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131 Results found Showing 1-12 results

Aida Allen-Rotell
FACULTYAida Allen-Rotell, MA, is currently a full-time professional learning consultant for Corwin and a teaching clinician. She was previously a bilingual teacher in an elementary school, where she taught grades K-6 for 15 years, as well as a high school special educator, academic coach, coordinator of services for multilingual learners, and administrator. She holds teaching and administrative services credentials in California and earned her master’s degree in education from San Diego State University. She led efforts to improve student learning, which resulted in her school earning academic distinction for impacting the lives of students living in poverty, becoming a Visible Learning+ Gold Certified school, and improving academic language for multilingual learners. She also served as an advisor to many high school clubs, was the student government advisor, and led students to championships for 10 years in Health Occupations Students Association (HOSA) competitions. She is dedicated to developing teacher and leadership mindsets for diverse learning populations. Aida is the co-author of PLC+: A Playbook for Instructional Leaders.

Olivia Amador Valerio
FACULTYOlivia Amador Valerio, EdD, was a bilingual teacher in an elementary school, as well as a principal, in San Diego. She holds teaching and administrative services credentials in California and earned her doctoral degree in educational leadership from San Diego State University. One of her most notable accomplishments while she served as a principal with the Chula Vista Elementary School District was receiving the National Center for Urban School Transformation (NCUST) Gold award for impact on student learning. Olivia focuses her efforts on improving teacher clarity and ensuring that all students have access to high-quality instructional experiences. Olivia is a co-author of The Teacher Clarity Playbook. She is currently a full-time professional learning consultant for Corwin.

Kierstan Barbee
FACULTYKierstan Barbee, EdD, is a full-time consultant with Corwin. She most recently served as a project manager of assessment for learning in Dallas Independent School District, which involved creating system-wide professional learning programming for central staff and campuses that promoted the spread of research-based practices. Through an emphasis on relationship-building and human-centered design principles, Kierstan has coached PreK-12 principals, teachers, and district leaders on pedagogical practices that promote equity and student agency. She also previously served as a secondary English Language Arts teacher, academic coach, and professional development supervisor. She holds teaching credentials in Texas and earned her master’s degree from Harvard University and her doctoral degree in educational leadership and literacy from University of Houston.

Toni Faddis
FACULTYToni Faddis, EdD, is a Corwin author and full-time professional learning consultant. Toni was previously a bilingual teacher and Reading Recovery specialist in elementary and middle schools, as well as a principal in San Diego. In addition, Toni served as a district central office leader responsible for equity, access, and leadership development throughout the largest elementary school district in California. She holds teaching and administrative services credentials in California and earned her doctoral degree in educational leadership from San Diego State University. Toni also mentors and coaches current and aspiring school leaders in the Educational Leadership Department at San Diego State University. Toni is the co-author of PLC+: A Playbook for Instructional Leaders, Collaborating Through Collective Efficacy Cycles, and The Ethical Line.

Sonja Hollins-Alexander
FACULTYSonja Hollins-Alexander is the associate vice president, content advisor, and scholar for Corwin Publishing. She has been in the field of education and publishing for thirty years with sixteen of those being in educational leadership at the school, district, and higher education levels, and eight of those being in educational consulting and publishing. During this time, she has served as a school social worker, teacher, assistant principal, principal, coordinator, director of professional learning, and chief of staff, serving in two Metro Atlanta, Georgia, school districts. She continued her profession beyond K–12 as a senior consultant for professional development firms and independently. She has also served on numerous United Way nonprofit boards and served as the board president for Learning Forward Georgia and as a member of the National Affiliate Leadership Council for Learning Forward.Through her professional journey, she has had experiences in strategic planning, policy development, stakeholder communication and engagement, instructional and curriculum design, facilitation of adult learning strategy, executive leadership coaching, and conference fFacilitation and design, and has served on numerous quality assurance teams with Cognia school accreditation and certification organization. She is a Corwin author of Online Professional Development Through Virtual Learning Communities and coauthor of Collective Equity.Sonja holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology, a master’s degree in social work, a teaching certificate in middle grades language arts, a specialist’s degree in educational administration and leadership, and a doctorate degree in curriculum and instruction. She is committed to partner engagement and implementation of evidence-informed sustained professional learning services that positively impact teaching and learning—not by chance but by design.

Nicole Law
FACULTYNicole Law, PhD, author consultant presents in the areas of leadership, professional learning communities, culturally responsive pedagogy, educating multilingual learners, and multidimensional aspects for Visible Learning. In addition, she has served as a curriculum coordinator for English language learners, cultural responsivity, AVID (Advancement via Individual Determination), district equity, and mathematics and science instruction in the Metropolitan School District of Wayne Township in Indianapolis, Indiana. In this position, Nicole created multilayered and multifaceted professional learning for teachers and administrators covering all aspects of directed programs and curricular areas. In 2008, Nicole received the National Milken Award from the state of Indiana. Prior to her leadership role, Nicole was a science teacher, administrator, and a building principal. She has an MEd in elementary administration and supervision from Butler University and a PhD from Indiana State University. Nicole is the coauthor of Collective Equity: A Movement for Creating Communities Where We Can All Breathe andComprehension: The Skill, Will, and Thrill of Reading. She is also the coauthor of The Reflective Leader: Implementing a MultidimensionalLeadership Performance System.

Heath Peine
FACULTYHeath Peine, M.S., is a dynamic educational consultant committed to supporting students, teachers, and leaders. With a rich background spanning elementary to secondary education, Heath has served diverse urban, suburban, and rural districts in roles such as teacher, district-level instructional coach, building administrator, and in district leadership positions, including director of special education and assistant superintendent.Instructional coaching and professional learning are central focuses for Heath. As a district-level coach, he specialized in addressing K-12 needs in math, reading, and behavior. In his leadership roles, he expanded his focus to coaching principals and directors, later serving as an instructional coaching director to enhance coaching practices district-wide. Heath has led initiatives implementing Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and Multi-tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) in multiple districts, resulting in significant improvements, including state recognition for one elementary school's outstanding achievement despite challenging conditions.Currently, Heath offers his expertise as a sought-after consultant, specializing in Visible Learning+, PLC+, Teacher Clarity, How Leadership Works, and more. His engaging presentations and workshops inspire change and drive success for educators and leaders nationwide. Heath is dedicated to empowering educators to reach their full potential and fostering collaborative, inclusive learning environments

Tommy Thompson
FACULTYTommy Thompson, MA, is an award-winning principal who has been recognized for leading turnaround efforts that transformed a “failing” school into a nationally recognized school. He has also been recognized at the state level and called upon to share best practices that have yielded gains in every metric currently used to assess school effectiveness. In addition to blogging for Corwin Connect, Tommy has been featured in or contributed to several publications, such as Leading Collective Efficacy, Everyday Courage for School Leaders, and Rigorous Curriculum Design. Tommy began his career as a social studies teacher and served as a special education department chairperson prior to leading schools for nearly 20 years.

Kim West
FACULTYKim West M.Ed., is a full-time Corwin faculty member. Previously, she was the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP) Coordinator at Kramer Elementary in the Dallas Independent School District for 8 years. Kim began her career over 27 years ago as a fourth-grade self-contained teacher, then transitioned to teaching math and science in second through sixth grades for the next 15 years. She was a math instructional coach for four years before becoming the PYP coordinator and administrator at Kramer. Kim has an MA in Curriculum and Instruction with a focus in mathematics and science. She is enthusiastic about empowering educators to create agentic learning environments that foster student agency, efficacy, and academic growth.

Willie Adams
Willie Adams, a certified Corwin consultant since 2018, has over 25 years of experience in the field of education, serving in various roles such as teacher and administrator in schools, non-profit organizations, and educational programs. Before becoming a consultant, Willie developed and implemented innovative strategies that significantly improved student efficacy and family engagement. His engaging and enthusiastic approach to teaching, coaching, and facilitating learning communities has made a significant impact and helps in designing and implementing practices that cater to diverse student needs, foster cultural understanding, and adhere to the values and mission of the learning community.

Nancy Akhavan
Dr. Nancy Akhavan has spent more than 30 years as an educator and consultant. Her work focuses on student support through literacy instruction and intervention, English Language Development, leadership development and organizational systems to increase student achievement. Currently, she is an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership at Fresno State. She is the founder of Nancy Akhavan Consulting, Inc. Dr. Akhavan has been a bilingual teacher, principal of three schools, and a district administrator of a large urban district for ELA, Math, Social Studies, Science and World Languages. She also served as Assistant Superintendent Secondary Division in a large urban school district. Dr. Akhavan is recognized for her expertise in teaching literacy practices and has published twelve books that focus on instruction that increases student achievement, and has worked with districts and county offices in multiple states and internationally to increase student achievement in reading, writing, and in content areas.

Broc Arnaiz
Broc Arnaiz is currently the Vice Principal and Director of Community Schools and Services for Health Sciences High and Middle College in San Diego, California. He serves as the Community Engagement Liaison and aids in the development and management of community organizations within the local area to impact student experiences and advocacy. He also serves as the College and CTE Pathway Coordinator where he oversees the development of college course offerings, monitors student achievement, and manages the organizational relationships connected to the CTE Pathways Program including hospitals, emergency services, and other educational institutions.