Building Better Behaviour in the Early Years

First Edition
By: Chris Dukes, Maggie Smith

By asking you to reflect on how the ethos, practice, and general approach in your setting impacts on the behavior of both children and adults, this book suggests sensible ways to achieve an exciting and stimulating environment for all. From an award-winning author team, there is down-to-earth advice, a number of common-sense solutions and all the essential information you will need to develop the best sort of setting, where everyone supports one another.

The book includes case studies of children between 0 to 5 years, sample policies, and lots of reproducible material on the CD-Rom that comes with the book

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781847875204
  • Published By: Sage UK
  • Series: Hands on Guides
  • Year: 2009
  • Page Count: 120
  • Publication date: June 30, 2009
Price: $59.00
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.


Every early years setting strives to create a calm and positive atmosphere, where children can thrive and develop as successful and confident learners.

By asking you to reflect on how the ethos, practice, and general approach in your setting impacts on the behavior of both children and adults, this book suggests sensible ways to achieve an exciting and stimulating environment for all.

From an award-winning author team, there is down-to-earth advice, a number of common-sense solutions and all the essential information you will need to develop the best sort of setting, where everyone supports one another.

Chapters offer guidance on:

  • Creating an enabling environment for all
  • Developing a team-based approach
  • Considering the whole child
  • Working with parents, and other professionals
  • Observing and assessing behavior
  • Sharing good practice

The book includes case studies of children between 0 to 5 years, sample policies, and lots of reproducible material on the CD-Rom that comes with the book

Suitable for all early years students and practitioners, this book is an encouraging read that will inspire you and help you to improve behavior in your class or setting.


Chris Dukes photo

Chris Dukes

Chris Dukes is a qualified teacher with over 20 years’ experience. She has worked in various London primary schools as a class teacher and also as a member of the Senior Management Team. Chris has a Master’s degree in Special Needs and through her later role as a Special Needs Co-ordinator and Support Teacher, many years’ experience of working with children with additional needs. Chris has worked closely, mentoring, advising and supervising staff teams to work with young children as well as with other education and health professionals. She currently works part time as an Area SENCO supporting Special Needs Co-ordinators and managers in a range of early year’s settings. Chris is also one half of ‘earlymatters’ training and consultancy, is co-author of the Hands on Guides series of books and writes for various early years’ publications.

Maggie Smith photo

Maggie Smith

Maggie Smith began her career as a nursery teacher in Birmingham. She has worked as a peripatetic teacher for an under-5’s EAL Team and went on to become the Foundation Stage manager of an Early Years Unit in inner London. Maggie helped to set up an innovative unit for young children with behavioural difficulties and has also worked supporting families of children with special needs. She has taught on Early Years BTEC and CACHE courses at a college of higher education. Maggie currently works part time as an Area SENCO supporting Special Needs Co-ordinators and managers in a range of early year’s settings. She is also one half of ‘earlymatters’ training and consultancy, is co-author of the Hands on Guides series of books and writes for various early years’ publications.

Table of Contents


The Bigger Picture

Development Matters

A Whole-Child Approach

The Reflective Setting

A Strategy Bank

Observing Behaviour

A Skills Bank


Price: $59.00
Volume Discounts applied in Shopping Cart

Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.