122 Ways to Build Teams

Second Edition
By: Carol Scearce

Foreword by Lawrence W. Lezotte

The busy leader's easy-to-use resource for successful team building!

This second edition offers a wealth of practical team-building strategies for developing trust, establishing a team mission, managing team development, and celebrating successes. Two comprehensive new chapters focus on developing meeting agendas and using problem-solving processes. Offering vignettes and examples, this practical reference also helps school leaders: 

  • Understand the four stages of team building
  • Utilize strategies that range from "simple to use" to "for the committed"
  • Facilitate more productive team-building sessions

Full description

Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-12
  • ISBN: 9781412944595
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2007
  • Page Count: 264
  • Publication date: April 15, 2007
Price: $41.95
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"New and veteran leaders who plan professional development or facilitate collaborative group work will find a tool kit of practical process strategies that work!"
—Jan Rozzelle, Executive Director
School Leadership Institute, The College of William and Mary

"Everything you need is in this book. Activities and processes are so clearly explained and easy to follow that educators can adopt the ideas and use them over and over again! A must for teachers, administrators, and professional developers."
—Margaret Hable, Educational Consultant

The busy leader's easy-to-use resource for successful team building!

Tapping into a school's potential for change begins with creating teams that are well organized and committed to sustainable results. This guidebook offers school leaders a wealth of practical team-building strategies for developing trust, establishing a team mission, leading and managing team meetings, and celebrating successes.

Team-building consultant Carol Scearce presents an easy-to-use format in an updated edition that includes:

  • Two new chapters on agenda design and problem-solving processes
  • Techniques for facilitating more productive team-building sessions
  • Strategy levels from "simple to use" to "for the committed"
  • Vignettes and examples in each chapter

Find out how to move your team members from "brainstorming" to "performing" by implementing team processes that can create lasting change in your school!

Key features

  • Offers an easy-to-use format that is perfect for busy leaders
  • Identifies strategies at three levels from "simple to use" to "for the committed"
  • Discusses the four stages of team building
  • Provides numerous vignettes and examples
  • Covers all the major topics in team building


Carol Scearce photo

Carol Scearce

Carol Scearce is president of Enlightening Enterprises and a professional educational consultant who has taught K–12 general education and special education classes, served as director of staff development for a large school district, and also taught at the university level. Scearce has received the Outstanding Special Educator of the Year award and has been nominated for Who's Who In Education and Who's Who In Staff Development. She is a regular presenter at national conferences for ASCD, NSDC, the Brain Expo, the Council for Exceptional Children, and Title I schools, and has conducted over a 1,000 workshops.

Table of Contents




About the Author


1. Trust Building

Simple Things To Do: Trust Me, The Check Is in the Mail

Things That Take Effort: You Can Depend On Me

For the Committed: People Who Need People Are the Luckiest People

2. Mission Making

Simple Things To Do: Up, Up, and Away

Things That Take Effort: Let’s Do It Together

For the Committed: I Believe

3. Discovering Leadership

Simple Things To Do: It Takes Two to Tango

Things That Take Effort: The Power of One

For the Committed: A Great Visionary

4. Establishing Roles and Responsibilities

Simple Things To Do: Turn This Thing Around

Things That Take Effort: High Hopes

For the Committed: If They Could See Me Now!

5. Code of Conduct

Simple Things To Do: I Just Dropped In to See What Condition My Condition Was In

Things That Take Effort: Putting It Together

For the Committed: Only the Strong Survive

6. Managing Meetings

Simple Things To Do: What Kind of Fool Am I?

Things That Take Effort: The Great Pretender

For the Committed: It Makes Me Want to Shout!

7. Creating Agendas

Simple Things To Do: What’s Up Doc?

Things That Take Effort: Out To Lunch

For The Committed: This Is My Final Answer

8. Using Process

Simple Things To Do: World War III

Things That Take Effort: Me Too!

For the Committed: Oops

9. Giving and Receiving Feedback

Simple Things To Do: I Really Don’t Want To Know

Things That Take Effort: The First Cut Is the Deepest

For the Committed: I’m on the Outside Looking In

10. Celebrating Successes

Simple Things To Do: Celebration . . . Come On!

Things That Take Effort: You’re My Soul and My Inspiration

For the Committed: Twist and Shout!

11. Resisters You Will See

Final Note



Price: $41.95
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