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Five to Thrive Series

Five to Thrive series

By-your-side guides for new teachers from classroom experts in math and science, literacy, and teaching essentials

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The Five-to-Thrive series provides new teachers with just-in-time, research-backed, classroom-tested advice from experts who have decades of teaching experience. Friendly, accessible, and practical, each book in the series details the five most important things new teachers need to know to put theory into practice. What’s more, the books show how to avoid the mis-steps teachers so often make early in their careers.

The Five-to-Thrive series:

  • Answers dozens of the most pressing questions teachers have on mathematics, reading, writing, and classroom community
  • Focuses attention on shifts in pedagogy, such as infusing equity, access, and identity into all instruction
  • Provides approachable, empathetic guidance for teachers who feel overwhelmed, which let’s face it, is likely all teachers
  • Features practical tips, tables, and checklists, as well as comforting and affirming quotes from educators who have “been there, tried that”
  • Suggests further reading and resources for going deeper on each topic covered as a teacher’s time and interest permit

When you have questions and only minutes at hand, these on-your-desk companions will provide you with answers to your biggest teaching questions at the moment you most need them. And while designed with new teachers in mind, veteran teachers will also discover timely, up-to-date guidance that ensures they continue to deliver the best learning experiences for their students.


Teaching Essentials

Corwin Connect articles related to the Five to Thrive Series 


3 writing strategies

"Lisa is a third-grade teacher and a regular visitor in my office, happy to share successes and open up for reflection on the days when writing instruction feels more like walking through mud. Today, she had metaphorical mud..."

One teaching habit

One Teaching Habit That Will Save You Time, Increase Your Impact, and Buy Back a Bit of Your Summer - opens in a new tab

"Spring has sprung! Teachers and students alike are looking forward to the last few months of school. On the horizon for students, there is testing, final projects, and a host of review activities. For teachers, there is still more lesson planning to do. By the time teachers reach this time of year, they have planned upwards of 130 lessons. It’s expected that..."


Supporting new teachers

Supporting New Teachers? Help Them Adopt Four Tried and True Math Routines That Center Student Thinking - opens in a new tab

"Veteran teachers know that routines are set procedures and practices they use frequently to help organize their classroom. When new teachers come into the classroom for the first time, they may learn to use classroom-management routines for taking attendance or having students distribute materials. In math classes, routines can also add..."


One small change

One Small Change Can Refresh & Renew Your Elementary Reading Community This Spring - opens in a new tab

"As the final few months of the school year draw near, the demands on elementary teachers and students tend to increase, which means the joy in our reading communities can actually decrease a bit. Luckily, it is not too late to hit the refresh button with just a small tweak..."



Reflect, Refresh, and Rejuvenate Your Math Classroom by Celebrating Student Progress & Growth - opens in a new tab

"January represents the beginning of a new calendar year; however, it is also the beginning of the second semester of the school year for students. The beginning of the second semester is a great time to “take the pulse” of your students’ mathematical thinking and confidence by engaging your students in self-reflective..."

math games

’Tis the Season to Experience the JOY of Math Games! - opens in a new tab

"December is a busy time of year for teachers and their students. Teachers are well into the curriculum and are looking to continue to connect with students, reignite engagement, and manage focus/attention during the upcoming holiday season. One great way to do this is with math games! Math games ensure..."


It’s That Time of the Year…. 5 Tips For Making the Most of Math Conferences!

"At this point in the school year, you may be preparing for upcoming parent-teacher/family-teacher conferences. Or you may have recently had your first round of conferences and are reflecting on how they..."


"As schools return to fully in-person learning, change is afoot. One noticeable shift is the number of new teachers, teachers working in new buildings, new districts, new subjects, or new grades. Even veteran teachers..."