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Gaining Support for Your School

Strategies for Community Involvement
In an era of declining resources and rising expectations in United States education, public schools are now competing for allocations from a shrinking pool of resources. This book describes how to develop community involvement in schools in order to gain support in terms of funding or commitment.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9780803964105
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Series: Roadmaps to Success
  • Year: 1996
  • Page Count: 64
  • Publication date: March 20, 1996
Price: $21.95
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"...A unique approach to community involvement in public schools. It contains practical suggestions for making dynamic change in the current school system." Jack D. Minzey, Professor Emeritus and Department Head, Eastern Michigan University "A fine summary of examples, steps, and strategies that school leaders can employ to generate public involvement in the schools." Charles M. Achilles, Department of Educational Leadership, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti "Clearly designed as a handbook for practitioners, this book provides a wealth of information. . . ." From the Foreword by Jerry J. Herman and Janice L. Herman "A roadmap for the future, well-written and valuable." Philip T. West, Professor, Department of Educational Administration, Texas A&M University Now is the time for schools to regain community confidence and restore financial support. Examines increasing voter reluctance to fund school programs, and offers proven, real-world solutions to your school's financial problems. Schmitt and Tracy take you step-by-step through assessing your school's needs and coordinating community resources. They outline ways to involve the public in school projects to everyone's benefit. Answers these vital questions: * How can you rebuild community confidence in your school? * What steps should you take to increase support for your school? * How can the community participate in your students' educations? * What role should your school take in students' lifelong learning? * What does the future hold for your school-community partnership? Create "mutual school ownership" in your community that will reaffirm public commitment and financial support. Here are specific, easy-to-follow models for successful programs and services. You'll find strategies for implementation as well as a detailed listing of primary resources. This book can start you on your way to a stronger, more committed partnership between your school and the community it serves.

Table of Contents



The Need for Change

Involving Community and Schools

A Structure for Community Involvement

The Community's New Role in K-12 Education

The School's New Role in Lifelong Learning

The Future of Community School Relationships

Price: $21.95
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