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Fostering Learner Independence

An Essential Guide for K-6 Educators
By: Roxann Rose-Duckworth, Karin Ramer

Foreword by Ron Ritchhart

Learner independence = student success!

This straightforward resource identifies the key ingredients for creating classrooms that promote student self-sufficiency. Teachers will reflect on ways to build student strengths and interests, provide authentic learning experiences, and help students gain the skills and motivation to learn independently. The book shows readers how to: 

  • Identify practices that hinder or foster student independence
  • Engage learners so they can contribute information about how and what they learn
  • Promote development of good work habits, self-motivation, resiliency, and peer-to-peer problem solving
  • Strengthen students' critical thinking and inquiry skills
  • Incorporate differentiation and formative assessments

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-6
  • ISBN: 9781412966078
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2008
  • Page Count: 240
  • Publication date: November 11, 2008
Price: $41.95
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.


"This one will be dog-eared, highlighted intensely, and readily accessible on the corner of my desk. However, in the spirit of this book's call for independent thinking, don't take my word for it. Read and judge for yourself. You won't be disappointed."
—Rick Wormeli, Columnist
Middle Ground Magazine, National Middle School Association

Learner independence = student success!

While every teacher's goal is to help students become independent thinkers, determining exactly how to lead students toward self-sufficiency can be a challenge. This straightforward resource invites teachers to reflect on their philosophy of teaching and learning, and helps identify the key ingredients for creating a classroom that promotes student success and independence.

Teachers will discover how to build on student strengths and interests and provide authentic learning experiences. The book includes checklists, examples, and tips, and shows readers how to:

  • Identify practices that hinder independence as well as those that foster student self-sufficiency
  • Engage learners so they can contribute information about how and what they want to learn
  • Promote development of good work habits, self-motivation, resiliency, and peer-to-peer problem solving
  • Strengthen students' critical thinking and inquiry skills
  • Incorporate differentiation and formative assessments

Infused with research and real classroom experiences, this readable handbook helps educators develop students who can solve problems and learn independently.

Key features

  • Provides examples from a variety of subject areas and ages
  • Includes helpful questions for reflection and real-life classroom scenarios gathered from the authors' own teaching experiences and workshops
  • Emhpasizes reflective practice


Roxann Rose-Duckworth photo

Roxann Rose-Duckworth

Roxann Rose-Duckworth is an innovative elementary and middle school teacher, college instructor to preservice educators, and respected educational consultant. Rose-Duckworth has nearly fifteen years experience working with students in kindergarten through sixth grade in three different states. She was recognized for her creative and effective teaching strategies in 1996 when the Walt Disney Company honored her dedication to her students as one of 36 teachers chosen nationwide to be honored by Disney’s American Teacher Awards. Rose-Duckworth’s teaching was highlighted in The Creative Classroom Project, a video series by Harvard Graduate School of Education’s Project Zero (1999-2004). She has presented at national conferences for both ASCD and IRA and published articles in NCTE’s Primary Voices. In 2006, Rose-Duckworth co-authored The Teaching Experience: An Introduction to Reflective Practice (Pearson). She enjoys preparing future teachers for tomorrow’s classrooms and working with current teachers to help them reflect on and improve their teaching practices. Rose-Duckworth takes an active role in North Sound Reading Council, her local International Reading Association affiliated organization.
Karin Ramer photo

Karin Ramer

Karin Ramer is a reflective and respected elementary school teacher and educational consultant. She has taught kindergarten through third grade, reading recovery, Title I, and special education. Aside from teaching in the classroom, she has effectively worked as a mentor, literacy coach, and staff development facilitator at the elementary level. Her passion is teaching students and guiding educators as they reflect on best practices. Currently, Ramer works as an educational consultant in Oregon and Washington, aiming to enhance understandings about literacy and learner independence. Over the last ten years, she has presented for conferences sponsored by the Western Literacy & Reading Recovery®, The Learning Network® , and Washington Organization for Reading Development (WORD).

Table of Contents

Foreword by Ron Ritchhart



About the Authors

1. Learner Independence

Defining Learner Independence

Learner Independence Encourages Self-Esteem

Independent Learning: A Habit of Mind


A Time to Reflect

A Visit to Our Classrooms

2. Structuring for Learner Independence

Controlling Versus Structuring for Learning

Fostering Independence Through Student Thinking

Interdependence Encourages Independence


A Time to Reflect

A Visit to Our Classrooms

3. Teaching That Promotes Independence

Implicit and Explicit Teaching

Constructivist Education

Supporting Students: The Zone of Proximal Development

Problem-Based Instruction

Gradually Releasing Responsibility


A Time to Reflect

A Visit to Our Classrooms

4. Expectations and Communication That Supports Independence

Benefits of a Well-Managed Classroom

Setting Expectations

Communicating With Students

Language of the Classroom

Peer Communication


A Time to Reflect

A Visit to Our Classrooms

5. Aligning Understandings and the Environment for Independence

Benefits of a Well-Planned Environment

An Environment That Mirrors a Teacher's Understandings

Analyzing the Physical Environment

Role of the Teacher


A Time to Reflect

A Visit to Our Classrooms

6. Setting Up for Independence

Arranging the Physical Environment

Whole Group

Small Group

Student Seating

Student Seating: The Freedom to Choose

The Teacher's Desk

Learning Centers, Materials, Supplies, and Resources

Wall Space

A Final Touch

Routines and Procedures

Change Over Time


A Time to Reflect

A Visit to Our Classrooms

7. Assessment That Fosters Independence

A Comparison of Assessments

The Link Between Rubrics and Independence

Assessment That Encourages Independence and Creativity

Assessing With Purpose

Reflect on Your Use of Rubrics

The Benefits of Assessment for Learning


A Time to Reflect

A Visit to Our Classrooms

8. Evaluation and Analysis That Develops Independence

Supporting Students Through Evaluation

Using Evaluation in Planning


A Time to Reflect

A Visit to Our Classrooms

9. Information That Fosters Learner Independence

Observations as Assessment

Conversations as Assessment

Feedback: Descriptive and Evaluative

Feedback That Informs Instruction

Analyzing Student Work for Evidence of Instruction

Analyzing With Others


A Time to Reflect

A Visit to Our Classrooms

10. Planning to Support Independence

Purposeful Decisions

The Teaching and Learning Cycle

Long-Range Planning

Daily Planning

Approaches, Grouping, and Resources


A Time to Reflect

A Visit to Our Classrooms

11. Differentiating for Independence

All Students Can Learn

Teaching Responsively Encourages Independence

Using a Variety of Processes and Resources to Encourage Independence

Go Deep, Avoid Coverage

Students Need to Know Themselves as Learners

Student Choice Is Critical

Differentiation Leads to Independent Learners


A Time to Reflect

A Visit to Our Classrooms

12. Conclusion: Changing and Reflecting

Our Behaviors Are Influenced by Thought and Perception

Teaching Is Constant Decision Making

Learning Requires Engagement and Alteration in Thought

Humans Continue to Grow Cognitively

Resource A: Task Analysis

Resource B: Moving From Controlling Learning

Resource C: Responses That Encourage Independence




Price: $41.95
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.