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Assisting Students With Disabilities

A Handbook for School Counselors
Second Edition
By: Julie P. Baumberger, Ruth E. Harper

Improve counseling service delivery to students with special needs!

This new edition revisits the important role that school counselors play in the personal, social, academic, and career development of students with disabilities, couched in the context of NCLB, the reauthorized IDEA, and the ASCA National Model. Revised throughout, this essential handbook provides:

  • Clear explanations of changes shaping the legal context for working with students with disabilities
  • Tips for identifying students eligible for special services
  • Guidelines for designing appropriate interventions collaboratively with other school staff and parents
  • Strategies for integrating the needs of individual students in comprehensive school counseling programs

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-12
  • ISBN: 9781412941822
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2006
  • Page Count: 160
  • Publication date: December 28, 2006
Price: $31.95
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"An excellent resource for anyone who supports students with disabilities. This complex subject is made practical and the TREAT model provides a great outline for solutions. I recommend this book as a road map to help students make successful transitions from grade to grade and beyond."
—Gary G. Gibson, Counselor/LD Specialist, Virginia Western Community College

Improve counseling service delivery to students with special needs!

Couched in the context of NCLB, the reauthorized IDEA, and the ASCA National Model, this essential handbook revisits the important role that school counselors play in the personal, social, academic, and career development of students with disabilities. Revised throughout, this new edition provides:

  • Clear explanations of changes shaping the legal context for working with students with disabilities
  • Tips for observing and gathering data on students who may be eligible for special services, as well as matching data with appropriate interventions
  • Guidelines for designing services collaboratively with other school staff and parents
  • Strategies for integrating the needs of individual students in comprehensive school counseling programs

The book's concluding chapters offer countless strategies for working with families of students with special needs, as well as suggestions for connecting professional school counseling practice with advocacy and systemic change. All school counselors feeling the weight of accountability will welcome this guide to help them meet the needs of students with disabilities proactively with enthusiasm, hope, and a renewed sense of competence.

Key features

  • Updated information that connects IDEA (2004), NCLB, and the ASCA National Model
  • Revised case studies to reflect current best practice and diversity in schools
  • More strategies for working with parents and families
  • Easy-to-follow guidelines for developing IEP plans with other multidisciplinary team members
  • Updated references and websites


Julie P. Baumberger photo

Julie P. Baumberger

Julie P. Baumberger is an associate professor at the Ross School of Medicine (Dominica, West Indies), where she has a joint appointment in the Department of Behavioral Sciences and the Counseling Center. She also teaches for Capella University in the Harold Abel School of Psychology. As a licensed professional counselor, psychological examiner, and school counselor, Dr. Baumberger worked for many years as a school counselor in both elementary and secondary schools. She later maintained a private practice counseling children, youth, and adults. Her current research and scholarly interests include youth and adults with disabilities, school counselor preparation, and mental health issues of young adults pursuing medical education.
Ruth E. Harper photo

Ruth E. Harper

Ruth E. Harper is Professor of Counseling and Human Resource Development at South Dakota State University, where she coordinates the college student personnel track. Harper has been a counselor and administrator at the postsecondary level for many years. Harper’s research and writing focuses on college student mental health issues, American Indian college students, and career counseling.

Table of Contents

Foreword by Jay Trenhaile



About the Authors

1. The Legal Context for Working With Students With Disabilities

The Individuals with Disabilities Educational Improvement Act (IDEA)

Section 504

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act

Additional Laws Affecting Schools and School Counselors

When Parents, Students, and School Personnel Disagree

Concluding Comments

2. Specific Learning Disabilities and the School Counselor's Role

Students With Specific Learning Disabilities: A Heterogeneous Group

Learning Disabilities and Risk Factors

Prereferral Activities

Concluding Comments

3. Knowing the Whole Child

Gathering Data About the Child

Observation and Assessment Tools

Reporting Findings

Concluding Comments

4. Matching Data With Appropriate Interventions

The TREAT Model

Theories and Concepts



Adjunct Services and Supplemental Aids

Treatable Goals

Concluding Comments

5. Building a Structure for Success

Identifying the Affected Skill or Curriculum Area

Realistic and Measurable Goals

Writing SMART Goals

Career-Related Goals

Life-Skills Goals

Concluding Comments

6. Forming Partnerships With Families

Parents and Families as Equal Partners

Family Functioning

Making Parents Feel Welcome

Earning Parents' Trust

Adapting Your Style

Reasons Parents React Differently


Working With the Siblings of Children With Disabilities

Family Diversity

Concluding Comments

7. Making a Difference in the Wider Circle of Caring



Collaboration and Teaming

Systemic Change--Beginning With YOU

Concluding Comments

Resource A: Professional Organizations

Resource B: ASCA Position Statement on the Professional School Counselor and Students With Special Needs

Resource C: ASCA's Ethical Standards for School Counselors


Suggested Readings



Price: $31.95
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