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Arguing From Evidence in Middle School Science

24 Activities for Productive Talk and Deeper Learning
Use these 24 ready-to-implement, NGSS-aligned activities drawn from the physical sciences, life sciences, and earth and space sciences to effectively spark rich, scientifically sound discourse.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: 5-8
  • ISBN: 9781506335940
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2016
  • Page Count: 280
  • Publication date: September 15, 2016
Price: $40.95
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Teaching your students to think like scientists starts here!

If you’ve ever struggled to help students make scientific arguments from evidence, this practical, easy-to-use activity book is for you! Give your students the critical scientific practice today's science standards require. You’ll discover strategies and activities to effectively engage students in arguments about competing data sets, opposing scientific ideas, applying evidence to support specific claims, and more.

24 ready-to-implement activities drawn from the physical sciences, life sciences, and earth and space sciences help teachers to:

  • Align lessons to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
  • Engage students in the 8 NGSS science and engineering practices
  • Establish rich, productive classroom discourse
  • Facilitate reading and writing strategies that align to the Common Core State Standards
  • Extend and employ argumentation and modeling strategies
  • Clarify the difference between argumentation and explanation

Includes assessment guidance and extension activities. Learn to teach the rational side of science the fun way with this simple and straightforward guide!

Table of Contents




Chapter 1- What Is Argumentation and Why Does It Matter in the Teaching of Science?

Chapter 2- How Can I Support Scientific Argumentation in My Classroom?

Chapter 3- How Can I Make Argumentation in the Classroom Productive and Support Deeper Learning?


Chapter 4- Earth and Space Sciences

1. What’s the Difference Between One Rock and Another?

2. Were the Continents Once One?

3. What Has Caused Global Warming?

4. Why Does the Moon Appear to Change Shape?

5. Can the Sun or Moon Disappear?

6. Why Is It Warmer in Summer and Cooler in Winter?

7. How Big and Far Away Are the Planets?

8. Why Do Planets Orbit the Sun?

Chapter 5- Life Sciences

9. Why Are Do Leaves Have Different Shapes?

10. What Is Happening to Pteropods?

11. What Factors Affect the Number of Moose on Isle Royale?

12. Should We Reintroduce the Wolf to Isle Royale?

13. Is Rotifer Reproduction Sexual or Asexual?

14. Why Don’t Lions Have Stripes?

15. How Do You Design a Test of Evolutionary Theory?

16. What Is Killing the Cats in Warner County?

Chapter 6- Physical Sciences

17. How Do Forces Affect the Way an Object Moves?

18. Is There Gravity Beyond the Earth?

19. What Has Energy Got to Do With Movement?

20. If You Fall From a Plane, Will You Go Faster and Faster?

21. Two Models to Explain the Behavior of Matter—Which Is the Best?

22. What Particle Model for Boiling Water Fits Best With the Evidence?

23. Is Matter Always Conserved?

24. Where Oh Where Have the Atoms Gone?

References and Further Resources


About the Authors





Price: $40.95
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Review Copies

Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.

Related Resources

  • Access to companion resources is available with the purchase of this book.