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Updated Edition of Bestseller

Assessment Essentials for Standards-Based Education

Second Edition
By: James H. McMillan

Proven techniques for integrating assessment with teaching and learning!

This user-friendly resource shows teachers and administrators how to incorporate the assessment process with teaching and learning to reveal what students know and what to teach next. This second edition of Essential Assessment Concepts for Teachers and Administrators features two new chapters covering different assessment techniques and methods and grading practices in the context of standards-based education. The author discusses principles of testing, including validity, reliability, and fairness, and helps educators:

  • Develop high-quality summative and formative assessments 
  • Understand and use data to improve assessment and learning
  • Prepare students for state and national standardized tests

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9781412955515
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2008
  • Page Count: 176
  • Publication date: April 08, 2008
Price: $34.95
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Proven techniques for integrating assessment with teaching and learning!

Demonstrating how to use assessment successfully to achieve broad educational goals, this user-friendly resource helps teachers, administrators, and other school personnel understand how to apply essential assessment concepts in their schools. In this updated guide, James H. McMillan offers examples from K–12 classrooms and illustrates how educators can create the critical feedback loop that reveals what students know, what to teach next, and which methods best assess student learning.

The second edition of Essential Assessment Concepts for Teachers and Administrators shows teachers how to effectively incorporate the assessment process with teaching and learning for both classroom-focused assessments and externally mandated standardized tests. The author discusses the principles of testing, including validity, reliability, and fairness, and helps educators

  • Develop high-quality summative and formative assessments
  • Understand and use data to improve assessment and learning
  • Prepare students for state and national standardized tests

AssessmentEssentials for Standards-Based Education, Second Edition features two new chapters covering different assessment techniques and methods—including constructed-response and closed-end assessments—and grading practices in the context of standards-based education.


James H. McMillan photo

James H. McMillan

James H. McMillan is Professor and Chair of the Department of Foundations of Education at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia, where he teaches educational research and assessment courses and directs the Research and Evaluation Track of the PhD in Education program. He is also Executive Director of the Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium, a partnership of Virginia Commonwealth University and eight Richmond-area school divisions that conducts and disseminates applied research. His current research interests include classroom and large-scale formative assessment. He has recently published the fifth edition of Classroom Assessment: Principles and Practice for Effective Standards-Based Instruction and edited Formative Classroom Assessment: Theory into Practice. He has authored three educational research methods textbooks and published numerous articles in journals, including the American Educational Research Journal, the Journal of Educational Psychology, Contemporary Educational Psychology, and Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice.

Table of Contents


About the Author

1. Integrated Assessment With Teaching and Learning

2. Validity

3. Reliability

4. Fairness

5. Assessment Methods, Items, and Techniques

6. Understanding and Using Numerical Data

7. Interpreting and Using National and State Large-Scale and Standardized Tests

8. Grading




Price: $34.95
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.