Updated Edition of Bestseller
2 Million Children
Success for All
Second Edition
A proven and powerful model for elementary school literacy!
Significantly updated, this enlightening book outlines a breakthrough approach for school literacy based on the strategies of Success for All, an acclaimed educational reform program that has benefited more than 2 million children. In this updated edition of One Million Children, principals and teachers will find:
- Reading curricula for elementary and middle school levels, with supplemental information on writing and math
- Guidance to develop students' readiness to learn through preschool and kindergarten programs
- Advice on effective interventions, including using multidisciplinary Solutions Teams and individualized tutoring programs
- New adaptations for English language learners
Product Details
- Grade Level: K-8
- ISBN: 9781412953085
- Published By: Corwin
- Year: 2008
- Page Count: 408
- Publication date: December 11, 2008
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