
Conflicts and Resolutions
The controversial issue of ability grouping is addressed in this book. Though one of the major themes of the restructuring debate in education is the heterogeneous grouping of students, teachers argue that to expect students to read at a higher level than that at which they are capable is detrimental. The author poses key questions in this debate, and presents all sides of the issue through interviews with recognized experts in education.

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Product Details
  • Grade Level: PreK-12
  • ISBN: 9780803962682
  • Published By: Corwin
  • Series: Controversial Issues in Education series
  • Year: 1996
  • Page Count: 80
  • Publication date: September 19, 1996
Price: $23.95
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"This book should be read by anyone who leads a school or district. Insightful, sensitive, and engaging . . . a must read for educators." Kent D. Peterson, Professor, Department of Educational Administration, University of Wisconsin Key elements of the debate over tracking along with real-life accounts of how tracking is working in schools. Five nationally known researchers and practitioners examine the practice and pitfalls of tracking and detracking students. Find out: * When and how detracking is most successful * How to avoid debates about tracking and focus on better curriculum and instruction * Racial/socioeconomic inequalities in tracked systems * How to ensure that academically students are not left floundering and that bright students are challenged This book is designed to stimulate provocative discussions in schools and districts as well as university level education courses. An accessible, clearly written book on one of the most complicated and controversial topics in American education today.


Anne Turnbaugh Lockwood photo

Anne Turnbaugh Lockwood

Anne Turnbaugh Lockwood, is Senior Program Advisor in the Office of Planning and Service Coordination at the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory in Portland, Oregon. A policy analyst, she has worked in settings that range from the Wisconsin Center for Education Research at the University of Wisconsin—Madison, her own consulting business, the American Association of School Administrators in Washington, D.C., and the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory in Portland, OR. She is the author of seven books and over 100 articles on a wide variety of educational issues. Lockwood is a recipient of the Interpretive Scholarship Award of the American Educational Research Association, given for writing that connects research to practice. She has been an Honorary Fellow in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction and in the Wisconsin Center for Education Research, both at the University of Wisconsin—Madison. She holds a PhD in Educational Psychology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Table of Contents

High-Quality Instruction for All

Adam Gamoran

Tracking and American Culture

Reba Neukom Page

Advocating for Inclusive Instruction

Anne Wheelock

From Tracking to High-Quality Heterogeneous Instruction

Roger Genest

Detracking with Democratic Values

Anna Hunderfund

Price: $23.95
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