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Collaborating Through Collective Efficacy Cycles

Ensuring All Students and Teachers Succeed
By: Toni Faddis, Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey

Includes 35+ Videos
A PLC+ Playbook

This book demystifies the concept of collective efficacy and empowers teacher teams with the necessary tools to ignite collaborative processes, pool energy and resources, and foster mutual accountability at a schoolwide level.

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781071888629
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2022
  • Page Count: 192
  • Publication date: June 07, 2022
Price: $39.95
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.


Develop and sustain collective efficacy in your school to energize teachers and students alike.

In today’s schools, working together and learning together go hand in hand. Collective efficacy is educators’ beliefs, fueled by evidence, that by working together—as a collective, rather than as individuals—they will positively impact student and teacher learning. So how can teachers put collective efficacy into action?

Collaborating Through Collective Efficacy Cycles: A Playbook for Ensuring all Students and Teachers Succeed demystifies the concept of collective efficacy and empowers teacher teams with the necessary tools to ignite collaborative processes, pool energy and resources, determine their impact, and foster mutual accountability at a schoolwide level. Step by step, the authors guide readers through six modules, leading them through a full cycle and helping set a foundation to systematically cultivate collective efficacy.

The playbook offers background information, evidence-based research, and practical strategies and tools to help educators:

  • Establish detailed conditions for creating collective teacher efficacy, using data to identify student learning needs and determine a common challenge
  • Plan collectively, implement strategy, and observe colleagues in deliberate classroom practices that deepen expertise and facilitate increased student and teacher learning
  • Select learning opportunities to bolster knowledge and enhance professional skills surrounding evidence-based practices that address needs and accelerate learning
  • Define how teacher teams can cultivate and increase motivation and energy as individuals and, equally importantly, with one other.

While content changes, this established process can be used repeatedly, offering teacher teams a clear and defined pathway towards personal and professional fulfillment while simultaneously elevating student motivation, well-being, and academic success.


Toni Faddis photo

Toni Faddis

Toni Faddis, EdD, is a Corwin author and full-time professional learning consultant. Toni was previously a bilingual teacher and Reading Recovery specialist in elementary and middle schools, as well as a principal in San Diego. In addition, Toni served as a district central office leader responsible for equity, access, and leadership development throughout the largest elementary school district in California. She holds teaching and administrative services credentials in California and earned her doctoral degree in educational leadership from San Diego State University. Toni also mentors and coaches current and aspiring school leaders in the Educational Leadership Department at San Diego State University. Toni is the co-author of PLC+: A Playbook for Instructional Leaders, Collaborating Through Collective Efficacy Cycles, and The Ethical Line.

Douglas Fisher photo

Douglas Fisher

Douglas Fisher is professor and chair of educational leadership at San Diego State University and a teacher leader at Health Sciences High and Middle College. Previously, Doug was an early intervention teacher and elementary school educator. He is a credentialed English teacher and administrator in California. In 2022, he was inducted into the Reading Hall of Fame by the Literacy Research Association. He has published numerous articles on reading and literacy, differentiated instruction, and curriculum design, as well as books such as The Teacher Clarity Playbook 2/e, Your Introduction to PLC+, The Illustrated Guide to Teacher Credibility, The Teaching Reading Playbook, and Welcome to Teaching!.

Nancy Frey photo

Nancy Frey

Nancy Frey is a Professor in Educational Leadership at San Diego State and a teacher leader at Health Sciences High and Middle College. She is a credentialed special educator, reading specialist, and administrator in California. She is a member of the International Literacy Association’s Literacy Research Panel. Her published titles include The Illustrated Guide to Visible Learning, Welcome to Teaching Multilingual Learners, Teaching Foundational Skills to Adolescent Readers, and RIGOR Unveiled: A Video-Enhanced Flipbook to Promote Teacher Expertise in Relationship Building, Instruction, Goals, Organization, and Relevance.

Table of Contents


Module 1: Developing Individual and Collective Efficacy

Module 2: Determining the Common Challenge

Module 3: Building Knowledge and Skills

Module 4: Collaborative Planning and Safe Practice

Module 5: Collaborative Planning and Opening Up Practice

Module 6: Monitoring, Measuring, and Celebrating

Appendices: Resources for Teams



Price: $39.95
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.

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