Becoming a Great Teacher of Reading

Achieving High Rapid Reading Gains With Powerful, Differentiated Strategies
First Edition
By: Marie Carbo

Use this "failure-free" approach to improve test scores and help all students enjoy reading!

This powerful book pairs identification of each learner's unique reading style with research-based, differentiated strategies to achieve success for both fluent and low-performing readers in all classrooms. The author includes practical assistance for diverse learners and offers recommendations to help teachers:

  • Close the academic gap by focusing on learning strengths
  • Increase readers' confidence and creativity
  • Accommodate students with special needs
  • Meet NCLB, Title I, and Reading First requirements
  • Use reading labs with older students
  • Nurture a love of reading

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781412936422
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2007
  • Page Count: 248
  • Publication date: June 19, 2007
Price: $41.95
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Use this "failure-free" approach to improve test scores and help all students enjoy reading!

Are you looking for strategies that make learning to read easier and more fun for your students while bringing about significant increases in their performance results? Literacy expert Marie Carbo pairs identifying each learner's unique reading style with a wide range of differentiated strategies to help all learners experience greater reading success.

Using these research-based methods, both novice and experienced teachers can increase reading achievement with all learners, including those who are at-risk, older, or have special needs, as well as English Language Learners. The author offers practical assistance for implementing strategies that meet the requirements of NCLB, Title I, Reading First, and many state initiatives. This teacher-friendly resource includes recommendations for:

  • Closing the academic gap by focusing on learning strengths
  • Increasing readers' confidence and creativity
  • Accommodating students with special needs
  • Using reading labs with older students

A powerful tool for nurturing a love of reading, Becoming a Great Teacher of Reading not only strengthens students' reading comprehension and increases their reading motivation and enjoyment, but also helps ensure their continuing academic success.

Key features

  • Offers research-based classroom strategies based onidentifying and teaching to students' natural strengths
  • Incorporates methods thathaveproduced high reading gains among both fluent and low-performing readers
  • Explains how to implement strategies thathave been identified by the U.S. Department of Education as meeting the requirements of NCLB, Title I, Reading First, as well as many state initiatives
  • Shows how strategies can help reduce discipline problems and reading anxieties and increase confidence and creativity
  • Includes specific strategies for at-risk readers, older readers, diverse readers, and all learners who can benefit from a "failure-free learning" approach to reading instruction


Marie Carbo photo

Marie Carbo

Marie Carbo began her career as an elementary and learning disabilities teacher, during which time her underachieving students attained unprecedented gains in reading. Her keen sense of what students need to succeed and how to make learning enjoyable guide her eminently practical approaches—all of which have from the beginning been thoroughly grounded in research. Award-winning research, shaped by an understanding of the demands of classroom practice, is the hallmark of Marie’s career. Her doctoral dissertation received ASCD’s First National Dissertation Award, and the Carbo Reading Styles Program has been named an effective, research-based reading program that improves students’ reading achievement by the National Staff Development Council, the NEA, the Education Commission of the States, the Northwest Regional Labs (sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education), and the Milken Foundation. Finally, in an ASCD Infobrief on reading, Marie’s research was named one of the 20 most important events in reading education in the last 200 years.

Marie is the founder and executive director of the National Reading Styles Institute, which has empowered tens of thousands of educators nationwide to greatly improve reading instruction through on-site training, conferences, seminars, a Web site and a network of model schools. Over the past decade, implementation of the Carbo Reading Styles Program (CRSP) has resulted in high gains in reading achievement and motivation, especially with students in the bottom third. Marie has keynoted many national conferences, as well as the National Reading Styles Conference, and has served as consultant, nationally and internationally, for the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), Phi Delta Kappa, state education departments, universities, school districts, and corporations. Her work has been published in nearly every major education journal, including The Reading Teacher, Teaching Exceptional Children, Exceptional Children, Phi Delta Kappan, and Educational Leadership. She has written three ground-breaking books, including What Every Principal Should Know About Teaching Reading, and is currently writing three books for Corwin Press. Marie may be reached at the Carbo Reading Styles Institute, P.O. Box 737, Syosset, NY 11791; by calling 800-331-3117; and by email at marie@nrsi.com. Her Website is www.nrsi.com.

Table of Contents


About the Author


1. Believe All Students Can Learn

2. Understand 12 Guiding Principles

3. Focus on Comprehension and Enjoyment

4. Identify Natural Strengths

5. Teach to Natural Strengths

6. Use the Continuum of Assisted Reading Methods

7. Use the Carbo Recording Method

8. Provide Opportunities for Active Learning

9. Design Student-Responsive Environments

10. Reduce Visual Dyslexia

11. Accommodate Students With Special Needs

12. Prepare Students for Tests

Epilogue. Becoming a Great Teacher of Reading

Appendix A. Glossary

Appendix B. U.S. Reading Achievement

Appendix C. Reading Styles Research

Appendix D. Learning Styles Research

Appendix E. Reading Style Inventory




Price: $41.95
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