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From Conflict to Conciliation
How to Defuse Difficult Situations
Don't let conflict get in the way of meaningful collaboration!
Research based and easy to remember, the Six-C process for conflict resolution allows educators to take progressively more assertive steps as needed to resolve a disagreement, using the least amount of time and energy while preserving relationships. Illustrated with many examples and scenarios, the six steps are:
- Concern: identifying actionable concerns
- Confer: expressing concerns in nonthreatening ways
- Consult: reviewing and clarifying the situation collaboratively
- Confront: considering consequences and giving clear warnings
- Combat: taking sustained, logical action
- Conciliation: mending the wounds and restoring relationships
Product Details
- Grade Level: K-12
- ISBN: 9781412979863
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2010
- Page Count: 184
- Publication date: March 15, 2010
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