
Being 10% Braver

Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781529721973
  • Published By: Sage UK
  • Year: 2021
  • Page Count: 224
  • Publication date: February 23, 2021
Price: $32.00
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Through the real-life stories of women leaders in education, drawn from across the #WomenEd community, this book offers guidance and inspiration on how to rise above challenging situations and find personal and professional growth. It's time to:

-Tackle imposter syndrome
-Know your worth
-Ask for what you need
-Call out unacceptable behavior
-Put yourself first when necessary
-Raise your voice until it's heard

It's time to own your journey and your story - it's time to become 10% braver.


Keziah Featherstone photo

Keziah Featherstone

Keziah Featherstone is a co-founder, trustee and strategic leader for #WomenEd and a member of the Headteachers’ Roundtable, a non-political educational think-tank. After twenty years in senior leadership, she currently she lives with her husband, daughter, three cats and three pugs in the West Midlands where she is proud to be Executive Headteacher of Q3 Academy Tipton, a part of the Mercian Trust, her second headship. Keziah has written English educational resources for Pearson and Teachit, as well as articles for publications such as Tes, The Guardian and Schools Week, she also co-edited 10% Braver: Inspiring Women to Lead Education and Being 10% Braver.

Vivienne Porritt photo

Vivienne Porritt

Joyously, Vivienne Porritt OBE is a co-founder, trustee and Global Strategic Leader of WomenEd, a global charity which empowers and elevates aspiring and existing women leaders in education.

As a leadership consultant, Vivienne supports school and trust leaders with vision, strategy, professional learning and development, impact evaluation and DEIJ and she is also a coach and holds several governance roles. Vivienne is a former secondary headteacher and Vice President of the Chartered College of Teaching as well as Director for School Partnerships at University College London, Institute of Education.

She writes for practitioner and academic journals and is co-editor of 10% Braver: Inspiring Women to Lead Education (Sage, 2019) and Being 10% Braver (Sage/Corwin, 2021).

Table of Contents

Part 1: Braver in the workplace

Chapter 1: Being 10% braver in Higher Education

Chapter 2: Coffee, Calpol and co-headship

Chapter 3: Taking the heat out of the menopause in the workplace

Chapter 4: Learning to dance in the rain

Chapter 5: Dynamic part-time leadership

Chapter 6: Making middle leadership count

Chapter 7: Being a woman and a leader with a disability

Chapter 8: Investing in ourselves as leaders: a guilty pleasure?

Part 2: Advocating for others

Chapter 9: When your partner is a female leader

Chapter 10: Stand by all women

Chapter 11: If there isn’t a seat around the table, be the one who buys the chairs

Chapter 12: What governors can do to build inclusive workplaces

Part 3: Braving the change

Chapter 13: Retirement is not a dirty word

Chapter 14: Returning to teaching and leadership after illness

Chapter 15: Being an international school leader

Chapter 16: A small fish in a big pond: educational leadership outside of a school environment

Chapter 17: Overcoming the challenges of a woman leader with a disability in education

Part 4: Daring to be different

Chapter 18: Being taken seriously as a young leader: Can I see your ID?

Chapter 19: Why it’s ‘in’ to be an introverted leader?

Chapter 20: Let me take you on a journey…

Chapter 21: Walking Gaily Forward

Part 5: Owning our bravery

Chapter 22: Brave vulnerability

Chapter 23: Being comfortable and authentic as an LGBT+ leader and role model

Chapter 24: Asylum

Chapter 25: Slaying the dragon of imposter syndrome

Chapter 26: Moving mindsets and failing forward

Part 6: Tackling an unfair system

Chapter 27: We can’t be what we can’t see: Make sure you’re not the one blocking the view

Chapter 28: What to do if you find yourself working for a bully

Chapter 29: Pregnant and screwed

Chapter 30: Dealing with the motherhood penalty as a leader

Chapter 31: Time to say goodbye

Chapter 32: Inspiring the future

Price: $32.00
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.