Getting MORE Excited About USING Data
Use data to construct an equitable learning environment, develop instruction with formative assessment in mind, and empower effective professional learning communities just the way ESSA intends with this invaluable resource.
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9781506357256
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2017
- Page Count: 280
- Publication date: March 07, 2017
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Put data to WORK to better meet the needs of all students
Have you become hyper-focused on state tests? Do you have important data collected, warehoused, and gathering dust? The time has come to dust off that data and put it to work for your students.
The new reporting requirements under ESSA, combined with the flexibility to act on that data, provide a huge opportunity for education leaders. This is your opportunity to rebuild data processes and rekindle excitement about using data for school and student growth. Getting MORE Excited About USING Data addresses both cultural and technical aspects of using data, starting with underlying beliefs about students, assessment, and individual and collective teacher efficacy. This updated edition features:
- Guiding questions and protocols for effective professional learning communities, shared leadership teams and subject/grade teaching teams
- New material on the use of formative assessment in schoolwide planning and instructional design
- Renewed focus on the role of students
- Tips on the electronic challenges of storage, retrieval, privacy and security
- Real-life examples from schools and districts ranging from specific data displays to sustained, long-term change
The straightforward language, adaptable models, and focus on human elements make Getting MORE Excited about USING Data an essential resource for every leader. The time is now to use data to establish a collaborative culture with student success at its core.
“Holcomb leads educators to use data as a catalyst to foster their passion for continuous learning, I highly recommend her pragmatic approach in looking at data as a means to stir the hearts and minds of educators for the sake of our future human resources: the students we serve.”Kathy Larson, Author
Coaching for Infinite Results
"This book is full of practical supports, resources, and illustrations. It is well grounded in the work of schools and the importance of data to that mission."
Megan Tschannen-Moran, Professor of Educational Leadership
College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA
Key features
- Frequent references to changes in the law and their potential to redirect our focus and improve our outlook
- Realities of how NCLB affected teachers – from fears of sanctions on their schools to use of test scores to evaluate their performance and in turn threaten their employment, which for most is also their mission in life
- New material on tender morale issues – teacher sense of efficacy individually, collective sense of efficacy throughout a school, and cultures of trust – critically important for the adults and linked by evidence to student learning
- Identification of technological advances that facilitate use of data, along with needed steps to counter the realities of threats to privacy and security
- A more inclusive approach to discussions of leadership – shared, distributed, at all levels, drawing on personal influence as well as position power
- Refined descriptions of the work of Shared Leadership Teams and Data Teams, with an entire new section on the use of data in Teaching Teams
- Attention to the concepts and balance of formative, benchmark, and summative assessments and their appropriate uses in school-wide planning and instructional design
- Increased attention to the role of students – resurrecting other sources of data that reflect the whole child and engaging students with their own data
- Updated sources of best (evidence-based) practices
- Redefined roles of the central office in support of schools
- Use of data to differentiate professional development among schools and individual teachers, and the positive impact that teacher evaluation rubrics could provide
- New tools for team productivity, including the use of norms and protocols
- Current case studies from a diverse set of schools not present in former editions

Edie L. Holcomb
Edie L. Holcomb is executive director of curriculum and instructional services for Kenosha Unified School District No. 1 in Kenosha, Wisconsin. She has experienced the challenges of improving student achievement from many perspectives:
- From classroom teacher to university professor
- From gifted education coordinator to mainstream teacher of children with multiple disabilities
- From school- and district-level administration to national and international consulting
- From small rural districts to the challenges of urban education
She is highly regarded for her ability to link research and practice on issues related to instructional leadership and school and district change—including standards-based curriculum, instruction, assessment, supervision, and accountability. She has taught at all grade levels, served as a building principal and central office administrator, and assisted districts as an external facilitator for accreditation and implementation of school reform designs. As associate director of the National Center for Effective Schools, she developed a training program for site-based teams and provided technical support for implementation of school improvement efforts throughout the United States and in Canada, Guam, St. Lucia, and Hong Kong. She developed a comprehensive standards-based learning system for the staff and 47,000 students of the Seattle, Washington, city district and has supervised K–12 clusters of schools and evaluated principals.
Her work received the Excellence in Staff Development Award from the Iowa Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development in 1988. In 1990, her study of the needs of beginning principals was recognized by the American Association of School Administrators with the Paul F. Salmon Award for Outstanding Education Leadership Research.
She served as an elected member-at-large on the Leadership Council for ASCD International, played an active role in Washington State’s School Improvement Assistance Program, and contributed to development of the new School System Improvement Resource Guide. Holcomb is the author of four previous books and numerous articles and reviews.
Table of Contents
List of Figures
Foreword by Shirley Hord
Why Another Book
What’s New Here in the Third
What This Book Is Not
What This Book Is
How This Book Is Organized
About the Author
Chapter 1: Excited About Data—Really?!
Unexpected Excitement
The Urgency Remains
Excitement—Killed by Compliance
Every Student Succeeds Act Enters Amid Continuing Challenges
What Data Matters Now
Progress in Data Use
Excitement Extinguishers
Chapter 2: You Get More Excited About Data When . . . It Fits Your Beliefs
Espoused School Beliefs
Beliefs About Students
Beliefs About Assessment
Surfacing Beliefs and Acknowledging Differences
Collective Commitments and Courageous Conversations
From Caution and Compliance to Commitment
Chapter 3: You Get More Excited About Data When . . . It Feels Safe
Fear of Evaluation
Fear of Exposure
Fear Masquerading as Resistance
Surfacing the Fears
Responding to Concerns
Building Trust
Chapter 4: You Get More Excited About Data When . . . You’re Not Doing It Alone
Team Structures for Collaboration
Communication for Team Connections
Common Language for Collaboration
Norms and Protocols
Interdependence of Culture and Structure
Chapter 5: You Get More Excited About Data When . . . You See Faces in It
Seeing Faces of Diversity and Equity
Watching Faces Over Time
Features on the Faces Are More Than Scores
Hearing the Voices From the Faces
Helping Students Face Their Learning
Face-to-Face With Families
Chapter 6: You Get More Excited About Data When . . . It’s Easy to Get
Types of Data Displays
Key Features of Data Displays
Access to Data
Doing It Ourselves: A School Creates Its Own Data System
Chapter 7: You Get More Excited About Data When . . . It Fits a Bigger Picture
A Contrast of Cases
Components of the School’s Big Picture
Key Points for Stakeholder Involvement
Picturing the Work of Teaching Teams
Inquiry in Teaching Teams
Viewing Teaching Teams in Action
Chapter 8: You Get More Excited About Data When . . . It Saves Resources
Consolidating Multiple and Existing Plans
Testing Assumptions Before Seeking Solutions
Confirming Best Practices
Learning From Best-in-Class Schools
Vetting New Programs
Saying “No, Thank You”
Chapter 9: You Get More Excited About Data When . . . You Can Do Something About It
Stick to Your Own Sphere
Analyze the Offered Curriculum
Fill Curriculum Gaps
Critique the Culture
Compare Best Practice and Typical Practice
Determine What to Try—and What to Stop
Develop Action Plans
Chapter 10: You Get More Excited About Data When . . . You Have Time to Deal With It
Kinds of Time Needed
A System Look at Data
Studying and Repurposing Time Available
Using Time Wisely
Chapter 11: You Get More Excited About Data When . . . It Shows You’ve Made a Difference
Tending to Teacher Efficacy
Producing Evidence of Implementation
Generating Evidence of Impact
Using Data to Demonstrate the Difference You Make
Reaping Unexpected Benefits
Spreading a Little Cheer
One School’s Story
Chapter 12: You Get More Excited About Data When . . . You Have Appropriate Support
Touch the Talent in the Trenches
Deliver on Reciprocal Accountability
Redesign Professional Development for Learning
Model Use of Data for Continuous Improvement
Revisit Curriculum Roles
Dedicate Time
Tailor Tech Support
Test Data Warehouses
Protect Data Security and Privacy
Support Principals
One District’s Inside-Out Story
Chapter 13: Get More Excited
Review and Reflect
Choose Your Next Steps
Rock Your World
References and Suggested Readings
"A wonderful style of writing; very approachable and practical. Dr. Holcomb offers great tools, ideas, and strategies on using data."Jane Chadsey, Vice President
Educurious, Seattle WA
"Edie Holcomb’s materials are thorough and useful. I utilized the previous edition of this book when teaching districts to use data to identify how to improve the academic achievement of students with disabilities."
Eva Kubinski, School Administration Consultant"Edie Holcomb’s materials are thorough and useful. I utilized the previous edition of this book when teaching districts to use data to identify how to improve the academic achievement of students with disabilities."
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, Madison, WI
"This book is full of practical supports, resources, and illustrations. It is well grounded in the work of schools and the importance of data to that mission."Megan Tschannen-Moran, Professor of Educational Leadership
College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA
"Dr. Holcomb provides vignettes and examples that offer insight into the day-to-day realities of school improvement issues. The ideas are presented in a logical manner and questions throughout the book provide opportunity for reflection."
Pamela H. Scott, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis"Dr. Holcomb provides vignettes and examples that offer insight into the day-to-day realities of school improvement issues. The ideas are presented in a logical manner and questions throughout the book provide opportunity for reflection."
East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN
"When Dr. Holcomb published her first edition of “Getting Excited About Data”, I was intrigued. She was not only a colleague of mine, but the term “excited” about data held a curiosity for me as data, at that time, had a sterilized, impersonal , and even fearful perception for teachers who truly entered the field as caring, nurturing professionals that fostered student development in a wholistic framework. I came to think otherwise after reading her work. Now, with her third edition and Dr. Holcomb’s intent to lead educators to use data as a catalyst to foster their passion for continuous learning, I highly recommend her pragmatic approach in looking at data as a means to stir the hearts and minds of educators for the sake of our future human resources: the students we serve."Kathy Larson, Author/Consultant
Coaching for Infinite Results
“Yet again Edie Holcomb has engaged her exemplary skills in creating a significant new edition. This third volume conveys for us rich new ideas, understandings, and insights in providing the culture, content, and processes that will ensure that our data use leads to increased teaching quality and better outcomes for our students.”
Shirley M. Hord, Scholar Laureate“Yet again Edie Holcomb has engaged her exemplary skills in creating a significant new edition. This third volume conveys for us rich new ideas, understandings, and insights in providing the culture, content, and processes that will ensure that our data use leads to increased teaching quality and better outcomes for our students.”
Learning Forward, Boerne TX
Review Copies
Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact