100 Brain-Friendly Lessons for Unforgettable Teaching and Learning (K-8)

Bestselling author and renowned educator and consultant Marcia Tate provides teachers with ready-to-use lesson plans that take advantage of the way that students really learn.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: K-8
  • ISBN: 9781544381572
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Year: 2019
  • Page Count: 360
  • Publication date: July 31, 2019
Price: $42.95
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Use research- and brain-based teaching to engage students and maximize learning

Lessons should be memorable and engaging. When they are, student achievement increases, behavior problems decrease, and teaching and learning are fun! In 100 Brain-Friendly Lessons for Unforgettable Teaching and Learning K-8, best-selling author and renowned educator and consultant Marcia Tate takes her bestselling Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendrites one step further by providing teachers with ready-to-use lesson plans that take advantage of the way that students really learn. Readers will find

  • 100 cross-curricular sample lessons from each of the four major content areas: English/language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.
  • Plans designed around the most frequently taught objectives found in national and international curricula.
  • Lessons educators can immediately replicate in their own classrooms or use to develop their own.
  • 20 brain-compatible, research-based instructional strategies that work for all learners.
  • Five questions that teachers should ask and answer when planning brain-compatible lessons and an in-depth explanation of each of the questions.
  • Guidance on building relationships with students that enable them to learn at optimal levels.

It is a wonderful time to be a teacher! This hands-on resource will show you how to use what we know about educational neuroscience to transform your classroom into a place where success if accessible for all.


Marcia L. Tate photo

Marcia L. Tate

Marcia L. Tate, EdD, is the former executive director of professional development for the DeKalb County School System in Decatur, Georgia. During her thirty-year career with the district, she has been a classroom teacher, reading specialist, language arts coordinator, and staff development executive director.

Marcia is currently an educational consultant and has taught over 500,000 administrators, teachers, parents, and business and community leaders throughout the world. She is the author of the eight books in the best-selling Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendrites series and four additional books: Formative Assessment in a Brain-Compatible Classroom: How Do We Really Know They’re Learning?, 100 Brain-Friendly Lessons for Unforgettable Teaching and Learning K–8, and 100 Brain-Friendly Lessons for Unforgettable Teaching and Learning 9–12, and her latest book, Healthy Teachers, Happy Classrooms that is designed to address both the personal and professional lives of all educators. Participants in her workshops refer to them as some of the best ones they have ever experienced since Marcia uses the twenty strategies outlined in her books to actively engage her audiences.

Marcia received her bachelor’s degree in psychology and elementary education from Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia. She earned her master’s degree in remedial reading from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, her specialist degree in educational leadership from Georgia State University, and her doctorate in educational leadership from Clark Atlanta University.

Marcia is married to Tyrone Tate and is the proud mother of three children: Jennifer, Jessica, and Christopher, and nine grandchildren: Christian, Aidan, Maxwell, Aaron, Roman, Shiloh, Aya, Noah, and Alyssa.

Marcia and her husband own the company Developing Minds, Inc. and can be contacted by calling the company at (770) 918-5039, emailing her at marciata@ bellsouth.net, or by visiting her website at www.developingmindsinc.com. You can also follow her on Twitter and Instagram at @DrMarciaTate.

Table of Contents


About the Author

About the Contributing Authors


Chapter 1: A Classroom Climate Conducive to Learning

Chapter 2: Instructional Strategies That Work!

Chapter 3: A Brain-Compatible Lesson

Chapter 4: 25 Sample Language Arts/English Lessons

Grades K–2

Grades 3–5

Grades 6–8

Literary Texts That Teach Story Elements and Skills

Reading Websites

Chapter 5: 25 Sample Mathematics Lessons

Grades K–2

Grades 3–5

Grades 6–8

Chapter 6: 25 Sample Science Lessons

Grades K–2

Grades 3–5

Grades 6–8

Chapter 7: 25 Sample Social Studies Lessons

Grades K–2

Grades 3–5

Grades 6–8

Resource: Lesson Plan Template



Price: $42.95
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Review copies may be requested by individuals planning to purchase 10 or more copies for a team or considering a book for adoption in a higher ed course. To request a review copy, contact sales@corwin.com.

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