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Addressing Test Anxiety in a High-Stakes Environment
Strategies for Classrooms and Schools
What can we do about test anxiety that will help our students?
Testing has become more extensive and more consequential at every level. The higher the stakes on tests, the greater the concern about the presence and effects of test anxiety. This practical resource provides explanations, suggestions, and recommendations for addressing test anxiety, including:
- A glossary of assessment and measurement terms
- Current research findings and which students are most likely affected
- Information on the prevalence and effects of test anxiety
- Suggestions on how to control test anxiety
- Situations in which test anxiety can be helpful
Product Details
- Grade Level: PreK-12
- ISBN: 9781412908900
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2005
- Page Count: 192
- Publication date: July 15, 2005
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