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Girls Without Limits

Helping Girls Succeed in Relationships, Academics, Careers, and Life
Second Edition
By: Lisa Hinkelman
Girls Without Limits equips you with the skills and strategies you need to build solid relationships, handle difficult conversations, and cultivate a generation of girls who are strong, capable, confident, and successful.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781071807507
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2020
  • Page Count: 288
  • Publication date: December 30, 2020
Price: $35.95
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.


Be the caring and positive force that girls need

Social media, friendships, dating culture, academic pressures, bullying, self-concept, fear of failure… These are just a few of the complex challenges facing adolescent girls. In a world that is changing rapidly, it can be difficult to know how to foster effective communication and provide authentic support for the girls that we teach, parent, mentor, and coach.

The newly updated edition of Girls Without Limits offers relevant insights and concrete strategies that will help you:

  • Understand the unique challenges girls face, including relationship troubles, social and academic pressures, disrespect and harassment, body image, academic and career choices, and becoming leaders
  • Teach girls the skills they need to safely and confidently navigate social media and other evolving technologies
  • Empower girls with the skills they need to establish healthy and supportive relationships, build a strong sense of self, and develop the confidence they need to confront negative societal expectations and make healthy, positive decisions

Combining relevant research, findings from a large-scale national survey of more than 10,000 girls, and the voices and experiences of today’s adolescents, Girls Without Limits equips educators, parents, school counselors, mentors, and coaches with the skills and strategies they need to build solid relationships, handle difficult conversations, and cultivate a generation of girls who are strong, capable, confident, and successful.


Lisa Hinkelman photo

Lisa Hinkelman

Dr. Lisa Hinkelman is an educator, counselor, researcher, and author who has spent 15 years researching girls and educating school counselors, first as a professor at The Ohio State University, and currently as the Founder and CEO of Ruling Our eXperiences (ROX). ROX is a national non-profit that provides evidence-based empowerment programming for girls, professional development for school counselors and educators, and research on the critical issues impacting girls. Lisa’s books provide relevant research, case studies, and effective strategies to help adults support the girls in their lives. Focused on building self-esteem, enhancing communication, increasing competence, and addressing gender stereotypes and barriers, Girls Without Limits is currently being utilized by parents, educators, coaches, mentors, helping professionals, and university professors throughout the country.

Dr. Hinkelman is also the principal investigator and author of the groundbreaking publication The Girls’ Index: New Insights Into the Complex World of Today’s Girls. The Girls’ Index reveals the findings from a survey conducted with 11,000 girls across the country and includes girls’ thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs on confidence, body image, relationships, school, social media, careers, and leadership. She also published Girls & Sports: A Girls’ Index Impact Report, Girls & STEM: Decoding Girls’ Futures in an Age of Social Media and Girls, Diversity and The Future. Featured in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, SXSW, Lean In, The 74 and Education World, The Girls’ Index research provides the most nationally relevant and representative statistics currently available on girls.

Lisa received her undergraduate degrees in Psychology and Education from Chatham College in Pittsburgh, PA and her master’s and doctorate degrees in Counselor Education from The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. Her ROX program is delivered to more than 5,000 girls annually in schools throughout the country. She trains and educates 3,000+ adults each year through professional development workshops, parent symposiums, and conference keynotes on topics including social/emotional learning, stress and pressure, confidence and self-esteem, STEM, sexual harassment/violence, and Title IX, school climate, and gender equity.

Table of Contents



About the Author

Chapter 1: What’s Really Going on for Girls, and How Can We Help Them?

Chapter 2: Streaks, Likes, Followers, and Friends: The Impact of Social Media in Girls’ Lives

Chapter 3: Being a Girl Today Is Hard: Gender Roles, Body Image, and Confidence

Chapter 4: Mean Girls: Dealing With Drama and Relationships

Chapter 5: Relationships, Dating, and Coercion: Developing Healthy Relationships in an Age of Sexting, Swiping, and Snapping

Chapter 6: “Lighten Up,” “I Was Just Joking,” “Boys Will Be Boys,” and Other Stuff Girls Hear: Addressing Disrespect and Sexual Harassment

Chapter 7: Looking Out for the Girls: Identifying and Preventing Sexual Violence

Chapter 8: The Pressure to Be Perfect: Stress and Coping in an Age of Perfectionism and Helicopter Parents

Chapter 9: Academic or Instagram Influencer? Why Girls Feel They Have to Choose

Chapter 10: What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up? How Stereotypes Are Holding Girls Back

Chapter 11: CEOs, Politicians, and Superintendents: But Where Are All the Female Leaders?

Chapter 12: What Girls Want

Chapter 13: What Girls Need




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Price: $35.95
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.