GPS: Good Parenting Strategies

The No-Guilt Survival Guide for Parenting During the Pandemic and Beyond

Full of humor, insights, and guidance fit for parents and teachers, this book equips you to confidently face challenging student behaviors, emotions, and schoolwork both now and in the future—and, perhaps most importantly, to begin to heal.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781071847251
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2021
  • Page Count: 152
  • Publication date: March 17, 2021
Price: $20.95
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Ensure that your kids (and you) thrive during distance learning when school is at home!

To say the pandemic of 2020 threw parents and educators a curveball would be an understatement. Suddenly, we were charged not only with meeting our children’s emotional and social needs, but also helping them fulfill their academic tasks outside of the school and classroom. Feelings of stress, anxiety, and guilt were inevitable.

While you’re recreating the structure and routine of school and attending to students’ mental health, the Good Parenting Strategies (GPS) offered in this essential guide will help you help your children succeed while learning at home. Ben Springer, an expert educator and school psychologist, provides you with real-life scenarios and ready-to-use tools rooted in positive psychology that show you how to

  • Manage stress and anxiety at home
  • Focus on the key ingredients to learning (both distance and face-to-face)
  • Prevent problem behaviors before they occur
  • Build resilience and find happiness

Also included are more than 25 charts and tools that are accessible online for ease of printing. Full of humor, insights, and guidance fit for parents and teachers alike, this book equips you to confidently face challenging student behaviors, emotions, and schoolwork both now and in the future—and, perhaps most importantly, to begin to heal.


Ben Springer photo

Ben Springer

Ben Springer is an award-winning and nationally certified school psychologist. Dr. Springer is also the author of the popular books Happy Kids Don’t Punch You in the Face (2018) and GPS: Good Parenting Strategies (2021). Dr. Springer has served in schools as an autism specialist, school psychologist, behavior specialist, and Director of Special Education. In 2017, Dr. Springer founded Totem PD, a professional development company for educators and mental health practitioners with Dr. Ben Belnap.

Table of Contents

Preface: Parenting and the Pandemic

Overview: What This Book Will Do for You


About the Author

Introduction: Scorched Earth

SECTION 1. How to Battle Guilt and Shame

SECTION 2. How to Build Your Very Own Structure and Routine in a Global Pandemic (and Beyond)!

SECTION 3. How to Identify, Create, and Utilize Your Very Own Core Values as a Family

SECTION 4. Discipline 101

SECTION 5. Advanced Discipline

SECTION 6. How to Manage Intense Emotional Outbursts From Your Kids

SECTION 7. How to Navigate Screen Time and Social Media

SECTION 8. How to Navigate Distance Learning

SECTION 9. How to Find Happiness in Our Families

SECTION 10. How to Build Resilience in Our Families

Conclusion: A Diaper Bag for Life


Appendix A: House Rules

Appendix J: Two Lists

Appendix V: Common Coping Skills




Price: $20.95
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.

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