Figuring Out Fluency - Multiplication and Division With Fractions and Decimals

A Classroom Companion

Give each and every student the knowledge and power to become skilled and confident mathematical thinkers and doers.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781071825921
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Series: Corwin Mathematics Series
  • Year: 2022
  • Page Count: 224
  • Publication date: March 08, 2022
Price: $35.95
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Because fluency practice is not a worksheet.

Fluency in mathematics is more than adeptly using basic facts or implementing algorithms. It is not about speed or recall. Real fluency is about choosing strategies that are efficient, flexible, lead to accurate solutions, and are appropriate for the given situation. Developing fluency is also a matter of equity and access for all learners.

The landmark bookFiguring Out Fluency in Mathematics Teaching and Learningoffered educators the inspiration to develop a deeper understanding of procedural fluency, along with a plethora of pragmatic tools for shifting classrooms toward a fluency approach. Now, teachers have the chance to apply that inspiration through explicit instruction and practice every day with the classroom companionFiguring Out Fluency: Multiplication and Division with Fractions and Decimals.With this book, teachers can:

  • Dive deeper into the Significant Strategies for fluency explained in the anchor book
  • Learn how these strategies grow from and relate to the basic fact strategies children learn
  • Access over 100 strategy-aligned and classroom-ready activities for fluency instruction and practice in multiplying and dividing fractions and decimals, including worked examples, routines, games, and centers
  • Find activities for assessing all components of multiplication and division fluency for fractions and decimals, plus support for engaging families
  • Download all of the needed support tools, game boards, and other resources from the companion website for immediate implementation.

Give each and every student the knowledge and power to become skilled and confident mathematical thinkers and doers.


Jennifer M. Bay-Williams photo

Jennifer M. Bay-Williams

Jennifer M. Bay-Williams is a professor of mathematics education at the University of Louisville, where she teaches preservice teachers, emerging elementary mathematics specialists, and doctoral students in mathematics education. She has authored over 40 books and 100 journal articles/book chapters, many of which focus on procedural fluency and developing mathematical proficiency. Beyond the Figuring out Fluency series, these include Math Fact Fluency, and Everything you Need for Mathematics Coaching and Elementary: Teaching Developmentally and Middle School Mathematics. Jennifer's national leadership includes NCTM Board of Directors, the TODOS: Mathematics for All Board of Directors, and as president and secretary of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE).
John J. SanGiovanni photo

John J. SanGiovanni

John J. SanGiovanni is a mathematics coordinator in Howard County, Maryland. There, he leads mathematics curriculum development, digital learning, assessment, and professional development. John is passionate about growing new mathematics leaders in the district and through McDaniel College. In addition to the Figuring Out Fluency series, some of his many Corwin books include Daily Routines to Jump-Start Problem Solving, Grades K–8; Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Teaching Elementary Math; the Daily Routines to Jump-Start Math series; and Productive Math Struggle: A 6-Point Action Plan for Fostering Perseverance. John is a national mathematics curriculum and professional learning consultant who also speaks frequently at national conferences and institutes. He is active in state and national professional organizations, recently serving on the board of directors for the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and on the board of directors for NCSM.

Sherri Martinie photo

Sherri Martinie

Sherri Martinie, a Professor of Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Education at Kansas State University, teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in mathematics education. Prior to taking her position at Kansas State, she taught elementary, middle and high school mathematics for a combined 20 years. She is continually seeking innovative ways to support preservice and in-service teachers in the development and refinement of effective mathematics teaching practices.
Jennifer Suh photo

Jennifer Suh

Jennifer Suh is a mathematics educator at George Mason University, leading efforts to enhance K-8 math instruction through strength-based formative assessments and bridging activities. In partnership with the Virginia Department of Education, her project, Bridging for Math Strength, focuses on using rich mathematics tasks across grade levels, unpacking the learning progression to enhance teaching and learning. Jennifer uses this project for math intervention and multi-tiered instruction, working closely with special education and general education math teachers to meet diverse learners' needs. She directs the Center for Outreach in Mathematics Professional Learning and Educational Technology (COMPLETE), conducting Lesson Study in schools emphasizing problem-based tasks to promote equitable access to 21st-century skills, including creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration, particularly for diverse student populations.

Table of Contents



Module 1 Good (and Necessary) Foundations for Reasoning Strategies

Module 2: Break Apart (by Addends) and Partial Products

Module 3: Compensation for Multiplying Fractions and Decimals

Module 4: Break Apart to Multiply (by Factors)

Module 5: Think Multiplication

Module 6: Partial Quotients

Module 7: Algorithms for Fraction Multiplication and Division

Module 8: Algorithms for Decimal Multiplication and Division



Other Titles in: Mathematics | Elementary Maths

Price: $35.95
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