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Future Focused Leaders

Relate, Innovate, and Invigorate for Real Educational Change
By: Bill Ziegler, Dave Ramage

Foreword by Salome Thomas-EL

With three main areas of focus, Relate, Innovate, and Invigorate, this forward-thinking book provides practical strategies and tools to maintain positive change within any school.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781506376035
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2017
  • Page Count: 192
  • Publication date: June 02, 2017
Price: $39.95
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Promote the skills and experiences that equip students to thrive in the future!

Future Focused Leaders concentrates on three areas, Relate, Innovate, and Invigorate, that will engage and empower school leaders to effectively prepare students and educators for the future. This book provides best practices, practical tools, and research-based strategies that educators can immediately apply for sustainable innovation in their leadership. With maintaining positive change in mind, this book also offers:

  • Examples, vignettes, and activities for reflection and action
  • A self-evaluation rubric to check your ability to relate, innovate, and invigorate
  • Visit Chase Learning for video and audio resources, as well as a leadership simulation for team practice

Read chapter 4


Bill Ziegler photo

Bill Ziegler

Dr. Bill Ziegler is a high school principal in Pennsylvania. He was recently honored as the 2016 Pennsylvania Principal of the Year, the 2015 National Association of Secondary School Principals Digital Award Winner, and was selected to serve on the United States team of School Leaders to the Great Leaders Summit in China. Dr. Ziegler has over 24 years of service in public education where he has served as a school leader for 20 years. Bill was recently selected to serve on the team to rewrite the NASSP/NAESP Breaking Ranks publications for school leaders.

He has served as a high school social studies teacher, high school assistant principal, middle school principal, and he currently serves as a high school principal. Bill also earned Apple Teacher certification and was recently selected to participate in an Apple Research Study for School Leaders. Bill is honored to be part of the Corwin Consulting Team that provides high quality professional development to school leaders. Dr. Ziegler also serves as an adjunct professor at Temple University in their Masters of Education department. Bill is very active in his state; he served as the President of the Pennsylvania Principals Association in 2014 and 2016 and was honored to be selected as Treasurer and Southeast Regional Representative for the same association. Dr. Ziegler presents regularly around the world on School Leadership. He has presented at national conferences such as the National Association of Secondary School Principals, Association of Curriculum & Supervision Development, International Society for Technology in Education, and many more. Bill spoke on Capitol Hill to lobby for better ERate coverage for schools throughout the United States.

Bill is the owner of Chase Learning (https://chaselearning.org), a private educational consulting firm designed to provide high quality and engaging professional development to strengthen school leaders throughout the United States. Personally, Bill is married to his beautiful wife, Kim and they have two high school aged children. Bill can often be found fly fishing in the streams of PA, cheering on his favorite Philly sports teams, or playing his saxophone.

Watch Bill's video

Dave Ramage photo

Dave Ramage

Dave Ramage, Ph.D. has been a public school educator for 29 years. He spent eleven years as a middle school music teacher in grades six through nine at Souderton Area SD in suburban Philadelphia, and then became the Coordinator of Technology Staff Development for the same district. Dave moved to middle school administration as an assistant principal and principal. He currently leads Pottsgrove Middle School. Dave was a 2005 national finalist in the Technology Leaders award sponsored by Technology & Learning magazine. He has presented at conferences including PETE & C, NECC, and PASCD. Dr. Ramage has done adjunct teaching since 1998 for several universities including DeSales University, California University of Pennsylvania, and currently for Drexel University. He received his BS in Music Education from Lebanon Valley College, M.Ed. in Computers in Education from DeSales University, and Ph.D in Educational Leadership and Technology Learning from Drexel University. Dave and his wife Diane have three children who currently practice their lifelong learning in high school, college and graduate school. One of Dave’s favorite quotes is from Dennis Sparks who reminds us, “At school, everyone’s job is to learn.” Dave is excited to lead his staff and grow a learning community that improves instruction, innovates with technology, values critical thinking, and cares for the achievement of every student. Stories of student successes always find their roots in strong relationships and Dr. Ramage is humbled and blessed to be a partner in this vital work.

Table of Contents




About the Authors

Chapter 1: Conversational Leadership: Leadership Driven by Relationships, Listening, and Communication

School Leader’s Story: Listening to Student Voice

The Conversation Is the Relationship

More Meaningful Meetings

School Culture

School Leader’s Story: Building Authentic Relationships

Relate, Innovate, Invigorate Activities

School Leader Simulation (SIM): The Bully Teacher

Chapter 2: Communication Builds Community: Telling Your School Story Together

School Leader’s Story: Telling Your School’s Story

Branding Your School

Digital Media Tools


School Leader’s Story: Communicating by Relating

Relate, Innovate, Invigorate Activities

Chapter 3: Connecting to Make a Difference: Building Relationships With the Entire School Community

School Leader’s Story: Connecting Students With Their Community

Connecting for Learning

School, It’s Not Just for Students Anymore

School Leader’s Story: Engaging the Community

Partnerships to Strengthen Learning

School Leader’s Story: Making a Difference for Others

Relate, Innovate, Invigorate Activities

Chapter 4: Shift in How We Do School: The Changing Architecture of Learning and Schooling

School Leader’s Story: Increasing Parent Involvement

Holding Back Innovation: Comfort, Cost, and Courage

A Future Crisis: Pulling Away From the Past to Save the Future

Physical Environment

School Leader’s Story: Empowering Students

Relate, Innovate, Invigorate Activities

Chapter 5: Digital Leadership, Learning, and Technology: Digital School Leaders Making a Difference for Students

School Leader’s Story: Modeling Digital Learning

You Think You Have Problems?

SwERI Framework

Future Design Learning Environments

School Leader’s Story: Technology Supports Student Interest

Relate, Innovate, Invigorate Activities

Chapter 6: Nurturing Creativity: Strategies for Leaders to Inspire Creativity in Their Teachers, Students, and Parents

School Leader’s Story: Creating Space for Creativity

The Fourth Revolution

Growing Creativity

School Leader’s Story: Creative Solutions for Authentic Problems

Relate, Innovate, Invigorate Activities

Chapter 7: Inspiring Others to Greatness: Principals Inspiring Teachers, Students, and Parents for Amazing Things

School Leader’s Story: Getting All Voices Heard

Making a Lasting Difference

Culture Changes in Education

Returning to the Call

School Leader’s Story: Community Members Inspiring Students

Relate, Innovate, Invigorate Activities

Chapter 8: Building on Strengths: Leadership That Focuses on Strengths and Celebrates the Success of Others

School Leader’s Story: A House Undivided

The Power of Team

Focus on Strengths

School Leader’s Story: Stronger Together: Collaborating for Success

Relate, Innovate, Invigorate Activities

Chapter 9: Servant Leadership: Serving the Students, Staff, and Community to Ensure They Get What They Need to Learn

School Leader’s Story: Serving the School Community

Kindergarten Lessons

School Leader’s Story: Supporting Students’ Ideas: “Make It Happen”

Relate, Innovate, Invigorate Activities

Chapter 10: Learning Is the Goal: Leadership That Resists Trends and Quick Fixes

School Leader’s Story: Supporting Leadership Throughout the School for Learning

A Lead Learner

Do What Matters

Resist the Quick Fix

Keys to Learning as School Leaders

Celebrate Learning

School Leader’s Story: Changing a School Culture for Learning

Relate, Innovate, Invigorate Activities





Price: $39.95
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.

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