Doing Science

Innovative Curriculum for the Life Sciences
Problem-based, student-centred learning is the key to implementation of the national standards for science education in the United States. Students learn science best by `doing' science, by identifying real-world problems and designing projects that lead to possible solutions.

Based on extensive experience in an award-winning US high school science programme, this book provides a step-by-step guide for designing problem-based learning in the life sciences.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9780803964778
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 1996
  • Page Count: 184
  • Publication date: August 23, 1996
Price: $34.95
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"Offers new views and strategies to enliven the teaching of science by incorporating the investigative aspects of the subject. Bound to provide invaluable help in solving a very serious national problem." William J. Lennarz, Professor and Chairman Dept. of Biochemistry and Cell Biology State University of New York at Stony Brook Provides science teaches with innovative ways to involve students in working on dynamic, real-world problems and projects. This probmel-based, student-centered approach to "doing science" focuses on life science learning and includes lessons from biology, chemistry, and physics. This holistic method has been incorporated into the national standards for science education. Includes practical examples on how to: * Utilize the natural curiosity, concern, and creativity of students to turn them into active participants in instruction, instead of passive recipients * Design and develop problem and activity scenarios, and assess and evaluate the end results * Teach students where and how to collect and analyze data in order to find the solutions to questions and problems * Recruit and incorporate community mentors into your students' projects Addresses issues of liability and includes sample projects, policies, and release and permission forms. The author provides all the tools you need to turn life sciences into a "living" science.


Neal A. Glasgow photo

Neal A. Glasgow

Neal A. Glasgow's experience includes serving as a secondary school science and art teacher both in California and New York, as a university biotechnology teaching laboratory director and laboratory technician, and as an educational consultant and frequent speaker on many educational topics. He is the author or coauthor of ten books on educational topics: What Successful Schools Do to Involve Families: Fifty Research-Based Strategies for Teachers and Administrators (2008), What Successful Literacy Teachers Do: 70 Research-Based Strategies for Teachers, Reading Coaches, and Instructional Planners (2007), What Successful Teachers Do in Diverse Classrooms: 71 Research-Based Strategies for New and Veteran Teachers (2006); What Successful Teachers Do in Inclusive Classrooms: 60 Research-Based Strategies That Help Special Learners (2005); What Successful Mentors Do: 81 Researched-Based Strategies for New Teacher Induction, Training, and Support (2004); What Successful Teachers Do: 91 Research-Based Strategies for New and Veteran Teachers (2003); Tips for Science Teachers: Research-Based Strategies to Help Students Learn (2001); New Curriculum for New Times: A Guide to Student-Centered, Problem-Based Learning (1997); Doing Science: Innovative Curriculum Beyond the Textbook for the Life Sciences (1997); and Taking the Classroom to the Community: A Guidebook (1996).

Table of Contents

Introduction to Science Teaching Philosophy

Looking at an Old Paradigm with New Eyes

Teaching and Learning Today

The Basic Styles and Options

The Basic Elements or Characteristics of the Problem-Based Curriculum

Science without the Mess

Where to Find Investigations and Sources of Data

Big Nonlaboratory Problems (but Could Include Laboratory Experiences!)

Doing Authentic Science

Examples of Mentored Project Experiences

Other Real Science Projects

Defining the Outcomes

Problem-Based Assessment and Evaluation Philosophy

Curricular Accountability

Science Education Then and Now

Students, Parents, and Staff in the New Paradigm

Other Titles in: Science

Price: $34.95
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