
Collaborative Inquiry for Educators

A Facilitator's Guide to School Improvement

Move teams toward impactful collaborative work, improved instruction, and increased student achievement using this guide’s scaffolded, step-by-step activities and real-world examples.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781452274416
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2013
  • Page Count: 144
  • Publication date: May 02, 2013
Price: $34.95
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Your step-by-step guide to making collaborative inquiry work

Collaborating for improved student outcomes makes sense. But beyond theory, do you know where to begin? How does a team gather, analyze, and then implement and evaluate learning objectives while engaging students and meeting school agendas? Without directed guidance, it’s easier said than done.

Aligned to current Learning Forward standards and based on the latest professional development research, Collaborative Inquiry for Educators deconstructs the collaborative inquiry process. This step-by-step guide gives facilitators tools to move teams toward purposeful, productive, and impactful collaborative work, including

  • A clear and concise four-stage model that provides a structure for facilitating successful collaborative inquiry
  • Real-world examples from collaborative teams that model components of each stage
  • Clear, direct, and practitioner-focused tone with an emphasis on action over theory

Unlock your team’s ability to work together to improve instruction and increase student achievement today!

"Jenni Donohoo's immensely thoughtful and deeply practical discussion of collaborative inquiry helps teachers to live up to, and also be enlivened by, the high standards of evidence-informed judgment that define all true professions."
—Andy Hargreaves, Thomas More Brennan Chair in Education
Boston College

“In clear and unpretentious language, Donohoo guides the reader through a challenging but practical four-step learning sequence so that teachers learn and, subsequently, students achieve—a goal to which we all subscribe and endorse.”
—Shirley M. Hord, Scholar Laureate
Learning Forward

Key features

(1) A clear and concise, step-by-step guide to facilitating collaborative inquiry teams aimed at instructional improvement and increased student achievement.

(2) Chapterscovering each step of the collaborative inquiry processinclude scaffolded activities that facilitators can choose from as they engage school teams in framing a problem, gathering evidence, examining evidence, reflecting, and determining next steps.

(3) Providesreal-world examples and sample artifacts from actual teams for modeling various components of each step.

(4) Grounded in the latest research on professional development and school improvement.


Jenni Donohoo photo

Jenni Donohoo

Jenni Donohoo is the director of Praxis-Engaging Ideas, Inc and a project manager for the Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE). Jenni has a PhD in Educational Studies and Supervisory Officer Qualifications. Jenni is a former classroom teacher and currently works with system, school leaders, and teachers around the world to support high quality professional learning. She has authored many peer-reviewed publications and three best-selling books, including Collaborative Inquiry for Educators, The Transformative Power of Collaborative Inquiry (with Moses Velasco), and Collective Efficacy: How Educators’ Beliefs Impact Student Learning. Jenni’s areas of expertise include collective efficacy, metacognition, adolescent literacy, and facilitating collaborative learning structures.

Table of Contents



About the Author

1. Why Collaborative Inquiry?

A Four-Stage Model

Getting Started

2. Stage 1: Framing the Problem

Determining a Meaningful Focus

Determining a Shared Vision

Developing an Inquiry Question

Formulating a Theory of Action

Reflection for Facilitators

3. Stage 2: Collecting Evidence

Developing Knowledge, Competencies, and Shared Understandings

Implementing Changes in Practice

Developing the Data Collection Plan

Reflection for Facilitators

4. Stage 3: Analyzing Evidence

Considering Implementation

Data Analysis

Examining Assumptions

Reflection for Facilitators

5. Stage 4: Documenting, Celebrating and Sharing

Documenting and Sharing


Debriefing the Process

Reflection for Facilitators


Resource A. Identifying Student Learning Needs

Resource B. Sphere of Concern Versus Realm of Control

Resource C. Examples of Purpose Statements

Resource D. Inquiry Questions--Examples--Strong and Weak

Resource E. Theory of Action T-Chart

Resource F. Innovation Configuration Map Template

Resource G. Data Collection Plan Template

Resource H. Levels of Implementation Templates

Resource I. Collaborative Inquiry Teams--Small Group Sharing

Resource J. Characteristics of Collaborative Inquiry Continuum

Resource K. Characteristics of Collaborative Inquiry--Start--Stop--Continue




Price: $34.95
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