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Differentiated Literacy Strategies for English Language Learners, Grades 7–12

This book provides a wealth of practical literacy strategies tailored for adolescents who have had interrupted formal education or come from newly arrived immigrant populations.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: 7-12
  • ISBN: 9781412996471
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2011
  • Page Count: 240
  • Publication date: November 19, 2012
Price: $39.95
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100 ways to keep adolescent ELLs engaged

This versatile handbook is for middle school and high school educators who need to differentiate literacy instruction for adolescent ELL students at various stages of literacy competency. Adapted from the highly successful Differentiated Literacy Strategies for Student Growth & Achievement in Grades 7–12, the authors use brain-based strategies and texts that appeal to older learners who may have had interrupted formal education or come from newly arrived immigrant populations. More than 100 hands-on tools help teachers develop students' competencies in:

  • Content areas, including vocabulary, concept attainment, and comprehension
  • Technology, such as information searching, evaluation, and synthesis
  • Creative applications and 21st century skills

Written for classroom teachers, reading specialists, curriculum developers, and instructional leaders, this one-stop source provides an expert guide to working with all of today's adolescent and teen English language learners.

Key features

  • Provides tools for pre-assessing diverse learners for literacy skills, competencies, learning styles, and learning gaps
  • Provides a broad array of high-payoff and developmentally appropriate strategies
  • More than 100 planners, checklists, templates, rubrics, organizers, and other illustrations hat address multiple competencies in literacy learning


Gayle H. Gregory photo

Gayle H. Gregory

Gayle H. Gregory is first and foremost a teacher, having experienced teaching and learning in elementary, middle, and secondary schools, community colleges, and universities. She has had extensive district-wide experience as a curriculum consultant and staff development coordinator. Gayle was principal/course director at York University for the Faculty of Education, teaching in the teacher education program.
Her areas of expertise include brain-compatible learning, differentiated instructional and assessment strategies, block scheduling, emotional intelligence, student motivation, RTI Tier One, collaborative learning, common core, renewal of secondary schools, enhancing teacher quality, coaching and mentoring, managing change, and building professional learning communities. She also a trainer for Visible Learning Plus with Corwin.

She is an author of numerous books related to educational neuroscience and differentiated instruction, assessment, and curriculum, including the following titles:

• Data Driven Differentiation in the Standards-Based Classroom, Second Edition (2014, with Lin Kuzmich)
• Differentiated Instructional Strategies: One Size Doesn’t Fit All, Third Edition (2013, with Carolyn Chapman)
• Differentiated Instructional Strategies Professional Learning Guide: One Size Doesn’t Fit All, Third Edition (2013)
• Differentiated Literacy Strategies for English Language Learners, Grades K–6 and Differentiated Literacy Strategies for English Language Learners, Grades 7–12 (2011, with Amy Burkman)
• Differentiated Instructional Strategies for the Block Schedule (2010, with Lynne E. Herndon)
• Student Teams That Get Results: Teaching Tools for the Differentiated Classroom (2009, with Lin Kuzmich)
• Teacher Teams That Get Results: 61 Strategies for Sustaining and Renewing Professional Learning Communities (2009, with Lin Kuzmich)
• Differentiated Instructional Strategies for Science, Grades K–8 (2009, with Elizabeth Hammerman)
• Differentiating Instruction With Style: Aligning Teacher and Learner Intelligences for Maximum Achievement (2005)
• The Activities for Differentiated Classroom series (2007, with Carolyn Chapman)

She is affiliated with organizations such as ASCD and Learning Forward. Her ASCD publication is The Motivated Brain: Improving Student Attention engagement and Perseverance (2015, with Martha Kaufeldt).

Gayle consults internationally with teachers, administrators, and staff developers.

She and her family of two daughters and two granddaughters all reside in Burlington, Ontario.

Gayle is committed to lifelong learning and professional growth for herself and others. She may be contacted at gregorygayle@netscape.net, www.gaylehgregory.com, and @gaylegregory6.

Amy Burkman photo

Amy Burkman

Amy Burkman is an Associate Professor at American Public University. She has served as a provider of professional development for the Education Service Center for Region 11 and several school districts within the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. Burkman received a Master's Degree in Library Sciences from Texas Woman's University in 2002, where she was also inducted in Beta Phi Mu, the International Library & Information Studies Honor Society. She was awarded her doctorate from Texas Christian University in May 2009.

Burkman is, and has been, active in many local, state, and national organizations. She currently reviews materials for several publications, including the International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation (IJELP) and the Education Leadership Review (ELR). Dr. Burkman has published several articles, including “A Practical Approach to Marketing the School Library”, which has been included in the 6th Edition of School Library Management, “The Role of Social, Civic and Political Responsibility in Educational Leadership Preparation”, and “Leadership Development in the United States: Systemic Development Within Social Culture.”

Dr. Burkman served as an elementary principal, an elementary and secondary assistant principal, a school librarian and a classroom teacher before she moved to higher education.

Table of Contents


About the Authors

1. Accelerating Literacy Learning

2. Creating a Climate for Literacy Learning

3. Knowing the Adolescent Literacy Learner

4. Functional Literacy

5. Content-Area Literacy

6. Technological Literacy

7. Innovative Literacy

8. Managing Instruction in the Differentiated Literacy Classroom

References and Additional Resources



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Price: $39.95
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