Hands-on, Practical Guidance for Educators
From math,
literacy, equity, multilingual learners, and SEL, to assessment, school counseling,
and education leadership, our books are research-based and authored by experts
on topics most relevant to what educators are facing today.
A Culturally Proficient Society Begins in School
Leadership for Equity
Foreword by Thelma Meléndez de Santa Ana
Featuring Conversations With Randall B. Lindsey and Stephanie M. Graham
Three Latina superintendents tell their stories, discuss how to educate all students, and share their vision to transform schools into places of equity and excellence.
Product Details
- Grade Level: K-12
- ISBN: 9781412986533
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2011
- Page Count: 208
- Publication date: September 16, 2011
Review Copies
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