional Learning




Price: $42.95
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