Discovering Programs for Talent Development

Discovering Programs for Talent Development presents sixty-five programs that are readily available in most school districts and communities, and assesses each program's potential for serving the needs of talented students, based on its levels of content acceleration, in-depth topic immersion, and interest exploration.

After reading this book, you will be able to:

  • Match students to programs that will best correspond with their learning needs, employing Profiles of Ability
  • Assemble comprehensive, individualized programs for talent development, using the Program Mosaic Model
  • Recognize additional programs that are appropriate for gifted and talented students, based on Parke's Ten Tell-Tale Signs of a Hidden Program

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9780761946137
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2002
  • Page Count: 184
  • Publication date: October 30, 2002
Price: $41.95
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A novel and realistic approach for attaining full-service programming for gifted and talented students!

While many school districts have some programming for gifted students, these students still spend most of their time in general education classrooms, where their talents are unchallenged and underdeveloped. Under the circumstances of limited funds and expanding expectations, what can be done now to meet the needs of the gifted and talented students in our schools?

In answer to this question, Discovering Programs for Talent Development presents sixty-five programs that are readily available in most school districts and communities, and assesses each program's potential for serving the needs of talented students, based on its levels of content acceleration, in-depth topic immersion, and interest exploration.

After reading this book, you will be able to:

  • Match students to programs that best correspond with their learning needs, employing Profiles of Ability
  • Assemble comprehensive, individualized programs for talent development, using the Program Mosaic Model
  • Recognize additional programs that are appropriate for gifted and talented students, based on Parke's Ten Tell-Tale Signs of a Hidden Program

Discovering Programs for Talent Development is an indispensable tool for all educators who want to fill the gaps in gifted education and provide their gifted and talented students with the educational opportunities they need to reach their full potential.

Key features

Lists, describes, and evaluates 65 programs that are typically found in school and community settings (therefore immediately accessible to the reader and his/her students), and provides sources for further research after each listing.

Includes embedded case descriptions of programs, summative checklists, forms and charts.


Beverly N. Parke photo

Beverly N. Parke

Dr. Beverly N. Parke is a member of the School of Education faculty at Indiana University Purdue University Ft. Wayne where she teaches courses in Special Education. Her primary research and writing emphasis is on program options for exceptional children.

Dr. Parke is the author of two books, Discovering Programs for Talent Development (Corwin Press, 2002) and Gifted Students in Regular Classrooms (Allyn & Bacon, 1989) as well as over thirty other publications and a software package. In addition, she has served as President of The Association for Gifted (CEC) and Editor of Journal for the Education of the Gifted. She is the recipient of the Certificate of Merit (1996), given for exemplary service to gifted child education from The Association for Gifted. Dr. Parke has served as a keynote speaker on gifted child education throughout the United States and Canada.

At this time, Dr. Parke is engaged in two research projects. One involves the outcomes of dual enrollment programs for high school students attending universities. The other looks at the effects of early childhood intervention programs on children at risk for success in kindergarten.

Dr. Parke is married to her husband of twenty-three years, Christopher, and is the mother of two daughters, Carlyn and Janna.

Table of Contents



About the Author

1. Uncovering Hidden Programs

Challenging Conventional Wisdom

Why Programs Remain Hidden

Building Program Mosaics for Full Service


Points to Ponder

2. Revealing Talent

Ideas About Talent

Definitions of Talent

Talents Light the Way

Multiple Intelligences Model

Defining Characteristics of Talented Students

Pace, Depth and Interest

Developing Profiles of Ability

Defining Characteristics and Program Development

Talent Development at Greenwood Middle School


Points to Ponder

3. Ten Telltale Signs of a Hidden Program

Item #1: Students Are Active Learners

Item #2: Students Are Involved in Decision Making

Item #3: Students Learn Strategies for How to Learn

Item #4: Teachers Facilitate Learning

Item #5: Cooperative and Collaborative Skills Are Developed

Item #6: Interdisciplinary Focus is Part of the Curricular Design

Item #7: Materials and Resources Are Rich and Far-Reaching

Item #8: Products Have Real-World Applications

Item #9: Multiple Outlets for Products Are Used

Item #10: Instructional Process Includes Parents and Community Members


Points to Ponder

4. From Hidden Programs to Inspired Programming

Program Mosaics

Pace Panel

Depth-of-Learning Panel

Interest Panel

Assembling the Mosaic

Partners in Change

Roles in Discovery and Delivery of a Program Mosaic

Guidelines for Program Planners

Guidelines for Educators

Guidelines for Parents


Points to Ponder

5. Sixty-Five Programs That Develop Talent


Academic Competitions

Accelerated Readers

Archaeological Digs

Ask an Engineer

Block Scheduling


Community Service

Computer Techs

Debate and Forensics

Distance Learning

Dress-Up Box

Dual-Language Instruction


Family Excursions

Family Investigations

Field Trips

Flex Classes

Foreign-Exchange Programs

Girls and Boys State

High School and University Dual-Enrollment Programs

History Fairs

Intramural Sports


Jazz Band

Junior Achievement

Junior Great Books

LEGO League

Mental Math


Model United Nations

Opening Night

Original Research

Outdoor Education

Parenting Classes

Peer Mediation

Power of the Pen

Problem-Based Learning

Professional Development

Quiz Bowl


Science Fair

Scouting and Y-Guide Programs


Show Choir

Space Camp

Speaker's Bureau

Special Olympics

Sports Day

Student Council

Student Newspaper

Summer Stars

Sustained Silent Reading

Talent Shows

Tarheel Museum

Teacher Exchange

Tech Trials

Teddy Travels

Video Yearbook


Windsong Pictures

World Wide Web: Monarch Watch

Writer's Forum

Young Authors

Zoo Apprenticeships

Resource A: PreK-12 Gifted Program Standards (National Association for Gifted Children)

Resource B: Standards for Programs Including the Gifted and Talented (The Association for the Gifted)

Resource C: Spotlight Programs: Relationships to Standards and LoS Level

National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) and The Association for Gifted (TAG) Standards and Level of Service (LoS)

Resource D: Sample Forms



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